I spent a “Gilmore Girls”-themed weekend at a hotel in Connecticut. Here is what happened

I had each intention of sampling This feast (especially Since I, as all normal people, to have loved it Melissa McCarthy Never Since She First of all appeared as THE kind chief Sookie on Gilmore Girls), but A last minute painful throat And headache strength Me has Cancel My reservation And spend THE night watching A very meta Gilmore Girls marathon In My hotel bedroom. Would be Rory And Lorelai Never flake on Sookie as This? No, And they certainly wouldn't he watch A to show about themselves, but A) Melissa McCarthy obviously was not Really there waiting For Me (I checked), And B) how can anybody resist goodbye THE episode Or Rory's soft, aspiring rocker best friend way gets drunk with her mean religious Mom After A to break up? I can pretty a lot leap In THE to show Since any of them episode of any of them season has This indicate And know Exactly what is this going on, but IMO, THE more Way, THE better.

All In all, did I need has experience THE Gilmore Girls wrap In order has cement My a decade and a half fandom? Probably not, but he was certainly more amusing that THE Sex And THE City bus tour I took around This time last year - and Frankly, any of them effort that understand coffee And massages East A I am delighted has experience. NOW, if only there had has been A "sit motionless In in front of THE TV while eat food complexion nuances not find In nature" option on THE itinerary, THE spirit of Lorelai Gilmore (not has mention My own) could Really to have has been has rest.

I spent a “Gilmore Girls”-themed weekend at a hotel in Connecticut. Here is what happened

I had each intention of sampling This feast (especially Since I, as all normal people, to have loved it Melissa McCarthy Never Since She First of all appeared as THE kind chief Sookie on Gilmore Girls), but A last minute painful throat And headache strength Me has Cancel My reservation And spend THE night watching A very meta Gilmore Girls marathon In My hotel bedroom. Would be Rory And Lorelai Never flake on Sookie as This? No, And they certainly wouldn't he watch A to show about themselves, but A) Melissa McCarthy obviously was not Really there waiting For Me (I checked), And B) how can anybody resist goodbye THE episode Or Rory's soft, aspiring rocker best friend way gets drunk with her mean religious Mom After A to break up? I can pretty a lot leap In THE to show Since any of them episode of any of them season has This indicate And know Exactly what is this going on, but IMO, THE more Way, THE better.

All In all, did I need has experience THE Gilmore Girls wrap In order has cement My a decade and a half fandom? Probably not, but he was certainly more amusing that THE Sex And THE City bus tour I took around This time last year - and Frankly, any of them effort that understand coffee And massages East A I am delighted has experience. NOW, if only there had has been A "sit motionless In in front of THE TV while eat food complexion nuances not find In nature" option on THE itinerary, THE spirit of Lorelai Gilmore (not has mention My own) could Really to have has been has rest.

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