Juventus back Nicolo Fagioli after betting ban

Juventus to have promised their support For Midfielder Nicholas Fagioli After he was banned For Seven month For breach bet rules.

Fagioli had five month of A one year to forbid suspended This week And was fined 12,500 euros (£10,848), while he agreed has A therapy plan of has less six month has tackle her gambling problem.

Juventus said In A statement on their official website: "THE club has note THE official press release Since THE FIGC (Italian Soccer Federation) And confirmed It is complete support For Nicholas Fagioli In tackle This path, provide THE player with THE necessary support In wearing out THE noted therapeutic plan And, as expressly provided For In THE agreement, collaborate with THE Federation has outline THE program appointment.

"We are firmly convinced that Nicolo, with THE support of THE club, her teammates, her family And THE professionals WHO will to assist him, will confront THE therapeutic And training process with A great sense of responsibility And, once THE disqualification has has been served, will be able has back has in competition with due serenity. »

Fagioli, 22, was A of several players appointed last week WHO were be investigation by THE Turin Public Prosecutor Desk And THE FIGC as part of A Italian soccer bet probe.

Newcastle confirmed Midfielder Sandro Tonali was fully cooperate with THE investigation, while Aston Villa Before Nicholas Zaniolo, on ready Since Galatasaray, East Also be investigated.

Tonali And Zaniolo were both took of Since Italy training camp This week while Fagioli, WHO has A senior international cap, was not part of their team For Saturdays earn on Malta And Tuesday defeat has England.

Juventus back Nicolo Fagioli after betting ban

Juventus to have promised their support For Midfielder Nicholas Fagioli After he was banned For Seven month For breach bet rules.

Fagioli had five month of A one year to forbid suspended This week And was fined 12,500 euros (£10,848), while he agreed has A therapy plan of has less six month has tackle her gambling problem.

Juventus said In A statement on their official website: "THE club has note THE official press release Since THE FIGC (Italian Soccer Federation) And confirmed It is complete support For Nicholas Fagioli In tackle This path, provide THE player with THE necessary support In wearing out THE noted therapeutic plan And, as expressly provided For In THE agreement, collaborate with THE Federation has outline THE program appointment.

"We are firmly convinced that Nicolo, with THE support of THE club, her teammates, her family And THE professionals WHO will to assist him, will confront THE therapeutic And training process with A great sense of responsibility And, once THE disqualification has has been served, will be able has back has in competition with due serenity. »

Fagioli, 22, was A of several players appointed last week WHO were be investigation by THE Turin Public Prosecutor Desk And THE FIGC as part of A Italian soccer bet probe.

Newcastle confirmed Midfielder Sandro Tonali was fully cooperate with THE investigation, while Aston Villa Before Nicholas Zaniolo, on ready Since Galatasaray, East Also be investigated.

Tonali And Zaniolo were both took of Since Italy training camp This week while Fagioli, WHO has A senior international cap, was not part of their team For Saturdays earn on Malta And Tuesday defeat has England.

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