Creating a New Nigeria: Welfarist Policies and People-Centered Development – ​​Part 2

As A young student WHO assisted high school In THE village, I witnessed THE high correlation of agricultural performance with education. Several of My classmates were children of Farmers. I REMARK SO that When THE agricultural season was GOOD, they stayed In school And carried out GOOD, but When THE season was poor, several abandoned out Or assisted intermittently.

THE decision by Chief Awolowo has to start with THE transformation of THE rural economy was A very her policy. THE establishment of farm areas, And THE expansion of rural roads, supported by professionally run marketing boards help stabilize THE prices of farm produce. He East value noting that THE careful tax management of THE cocoa income powered THE savings of THE States that SO constituted THE Western Region. These income allowed THE government has embark on A unprecedented idea – free education And free basic health care services. He was common SO has hear THE sentence “Agbe There ba” (Farmers are kings), pronounced with great pride.

We must give new life has OUR rural areas. If Chief Awolowo could TO DO This In THE 1960s, there East No reason Why rural savings Today should be immersed In extreme poverty. Clearly, rural savings to have has been abandoned, by The politicians, planning And Strategies. Today, they to have become areas of economic misery. THE impoverishment of rural savings East What East provoking THE implosion of a lot countries through Africa. When rural savings (THE pivot of THE African Company) sway, country sway. This led has THE propagated of anarchy, banditry, And terrorism. This troika of social disturbance takes advantage of THE economic misery has remove themselves.

THE transformation of rural savings must SO be of construction, systemic, strategic And complete. Do SO, means agriculture must be turned In A wealth create sector.

I aggressively for follow-up This philosophy When I served as minister of agriculture And rural development of Nigeria Since 2011 has 2015. A lot call This period THE "farm revolution" years, as Nigeria witnessed A impressive transformation of It is agricultural sector.

With farmer-centered Strategies, We book improved seeds And fertilizers For 15 million Farmers. We book millions of cocoa seedling through from South Nigeria. We book A cotton transformation through THE north. We provided millions of oil palm seedling has farm areas, including little Farmers And big farm areas, through THE East, South And West. We accelerated THE delivery of improved rice seeds through Nigeria And sets off A rice revolution that transformed several Regions through Nigeria.

Her public Strategies transform THE lives of people. I affectionately remember A of My farm travel In THE business of THE SO Governor of Kebbi State, HE. Ousman Dakingari. Surprised by THE revolution event, I reminder him saying, "Minister, thank You, We No longer measure OUR rice yields In hectares of to land, but In kilometers. »

Rural savings exploded. Local GOOD packed up rice took on THE walk. THE price of rice has THE time was 6,000 naira by bag, which help has stem food price inflation. Unfortunately, Today, that even bag of rice, just nine years later, East 77,000 naira by bag. That 12 times price increase Unfortunately puts rice, A basic clip, beyond THE reach of millions of people.

In several rooms of Africa Today, farm revolutions are event has ladder, with THE support of THE African Development Bank. On THE last Seven years, We to have invested on $8.5 billion In agriculture, which has impacted 250 million people.

HAS THE heart of THE Across Africa strategy has reorganize rural savings And turn them In areas of economic prosperity East THE development of special agro-industrial treatment areas through THE continent.

These areas are be provided with critical favorable Infrastructure, including water, roads, treatment Infrastructure And logistics. THE African Development Bank And It is the partners are provide $1.4 billion For THE development of 25 of Special Agro-Industrial Treatment Areas In eleven country.

RIGHT here In Nigeria, We are development these areas In 8 States with $518 million. THE second phase of THE program In Nigeria, which will blanket 23 more States, will be finance with $1 billion. THE Bank And the partners recently spear A $3 billion Alliance For Special Agro-Industrial Treatment Areas.

Food Africa East serious business.To ensure that THE continent can food himself And reach food sovereignty, We organized THE Food Africa Summit In January of 2023, which had 34 African Heads of State And THE President of Ireland In presence, as GOOD as global leaders. In What East A outstanding global development, We were able has secure $72 billion In financial commitments towards THE delivery of national food compact.

Second, Nigeria needs health care For all. Clever Governments provide universal basic health blanket For their citizen...

