Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen: "I feel quite angry that evolution denied me a fox tail"

Born in London, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, 57, studied at the Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts and then obtained a master's degree in painting. He then starred in the BBC DIY show Changing Rooms, which ran from 1996 to 2004. Since 2021 he has led the Channel 4 reboot of the show and will host Outrageous Homes With Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen , slated for release next year. He has his own interior design practice and his own product line. Her new book is More More More: Making Maximalism Work in Your Home and Life. He lives in the Cotswolds with his family.

When were you happiest? This is going to horribly upset my wife and kids and grandkids but that was when I did The Greatest Snowman last year for Channel 4. Being dropped on an Austrian mountain to build snow sculptures was my point happy, and who knew I'd find an icy G-spot at nearly 58.

Which living person do you most admire, and why? Miss. She is the glamorous mamma mia at the top of our feudal pyramid. We all live together, so she's a full-time grandma and rules the roost. The way she guided us through the lockdown was amazing.

What trait do you most regret about yourself? I'm crucified by my modesty: it's terrible.

What trait do you most deplore in others? The others are decorating, if I feel like they missed an opportunity and just decorated in this modern gray wet cardboard thing. It's a life badly lived.

Besides a property, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? My wife. I am a lavish gift. I love worshiping my wife with beautiful bits - it's one of my greatest pleasures.

What is your most prized possession? A small marbled paper owl given to me by my grandson Albion, who is now six years old.

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What don't you like most about your appearance? I'm quite unhappy that evolution denied me a foxtail.

If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?Lord Byron . He's one of my maximalist icons.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? People who look like me: Dave Grohl; Jay Rayner, who looks like me in a different way, and David Dickinson - he gets the right orange, which is important.

What don't you like the more habit? It's a long list. I remember after my original locker room screen test, they quickly told me that my performance was appalling: I was rude, flippant, pretentious; I had the most ridiculous name; I wore stupid clothes to decorate; and I was perfect - I got the job. So I used to be boring not just to get on TV, but to stay on TV.

Who's your favorite celebrity? Margo Leadbetter in The Good Life. She defines everything I find most sexually attractive in a woman.

What's the worst thing anyone's ever said to you? I have such thick skin, and my greatest pleasure right now is diving deep into the fetid troll waters as people start screaming condemnation about what I'm doing in the locker room. I appreciate every minute.

Which is closest to death? I almost got hit by a huge golden fiberglass cherub in a mall. It fell five stories and shattered into a thousand pieces about 4 feet from me.

Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen: "I feel quite angry that evolution denied me a fox tail"

Born in London, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, 57, studied at the Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts and then obtained a master's degree in painting. He then starred in the BBC DIY show Changing Rooms, which ran from 1996 to 2004. Since 2021 he has led the Channel 4 reboot of the show and will host Outrageous Homes With Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen , slated for release next year. He has his own interior design practice and his own product line. Her new book is More More More: Making Maximalism Work in Your Home and Life. He lives in the Cotswolds with his family.

When were you happiest? This is going to horribly upset my wife and kids and grandkids but that was when I did The Greatest Snowman last year for Channel 4. Being dropped on an Austrian mountain to build snow sculptures was my point happy, and who knew I'd find an icy G-spot at nearly 58.

Which living person do you most admire, and why? Miss. She is the glamorous mamma mia at the top of our feudal pyramid. We all live together, so she's a full-time grandma and rules the roost. The way she guided us through the lockdown was amazing.

What trait do you most regret about yourself? I'm crucified by my modesty: it's terrible.

What trait do you most deplore in others? The others are decorating, if I feel like they missed an opportunity and just decorated in this modern gray wet cardboard thing. It's a life badly lived.

Besides a property, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? My wife. I am a lavish gift. I love worshiping my wife with beautiful bits - it's one of my greatest pleasures.

What is your most prized possession? A small marbled paper owl given to me by my grandson Albion, who is now six years old.

< figure id="8d9298e1-a990-49b7-852c-65a00e7c243e" data-spacefinder-role="richLink" data-spacefinder-type="model.dotcomrendering.pageElements .RichLinkBlockElement" class="dcr-1mfia18"/>

What don't you like most about your appearance? I'm quite unhappy that evolution denied me a foxtail.

If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?Lord Byron . He's one of my maximalist icons.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? People who look like me: Dave Grohl; Jay Rayner, who looks like me in a different way, and David Dickinson - he gets the right orange, which is important.

What don't you like the more habit? It's a long list. I remember after my original locker room screen test, they quickly told me that my performance was appalling: I was rude, flippant, pretentious; I had the most ridiculous name; I wore stupid clothes to decorate; and I was perfect - I got the job. So I used to be boring not just to get on TV, but to stay on TV.

Who's your favorite celebrity? Margo Leadbetter in The Good Life. She defines everything I find most sexually attractive in a woman.

What's the worst thing anyone's ever said to you? I have such thick skin, and my greatest pleasure right now is diving deep into the fetid troll waters as people start screaming condemnation about what I'm doing in the locker room. I appreciate every minute.

Which is closest to death? I almost got hit by a huge golden fiberglass cherub in a mall. It fell five stories and shattered into a thousand pieces about 4 feet from me.

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