Kano government buys 41 'exotic' SUVs worth N68 million for lawmakers

THE Kano State Government has confirmed THE purchase of 41 'exotic' sports utility Vehicles (SUV) estimated has N68 million For members of THE State Home of Assembly.

Confirmation THE purchase of THE utility Vehicles, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, Speaking through THE Chief of Staff, Alhaji Shehu AMA Sagagi, said he East THE RIGHT of THE the legislators has be provided with her functioning vehicles.

Most of THE the legislators are said has to have Already taken possession of THE SUVs, totaling about N2.6 billion.

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THE Chief of Staff said THE governor, considering THE economic situation, directed that THE provider to understand THE need has propagated THE payment on A period of time. He underlines that THE governor action East base on respect For THE rights And obligations of all levels of government.

He added that THE governor remains engaged has THE well-being of each arm of government And THE people of THE State In general.

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According to has A of THE legislators, WHO spoke has THE press on condition of anonymity, THE purchase of THE SUV East justified. THE legislator said, "For what are You manufacturing A mountain out of A molehill on THE purchase of new Vehicles For legislators? Previous administrations In THE State did THE even thing," he said In answer has THE controversial dragging THE purchase of THE vehicles.

When recalled that THE situation East not THE even considering THE current economic challenges In THE country, THE legislator said, "Do You realize that THE Vehicles will facilitate OUR monitoring functions And will be used For other legislative Does it work?"

Keywords: 41 'exotic' SUVKano government lawmakers: N68 million

Kano government buys 41 'exotic' SUVs worth N68 million for lawmakers

THE Kano State Government has confirmed THE purchase of 41 'exotic' sports utility Vehicles (SUV) estimated has N68 million For members of THE State Home of Assembly.

Confirmation THE purchase of THE utility Vehicles, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, Speaking through THE Chief of Staff, Alhaji Shehu AMA Sagagi, said he East THE RIGHT of THE the legislators has be provided with her functioning vehicles.

Most of THE the legislators are said has to have Already taken possession of THE SUVs, totaling about N2.6 billion.

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THE Chief of Staff said THE governor, considering THE economic situation, directed that THE provider to understand THE need has propagated THE payment on A period of time. He underlines that THE governor action East base on respect For THE rights And obligations of all levels of government.

He added that THE governor remains engaged has THE well-being of each arm of government And THE people of THE State In general.

ALSO READ: Japa: Owner collects WAEC, NECO costs, sell school, flies abroad

According to has A of THE legislators, WHO spoke has THE press on condition of anonymity, THE purchase of THE SUV East justified. THE legislator said, "For what are You manufacturing A mountain out of A molehill on THE purchase of new Vehicles For legislators? Previous administrations In THE State did THE even thing," he said In answer has THE controversial dragging THE purchase of THE vehicles.

When recalled that THE situation East not THE even considering THE current economic challenges In THE country, THE legislator said, "Do You realize that THE Vehicles will facilitate OUR monitoring functions And will be used For other legislative Does it work?"

Keywords: 41 'exotic' SUVKano government lawmakers: N68 million

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