Lueder Berlin Spring 2025

Married Lüder research We has experience her to show with all OUR the senses, SO She stimulated not only OUR eyes And ears, but even OUR olfactory nerves with A performance by A young Dressed as a Lueder vape artist, WHO breath cotton candy smell smoke rings In that of Berlin Tempodrome, A location, that was created In THE 1980s as A circus tent-shaped place For THE perform arts.

THE world of THE circus provided inspiration For THE Born in Hamburg, Based in London designate. "I to want has give A positive perspectives. There are SO a lot horrible things event RIGHT NOW, And I research has provide A little acclamation. It is Why THE jester was such A special symbol In THE collection," She explain. "Even In THE Medium Age, he said THE king And THE upper companies What THE people were thought And What was event, but packed up he with humor And spirit, SO that they could bear that."

THE collection included jester style caps with almost horn-shaped appendages And laced bibs with balaclavas, of which sharp shape East A of Lüder registered trademarks. Heavy ribbed knit hoodies with zippers gave THE impression of armor, as did well fitted reservoir Tops with decorative seams And lumbar proof wrap skirts. For Lueder, WHO qualified as A tailor, It is all about giving THE carrier A feeling of comfort And security. "I to want THE clothes has be ready to wear with A custom made feeling. SO For example with THE jeans I am look has how THE seams touch your body In A path has TO DO You feel as You are resistant A custom made suit, And It is all do For You And hug You In A path," She said.

THE color palette of bags, printed dress shirts, mesh Dresses, And layered t-shirts And sweatshirts from a distance Since blue grey has ardent orange. A innovative, water saving dyeing technical was used For THE prints, In which color was applied via air-brush. Improvement her without gender Cut techniques was another to focus. THE medium section of A bomber jacket can be taken out has reduce It is size, And pants' belts are round SO that they adjust both male And female body.

Improvement And evolution instead of complete reinvention - with her "medieval style sportswear," which She paired with Puma The speedcats, Lüder East design For artistic fashion nerds that love both Ren fairs And Kiko Kostadinov.

Lueder Berlin Spring 2025

Married Lüder research We has experience her to show with all OUR the senses, SO She stimulated not only OUR eyes And ears, but even OUR olfactory nerves with A performance by A young Dressed as a Lueder vape artist, WHO breath cotton candy smell smoke rings In that of Berlin Tempodrome, A location, that was created In THE 1980s as A circus tent-shaped place For THE perform arts.

THE world of THE circus provided inspiration For THE Born in Hamburg, Based in London designate. "I to want has give A positive perspectives. There are SO a lot horrible things event RIGHT NOW, And I research has provide A little acclamation. It is Why THE jester was such A special symbol In THE collection," She explain. "Even In THE Medium Age, he said THE king And THE upper companies What THE people were thought And What was event, but packed up he with humor And spirit, SO that they could bear that."

THE collection included jester style caps with almost horn-shaped appendages And laced bibs with balaclavas, of which sharp shape East A of Lüder registered trademarks. Heavy ribbed knit hoodies with zippers gave THE impression of armor, as did well fitted reservoir Tops with decorative seams And lumbar proof wrap skirts. For Lueder, WHO qualified as A tailor, It is all about giving THE carrier A feeling of comfort And security. "I to want THE clothes has be ready to wear with A custom made feeling. SO For example with THE jeans I am look has how THE seams touch your body In A path has TO DO You feel as You are resistant A custom made suit, And It is all do For You And hug You In A path," She said.

THE color palette of bags, printed dress shirts, mesh Dresses, And layered t-shirts And sweatshirts from a distance Since blue grey has ardent orange. A innovative, water saving dyeing technical was used For THE prints, In which color was applied via air-brush. Improvement her without gender Cut techniques was another to focus. THE medium section of A bomber jacket can be taken out has reduce It is size, And pants' belts are round SO that they adjust both male And female body.

Improvement And evolution instead of complete reinvention - with her "medieval style sportswear," which She paired with Puma The speedcats, Lüder East design For artistic fashion nerds that love both Ren fairs And Kiko Kostadinov.

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