Z-axis infinite printer aims to one day print itself

"THE round East THE only machine tool that can TO DO copies of himself,” Or SO THE saying go. THE reality East more as, "A qualified machinist can to use A round has TO DO a lot of THE rooms necessary has to assemble another round," which East always saying enough A plot by East pretty far disabled THE involvement that towers are self-replicating Machinery. But What about A 3D printer? Could A printer to print A copy of himself?

Not Really, but THE Infinite-Z 3D printer certainly has a few interesting features that We further down THE road has self-replication. As THE name implied, [The sun is shining new printer East A infinity z axis design that basically extrude It is own legs, gradually jacking It is X- And Y axis portico to the top. Each leg East A quarter of A internally threaded tube that commits with pinion gears has increase And lower THE portico. When he come time has to grow THE legs, THE to print head moves In each corner of THE portico And extrude A new section on THE high of each existing leg. THE threaded leg East ready has to use In minutes has increase THE portico has THE following to print level.

THE ultimate aim of This design East has create A printer that can increase It is to print volume enough has to print A copy of himself. HAS This moment he obviously can't to print A practical printer — metal rooms as bearings And trees are always necessary, not has mention things as step by step engines And electronic. But [Sun] seems has think hell be able has solve those problems NOW that THE basic to print volume issue has has been addressed. Indeed, We have seen complex print on site drawings, without assembly compliant mechanisms, And even 3D printed metal rooms Since [Sun] Before, SO he seems well positioned has move This project Before. Were eager has see Or This go.

Z-axis infinite printer aims to one day print itself

"THE round East THE only machine tool that can TO DO copies of himself,” Or SO THE saying go. THE reality East more as, "A qualified machinist can to use A round has TO DO a lot of THE rooms necessary has to assemble another round," which East always saying enough A plot by East pretty far disabled THE involvement that towers are self-replicating Machinery. But What about A 3D printer? Could A printer to print A copy of himself?

Not Really, but THE Infinite-Z 3D printer certainly has a few interesting features that We further down THE road has self-replication. As THE name implied, [The sun is shining new printer East A infinity z axis design that basically extrude It is own legs, gradually jacking It is X- And Y axis portico to the top. Each leg East A quarter of A internally threaded tube that commits with pinion gears has increase And lower THE portico. When he come time has to grow THE legs, THE to print head moves In each corner of THE portico And extrude A new section on THE high of each existing leg. THE threaded leg East ready has to use In minutes has increase THE portico has THE following to print level.

THE ultimate aim of This design East has create A printer that can increase It is to print volume enough has to print A copy of himself. HAS This moment he obviously can't to print A practical printer — metal rooms as bearings And trees are always necessary, not has mention things as step by step engines And electronic. But [Sun] seems has think hell be able has solve those problems NOW that THE basic to print volume issue has has been addressed. Indeed, We have seen complex print on site drawings, without assembly compliant mechanisms, And even 3D printed metal rooms Since [Sun] Before, SO he seems well positioned has move This project Before. Were eager has see Or This go.

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