Jeff Bezos falls in the ranking of the richest people in the world thanks to this Indian billionaire

has been dethroned as the second richest person in the world thanks to Indian tycoon Gautam Adani. Adani has climbed Bloomberg's Billionaires Index in the past 10 months - jumping from 14th to 2nd place - and pushing the founder to third place.

is still the richest person in the world with his $263 billion fortune, while Adani, who overtook Mukesh Ambani as Asia's richest person in February, is now behind him with a net worth of $146.9 billion.


The rise of the Indian entrepreneur in the ranks is due to his companies, specializing in infrastructure and renewable energy in India and elsewhere. Shares of its companies have risen more than 1,000% since 2020, with shares of its flagship Adani Enterprises rising more than 115% in 2022, according to CNN Business.

The rise in Adani's net worth came as Bezos' wealth took a hit, losing $45 billion since January, according to Bloomberg. Bezos' wealth drop to $145.8 billion follows Amazon's share price decline and stock sales. According to CNN Business, Amazon's stock fell more than 25% in 2022.

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Jeff Bezos falls in the ranking of the richest people in the world thanks to this Indian billionaire

has been dethroned as the second richest person in the world thanks to Indian tycoon Gautam Adani. Adani has climbed Bloomberg's Billionaires Index in the past 10 months - jumping from 14th to 2nd place - and pushing the founder to third place.

is still the richest person in the world with his $263 billion fortune, while Adani, who overtook Mukesh Ambani as Asia's richest person in February, is now behind him with a net worth of $146.9 billion.


The rise of the Indian entrepreneur in the ranks is due to his companies, specializing in infrastructure and renewable energy in India and elsewhere. Shares of its companies have risen more than 1,000% since 2020, with shares of its flagship Adani Enterprises rising more than 115% in 2022, according to CNN Business.

The rise in Adani's net worth came as Bezos' wealth took a hit, losing $45 billion since January, according to Bloomberg. Bezos' wealth drop to $145.8 billion follows Amazon's share price decline and stock sales. According to CNN Business, Amazon's stock fell more than 25% in 2022.

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Your employees want this perk, and giving it to them can improve your bottom line

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This family-run Manhattan jewelry store struggled to rebuild after 9/11. Today, 2 sisters who run the 46-year-old company reveal what it takes to persevere.

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