I tried the new Google. His answers are worse.

To have You heard about THE new Google? They “supercharged” he with artificial intelligence. Either way, that Also do he dumber.

With THE regular old Google, I can ask, "What is this Brand Zuckerberg's net value?" And A reasonable answer pops up: « 169.8 billion USD. »

NOW let's go ask THE even question with THE "experimental" new version of Google research. It is AI answers : Zuckerberg's net value East “$46.24 by hour, Or $96,169 by year. This East equivalent has $8,014 by month, $1,849 by week, And $230.6 million by day. »

Uh, none of those Numbers add upwards.

Google acting silly imported because It is AI East headed has your research earlier Or later. THE business has Already has been essay This new Google — double Research Generative Experience, Or EMS — with volunteers For almost 11 month, And recently begin showing AI answers In THE main Google results even For people WHO to have not opted In has THE test.

Advertisement Jump has END of carousel Should You trust that AI? END of carousel

THE new Google can TO DO a few useful things. But as you go see, he Sometimes Also makes up facts, misinterprets questions, book expired information And just in general talkative on. Even worse, researchers are discovery THE AI often pupil low quality sites as reliable sources of information.

Normally, I wouldn't he goodbye A product that is not it finished. But This test of that of Google future has has been going on For almost A year, And THE choices be do NOW will influence how billion of people get information. HAS bet East Also A heart idea behind THE current AI frenzy: that THE technology vs...

To have You heard about THE new Google? They “supercharged” he with artificial intelligence. Either way, that Also do he dumber.

With THE regular old Google, I can ask, "What is this Brand Zuckerberg's net value?" And A reasonable answer pops up: « 169.8 billion USD. »

NOW let's go ask THE even question with THE "experimental" new version of Google research. It is AI answers : Zuckerberg's net value East “$46.24 by hour, Or $96,169 by year. This East equivalent has $8,014 by month, $1,849 by week, And $230.6 million by day. »

Uh, none of those Numbers add upwards.

Google acting silly imported because It is AI East headed has your research earlier Or later. THE business has Already has been essay This new Google — double Research Generative Experience, Or EMS — with volunteers For almost 11 month, And recently begin showing AI answers In THE main Google results even For people WHO to have not opted In has THE test.

Advertisement Jump has END of carousel Should You trust that AI? END of carousel

THE new Google can TO DO a few useful things. But as you go see, he Sometimes Also makes up facts, misinterprets questions, book expired information And just in general talkative on. Even worse, researchers are discovery THE AI often pupil low quality sites as reliable sources of information.

Normally, I wouldn't he goodbye A product that is not it finished. But This test of that of Google future has has been going on For almost A year, And THE choices be do NOW will influence how billion of people get information. HAS bet East Also A heart idea behind THE current AI frenzy: that THE technology vs...

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