Creating a New Nigeria: Welfarist Policies and People-Centered Development – ​​Part 2

As A young student WHO assisted high school In THE village, I witnessed THE high correlation of agricultural performance with education. Several of My classmates were children of Farmers. I REMARK SO that When THE agricultural season was GOOD, they stayed In school And carried out GOOD, but When THE season was poor, several abandoned out Or assisted intermittently.

THE decision by Chief Awolowo has to start with THE transformation of THE rural economy was A very her policy. THE establishment of farm areas, And THE expansion of rural roads, supported by professionally run marketing boards help stabilize THE prices of farm produce. He East value noting that THE careful tax management of THE cocoa income powered THE savings of THE States that SO constituted THE Western Region. These income allowed THE government has embark on A unprecedented idea – free education And free basic health care services. He was common SO has hear THE sentence “Agbe There ba” (Farmers are kings), pronounced with great pride.

We must give new life has OUR rural areas. If Chief Awolowo could TO DO This In THE 1960s, there East No reason Why rural savings Today should be immersed In extreme poverty. Clearly, rural savings to have has been abandoned, by The politicians, planning And Strategies. Today, they to have become areas of economic misery. THE impoverishment of rural savings East What East provoking THE implosion of a lot countries through Africa. When rural savings (THE pivot of THE African Company) sway, country sway. This led has THE propagated of anarchy, banditry, And terrorism. This troika of social disturbance takes advantage of THE economic misery has remove themselves.

THE transformation of rural savings must SO be of construction, systemic, strategic And complete. Do SO, means agriculture must be turned In A wealth create sector.

I aggressively for follow-up This philosophy When I served as minister of agriculture And rural development of Nigeria Since 2011 has 2015. A lot call This period THE "farm revolution" years, as Nigeria witnessed A impressive transformation of It is agricultural sector.

With farmer-centered Strategies, We book improved seeds And fertilizers For 15 million Farmers. We book millions of cocoa seedling through from South Nigeria. We book A cotton transformation through THE north. We provided millions of oil palm seedling has farm areas, including little Farmers And big farm areas, through THE East, South And West. We accelerated THE delivery of improved rice seeds through Nigeria And sets off A rice revolution that transformed several Regions through Nigeria.

Her public Strategies transform THE lives of people. I affectionately remember A of My farm travel In THE business of THE SO Governor of Kebbi State, HE. Ousman Dakingari. Surprised by THE revolution event, I reminder him saying, "Minister, thank You, We No longer measure OUR rice yields In hectares of to land, but In kilometers. »

Rural savings exploded. Local GOOD packed up rice took on THE walk. THE price of rice has THE time was 6,000 naira by bag, which help has stem food price inflation. Unfortunately, Today, that even bag of rice, just nine years later, East 77,000 naira by bag. That 12 times price increase Unfortunately puts rice, A basic clip, beyond THE reach of millions of people.

In several rooms of Africa Today, farm revolutions are event has ladder, with THE support of THE African Development Bank. On THE last Seven years, We to have invested on $8.5 billion In agriculture, which has impacted 250 million people.

HAS THE heart of THE Across Africa strategy has reorganize rural savings And turn them In areas of economic prosperity East THE development of special agro-industrial treatment areas through THE continent.

These areas are be provided with critical favorable Infrastructure, including water, roads, treatment Infrastructure And logistics. THE African Development Bank And It is the partners are provide $1.4 billion For THE development of 25 of Special Agro-Industrial Treatment Areas In eleven country.

RIGHT here In Nigeria, We are development these areas In 8 States with $518 million. THE second phase of THE program In Nigeria, which will blanket 23 more States, will be finance with $1 billion. THE Bank And the partners recently spear A $3 billion Alliance For Special Agro-Industrial Treatment Areas.

Food Africa East serious business.To ensure that THE continent can food himself And reach food sovereignty, We organized THE Food Africa Summit In January of 2023, which had 34 African Heads of State And THE President of Ireland In presence, as GOOD as global leaders. In What East A outstanding global development, We were able has secure $72 billion In financial commitments towards THE delivery of national food compact.

Second, Nigeria needs health care For all. Clever Governments provide universal basic health blanket For their citizen...

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