Kidnapped students released after 74 days

THE Federal University Dutsin Mom, Katsina State, said five students of THE university that were removed 74 days There is to have has been released.

THE Vice Chancellor of THE university, Armaya'u Bichi, said journalists In Katsina that THE students were released on Friday.

Five the females students were removed by The Terrorists on 3 October 2023 but A of them escaped little days After THE kidnapping.

Four of THE remaining students to have NOW has been released by THE terrorists.


"Today (Friday) with THE help of God, THE students to have has been released. THE students are on their path House but would be be taken has Abuja has meet THE National Security Advise Or they would be Also be taken has THE hospital For medical verification After which they would be be handed over on has their families," M Bichi said In A voice registration broadcast by THE DW Hausa.

When request if ransom was paid Before THE students were released, M Bichi said he was THE effort of THE National Security Advise, Nuhu Ribadu, that directed has THE release of THE students.

"No money was paid Before their release. Neither government neither THE families of THE removed students paid money Before THE release of THE students. He was THE efforts of THE National Security Advise. He knows THE effort he do has ensure THE release of THE students. You know It is A security issue And GOOD not be manufacturing he public," he said.

THE police spokesperson In THE State, Abubakar Sadik, did not answer has calls And SMS sent has him on THE release of THE students.

Little days Before THE kidnapping of THE students, The Terrorists Also attack hostels of THE Federal University Gusau And removed several students. Little of them to have has been Safe by security agents but on 20 of them stay In captivity.

North West Nigeria has witnessed A high rate of attack by bandits.

Terror the gangs, especially In Katsina, Zamfara, Sokoto, Kaduna And Kebbi, kill Or to remove residents Since communities And highways And request ransom, Sometimes In millions of Naira, Before release THE people kidnapped.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. TEXEM Announcement For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contributing has PRIME TIMES, You are portion has sustain A journalism of relevance And ensure he remains free And available has everything. Make a donation [embedded content]

TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999

PT Mag advertising campaign

Kidnapped students released after 74 days

THE Federal University Dutsin Mom, Katsina State, said five students of THE university that were removed 74 days There is to have has been released.

THE Vice Chancellor of THE university, Armaya'u Bichi, said journalists In Katsina that THE students were released on Friday.

Five the females students were removed by The Terrorists on 3 October 2023 but A of them escaped little days After THE kidnapping.

Four of THE remaining students to have NOW has been released by THE terrorists.


"Today (Friday) with THE help of God, THE students to have has been released. THE students are on their path House but would be be taken has Abuja has meet THE National Security Advise Or they would be Also be taken has THE hospital For medical verification After which they would be be handed over on has their families," M Bichi said In A voice registration broadcast by THE DW Hausa.

When request if ransom was paid Before THE students were released, M Bichi said he was THE effort of THE National Security Advise, Nuhu Ribadu, that directed has THE release of THE students.

"No money was paid Before their release. Neither government neither THE families of THE removed students paid money Before THE release of THE students. He was THE efforts of THE National Security Advise. He knows THE effort he do has ensure THE release of THE students. You know It is A security issue And GOOD not be manufacturing he public," he said.

THE police spokesperson In THE State, Abubakar Sadik, did not answer has calls And SMS sent has him on THE release of THE students.

Little days Before THE kidnapping of THE students, The Terrorists Also attack hostels of THE Federal University Gusau And removed several students. Little of them to have has been Safe by security agents but on 20 of them stay In captivity.

North West Nigeria has witnessed A high rate of attack by bandits.

Terror the gangs, especially In Katsina, Zamfara, Sokoto, Kaduna And Kebbi, kill Or to remove residents Since communities And highways And request ransom, Sometimes In millions of Naira, Before release THE people kidnapped.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. TEXEM Announcement For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contributing has PRIME TIMES, You are portion has sustain A journalism of relevance And ensure he remains free And available has everything. Make a donation [embedded content]

TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999

PT Mag advertising campaign

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