Judy Solomon dead: six-time president of Golden Globes parent company, Hollywood Foreign Press Assn. was 91 years old

July 15, 2023 11:04 a.m.

Judy Solomon, the former six-term president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, died Friday morning at 91 years old. No cause of death or place was given by the HFPA, which confirmed the death.

“We are incredibly saddened by the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Judy Solomon. The loss is profound, but we take this opportunity to celebrate his incredible accomplishments in helping to evolve the Golden Globes into the global award they are today,” said Helen Hoehne. "We are grateful for his support and leadership during his 67 years as a member of the HFPA."

Born in Romania and raised in Israel, Solomon eventually moved to the United States, where she founded a family and built his career in journalism. She became an entertainment feature writer for various publications in Israel.

Solomon joined the Hollywood Foreign Press Association in 1956 and was involved in many changes to Golden Globes, including introducing Dick Clark to the awards, a longtime association producing the awards show.

She was also instrumental in moving awards from her longtime home in Cocoanut Grove Club at the Ambassador Hotel in its new home at the International Ballroom at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

"Not only did Judy love the HFPA, she loved Hollywood, too," Hoehne added. "She loved the people she met, the leaders she collaborated with, and the rich mosaic of film and television that audiences around the world enjoyed."

During her tenure, she supported the work of foreign journalists in the United States and expanded philanthropic support of the Association for Arts, Education, Film Restoration and Journalism through proceeds from the awards.

Solomon eschewed industry accolades and efforts to commemorate and recognize his accomplishments as a pioneering female leader in the entertainment industry at a time when women were not visible in key leadership positions.

She is survived by her daughters Donna Sloan and Deborah Solomon, her son-in-law Stephen Sloan and her granddaughter- daughter Ashley Sloan.

The funeral will be announced by the family.

The Golden Globes are now owned by Eldridge Industries and Penske Media.

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Judy Solomon dead: six-time president of Golden Globes parent company, Hollywood Foreign Press Assn. was 91 years old
July 15, 2023 11:04 a.m.

Judy Solomon, the former six-term president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, died Friday morning at 91 years old. No cause of death or place was given by the HFPA, which confirmed the death.

“We are incredibly saddened by the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Judy Solomon. The loss is profound, but we take this opportunity to celebrate his incredible accomplishments in helping to evolve the Golden Globes into the global award they are today,” said Helen Hoehne. "We are grateful for his support and leadership during his 67 years as a member of the HFPA."

Born in Romania and raised in Israel, Solomon eventually moved to the United States, where she founded a family and built his career in journalism. She became an entertainment feature writer for various publications in Israel.

Solomon joined the Hollywood Foreign Press Association in 1956 and was involved in many changes to Golden Globes, including introducing Dick Clark to the awards, a longtime association producing the awards show.

She was also instrumental in moving awards from her longtime home in Cocoanut Grove Club at the Ambassador Hotel in its new home at the International Ballroom at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

"Not only did Judy love the HFPA, she loved Hollywood, too," Hoehne added. "She loved the people she met, the leaders she collaborated with, and the rich mosaic of film and television that audiences around the world enjoyed."

During her tenure, she supported the work of foreign journalists in the United States and expanded philanthropic support of the Association for Arts, Education, Film Restoration and Journalism through proceeds from the awards.

Solomon eschewed industry accolades and efforts to commemorate and recognize his accomplishments as a pioneering female leader in the entertainment industry at a time when women were not visible in key leadership positions.

She is survived by her daughters Donna Sloan and Deborah Solomon, her son-in-law Stephen Sloan and her granddaughter- daughter Ashley Sloan.

The funeral will be announced by the family.

The Golden Globes are now owned by Eldridge Industries and Penske Media.

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