At Mar-a-Lago, where Trump is in charge

On A recent evening has Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump's sprawling private club In Palm Beach, Florida., A crowd gathered For A event dedicated has Scott LoBaïdo, A artist known For her American flag themed works And, lately, her hagiographic portraits of Asset. Guests suspended out close THE pool nibble on lamb lollipops, shrimp Risotto, skewers, quesadillas And cursors, And while drinking top shelf alcohol. SO they do their path has THE grandiose ballroom, Or a few of LoBaido flattering representations of Asset were suspended, For A screening of "THE Tirelessly Patriot," A documentary about THE artists life And work.

On A recent evening has Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump's sprawling private club In Palm Beach, Florida., A crowd gathered For A event dedicated has Scott LoBaïdo, A artist known For her American flag themed works And, lately, her hagiographic portraits of Asset. Guests suspended out close THE pool nibble on lamb lollipops, shrimp Risotto, skewers, quesadillas And cursors, And while drinking top shelf alcohol. SO they do their path has THE grandiose ballroom, Or a few of LoBaido flattering representations of Asset were suspended, For A screening of "THE Tirelessly Patriot," A documentary about THE artists life And work.

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