Lack of focused leadership responsible for insecurity – Obi

Labour Party presidential candidate Peter Obi has blamed insecurity in the country on a lack of focused leadership and reformed security governance.

Speaking at Chatham House in London on Monday, the former governor of Anambra State proposed a reform of the security structure in the country where federal, state and local governments would have police structures.

Obi also highlighted the need for institutions to be able to provide strong leadership and coordination capacities, and to engage in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders to mutually reinforce the values.

He said, "This forms the first and most important thrust of my governance priorities without which the rest cannot be achieved. To secure Nigeria, end banditry and insurgency , and unite our dear nation to manage our diversity, so that no one is left behind.

“The growing insecurity in Nigeria is not because the enemy is formidable; rather, it is because of a lack of focused leadership, an ineffective security governance structure, and poor coordination from the center. All of these issues need to be addressed by first projecting strong leadership signals that enable state and non-state actors to mobilize around a single vision.

“Secondly, by pursuing a strong reform of the security governance structure with a strong coordination mechanism that ensures that all levels of government – ​​federal, state and local (with a structure police force) – are aligned with close collaboration with private sector partners and development groups to deliver the services required and deliver results for every Nigerian.

“Once this is done, it is also important to have a single, clear, consistent and consistent communication system to hold government accountable and citizens engaged and involved in the process. development process. »

Obi also lamented the huge debt accumulated by the federal government for consumption which he has pledged to restructure.

"Nigeria borrowed for consumption. Nigeria in 2016 had a GDP per capita of $2,550. We owed about 15 trillion naira. Today, with the ways and means of the Central Bank of Nigeria we owe about 75 trillion naira so we have increased that debt by about 400% but our per capita is 2000. That means the money we borrowed has been thrown away So that's what I'm going to rearrange.

"We will restructure our debt as it is today. We are going to restructure it over the long term, to be able to pay for it. And as I said here, no more borrowing for consumption. We will borrow again, people will see it, we will be transparent, it will be for investments, and that is what we intend to do.

“Countries have been in this situation before; we are not in a situation where other countries have not gone before. It is a question of leadership, and we will know how to solve it,” he added.

During his remarks, the LP presidential candidate unveiled his plans for economic growth, noting that if elected, his administration will pursue an agricultural revolution across the country, especially in the northern part.

Obi also said he was honored that young people have trusted him to lead their struggle to transform Nigeria's politics and revive the country's engine of economic growth and social stability.

"We consider ourselves honored to have the confidence, especially from young people, to lead this democratic evolution and we are deeply committed to do so with sincerity, responsibility, love and unquenchable desire to a better Nigeria. We are simply the symbol of the struggle of young Nigerians to reverse this ugly trend that constantly drives them to social anemia, despair and rejection of their country,” he added.

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Lack of focused leadership responsible for insecurity – Obi

Labour Party presidential candidate Peter Obi has blamed insecurity in the country on a lack of focused leadership and reformed security governance.

Speaking at Chatham House in London on Monday, the former governor of Anambra State proposed a reform of the security structure in the country where federal, state and local governments would have police structures.

Obi also highlighted the need for institutions to be able to provide strong leadership and coordination capacities, and to engage in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders to mutually reinforce the values.

He said, "This forms the first and most important thrust of my governance priorities without which the rest cannot be achieved. To secure Nigeria, end banditry and insurgency , and unite our dear nation to manage our diversity, so that no one is left behind.

“The growing insecurity in Nigeria is not because the enemy is formidable; rather, it is because of a lack of focused leadership, an ineffective security governance structure, and poor coordination from the center. All of these issues need to be addressed by first projecting strong leadership signals that enable state and non-state actors to mobilize around a single vision.

“Secondly, by pursuing a strong reform of the security governance structure with a strong coordination mechanism that ensures that all levels of government – ​​federal, state and local (with a structure police force) – are aligned with close collaboration with private sector partners and development groups to deliver the services required and deliver results for every Nigerian.

“Once this is done, it is also important to have a single, clear, consistent and consistent communication system to hold government accountable and citizens engaged and involved in the process. development process. »

Obi also lamented the huge debt accumulated by the federal government for consumption which he has pledged to restructure.

"Nigeria borrowed for consumption. Nigeria in 2016 had a GDP per capita of $2,550. We owed about 15 trillion naira. Today, with the ways and means of the Central Bank of Nigeria we owe about 75 trillion naira so we have increased that debt by about 400% but our per capita is 2000. That means the money we borrowed has been thrown away So that's what I'm going to rearrange.

"We will restructure our debt as it is today. We are going to restructure it over the long term, to be able to pay for it. And as I said here, no more borrowing for consumption. We will borrow again, people will see it, we will be transparent, it will be for investments, and that is what we intend to do.

“Countries have been in this situation before; we are not in a situation where other countries have not gone before. It is a question of leadership, and we will know how to solve it,” he added.

During his remarks, the LP presidential candidate unveiled his plans for economic growth, noting that if elected, his administration will pursue an agricultural revolution across the country, especially in the northern part.

Obi also said he was honored that young people have trusted him to lead their struggle to transform Nigeria's politics and revive the country's engine of economic growth and social stability.

"We consider ourselves honored to have the confidence, especially from young people, to lead this democratic evolution and we are deeply committed to do so with sincerity, responsibility, love and unquenchable desire to a better Nigeria. We are simply the symbol of the struggle of young Nigerians to reverse this ugly trend that constantly drives them to social anemia, despair and rejection of their country,” he added.

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