Japan's Answer to Seasonal Allergies: A Subsidized Tropical Getaway

TOKYO — Spring East A miserable time For millions of Japanese. A of them East Naoki Shigihara, of which hay fever symptoms TO DO he difficult has to focus has work. Fortunately For him, her employer, A HE business called Aisac, offers A "tropical escape" program, allowing employees has work from a distance Since other rooms of THE country with weak pollen account. He even offers has subsidize THE temporary moving has THE adjust of $1,300.

"I certainly felt THE symptoms going far, And THE do of just be In Okinawa was great," said Shigihara, A 20 years engineer WHO has taken advantage of THE the company flexible Strategies For THE pass two years by to relocate has THE tropical from South Japanese island of Okinawa.

"After future back has Tokyo, My symptoms begin has to get worse Again," he said.

Japan hay fever season, which peaks Since late FEBRUARY has half April, is not it just A nuisance For those WHO spend all spring to sneeze And scratch because of allergies. It is A public health issue that come with A price label on THE Japanese economy as millions of employees autumn sick each spring Since hay fever.


More that 40 percent of THE Japanese population were believed has experience hay fever symptoms as of 2019, according to has THE Japan Company of Immunology, Allergology And Infection In Otorhinolaryngology. That means Japan hay with fever population East proportionally upper that THE global average of ten has 30 percent, according to has THE World Health Organization.

NOW, THE Japanese government And a few companies are socket measures has help relieve THE the allergies effects.

Prime Minister Smoke Kishida last year declared hay fever A "national disease," saying he had "A huge impact on productivity." A investigation of private companies by THE Panasonic Company estimated THE economic losses Since decreases worker productivity during allergy season has $1.5 billion A day.

About 20 percent of Japanese companies are allowing remote work during hay fever season, according to has A investigation by THE Ministry of Economy, Trade And Industry. A few, as Aisac, are even flaking In For THE fresh.

TOKYO — Spring East A miserable time For millions of Japanese. A of them East Naoki Shigihara, of which hay fever symptoms TO DO he difficult has to focus has work. Fortunately For him, her employer, A HE business called Aisac, offers A "tropical escape" program, allowing employees has work from a distance Since other rooms of THE country with weak pollen account. He even offers has subsidize THE temporary moving has THE adjust of $1,300.

"I certainly felt THE symptoms going far, And THE do of just be In Okinawa was great," said Shigihara, A 20 years engineer WHO has taken advantage of THE the company flexible Strategies For THE pass two years by to relocate has THE tropical from South Japanese island of Okinawa.

"After future back has Tokyo, My symptoms begin has to get worse Again," he said.

Japan hay fever season, which peaks Since late FEBRUARY has half April, is not it just A nuisance For those WHO spend all spring to sneeze And scratch because of allergies. It is A public health issue that come with A price label on THE Japanese economy as millions of employees autumn sick each spring Since hay fever.


More that 40 percent of THE Japanese population were believed has experience hay fever symptoms as of 2019, according to has THE Japan Company of Immunology, Allergology And Infection In Otorhinolaryngology. That means Japan hay with fever population East proportionally upper that THE global average of ten has 30 percent, according to has THE World Health Organization.

NOW, THE Japanese government And a few companies are socket measures has help relieve THE the allergies effects.

Prime Minister Smoke Kishida last year declared hay fever A "national disease," saying he had "A huge impact on productivity." A investigation of private companies by THE Panasonic Company estimated THE economic losses Since decreases worker productivity during allergy season has $1.5 billion A day.

About 20 percent of Japanese companies are allowing remote work during hay fever season, according to has A investigation by THE Ministry of Economy, Trade And Industry. A few, as Aisac, are even flaking In For THE fresh.

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