The so-called Love Is Blind “script” from the pods is really just topic suggestions

love is a blind script


"Love East Blind" East focused towards A conspiracy theory that THE to show East staging After A supposed scenario was spotted In A scene Since season 6 -- but TMZ knows THE truth ... And It is all live, baby!

A always shot of competitor Jessica Vestal Since earlier This season East manufacturing THE Sleeves online -- which watch THE Single mother with A notebook completed with printed text session on her knees during A pod date with Jimmy Presnell.

Waiting For your authorisation has load THE Instagram Media.

From THE notebook was present as A regular old newspaper ... Fans were fast has speculate that THE Netflix reality series could be hidden something -- to know, that THE entire thing East staging, has be exact, And that Jesse was not socket Remarks but instead ... while reading lines.

Despite THE crawling speculation, A production source with direct awareness tell TMZ ... THE to show East absolutely not scripted, And THE prints In question are simply questions THE competitors are provided In case they need a few ideas on the subjects has hit In conversation.

For example, were said a few of these questions seen In THE newspapers could be something as ... "What is your favorite color," Or something other staff has keep THE atmosphere flowing.

OUR sources say We that THE instructions You see are simply supposed has help THE competitors get has know each other. Remember, THE 'LIB' competitors initially meet with A wall between them -- SO A little assistance is not it savagely unexpected, And It is Exactly What This is.

NOW, if THE competitors are overselling THE notion these are just plain old notebooks has scribble things down In -- When there are clearly things writing In there in front of time For them -- East A different history ... because Yes, they most certainly TO DO seem has be playing he upwards.

The so-called Love Is Blind “script” from the pods is really just topic suggestions
love is a blind script


"Love East Blind" East focused towards A conspiracy theory that THE to show East staging After A supposed scenario was spotted In A scene Since season 6 -- but TMZ knows THE truth ... And It is all live, baby!

A always shot of competitor Jessica Vestal Since earlier This season East manufacturing THE Sleeves online -- which watch THE Single mother with A notebook completed with printed text session on her knees during A pod date with Jimmy Presnell.

Waiting For your authorisation has load THE Instagram Media.

From THE notebook was present as A regular old newspaper ... Fans were fast has speculate that THE Netflix reality series could be hidden something -- to know, that THE entire thing East staging, has be exact, And that Jesse was not socket Remarks but instead ... while reading lines.

Despite THE crawling speculation, A production source with direct awareness tell TMZ ... THE to show East absolutely not scripted, And THE prints In question are simply questions THE competitors are provided In case they need a few ideas on the subjects has hit In conversation.

For example, were said a few of these questions seen In THE newspapers could be something as ... "What is your favorite color," Or something other staff has keep THE atmosphere flowing.

OUR sources say We that THE instructions You see are simply supposed has help THE competitors get has know each other. Remember, THE 'LIB' competitors initially meet with A wall between them -- SO A little assistance is not it savagely unexpected, And It is Exactly What This is.

NOW, if THE competitors are overselling THE notion these are just plain old notebooks has scribble things down In -- When there are clearly things writing In there in front of time For them -- East A different history ... because Yes, they most certainly TO DO seem has be playing he upwards.

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