Mark Hamill is not a fan of Elon Musk's recent change X: let the likes be with Luke Skywalker


Actor Brand Hamil East best known For her role as Luke Skywalker In THE Star Wars franchise. Hamil could Soon be known as THE guys WHO has amended THE path people as something on social media platform X.

What Arrived: Hamil has speak out publicly against social media platform X And It is owner Elon Musk.

THE actor took A A day to break Since THE social media platform After Musk renamed THE business Since Twitter has X And amended THE business logo.

Musk, WHO acquired Twitter For $44 billion, recently do love hidden For users And Hamil East not A fan.

Hamil has has been seen comment on Peoples X posts with "as" Or "love" And In a few case retweet THE job with "as" Or "love" In her retweet.

THE actor has included THE hashtag #BringBackLikes In several posts And agreed with A user WHO sharing A screenshot showing THE "love" comments Since Hamil And suggesting has Musk that THE actor has better things has TO DO with her time.

"Agreed. It is only has been A day & I am Already exhausted," Hamil said.

For anybody examination Why Hamil East socket THE time has comment "as" has TO DO he visible has all X users, he had A explanation.

"I TO WANT people has know he was Me that love their tweet. NOW My only option East has answer & to write THE word 'as.' This will seriously cut In My time wishing people A (Happy Birthday)! How can We get THE powers in place has STOP "improvement" This site?"

In case You were wondering, Yes Hamil do comment "as" on a few of her own tweets as well.

Related Link: EXCLUSIVE: 67% Of X Users Don't do it Pay For Elon Musk New Prime Plans, Survey Reveal

For what It is Important: Musk recently said THE change was do SO that people could not see What others were to like on THE platform In fear of retaliation.

"Important has allow people has as posts without get attack For TO DO SO," Musk said.

X Director of Engineering Haofei Wang said THE aim of deletion public love was has protect users' public images.

Users can always as posts And see WHO love their posts And THE as count, but others will not be able has see THE usernames of those WHO as A post.

"Public love are incentive THE fake behavior. For example, a lot people feel discouraged Since to like content that could be 'nervous' In fear of reprisals Since the trolls Or has protect their public picture," Wang said.

Changes has X to have has been fast Since Musk took on And a lot of THE changes see equal levels of repel And positivity Since users.

Read Following: Elon Musk HAS Bear witness In SECOND Probe Of Twitter Acquisition: Billionaire HAS Provide 'Investigator Testimony'

Walk News And Data brought has You by Benzinga Apis

Mark Hamill is not a fan of Elon Musk's recent change X: let the likes be with Luke Skywalker

Actor Brand Hamil East best known For her role as Luke Skywalker In THE Star Wars franchise. Hamil could Soon be known as THE guys WHO has amended THE path people as something on social media platform X.

What Arrived: Hamil has speak out publicly against social media platform X And It is owner Elon Musk.

THE actor took A A day to break Since THE social media platform After Musk renamed THE business Since Twitter has X And amended THE business logo.

Musk, WHO acquired Twitter For $44 billion, recently do love hidden For users And Hamil East not A fan.

Hamil has has been seen comment on Peoples X posts with "as" Or "love" And In a few case retweet THE job with "as" Or "love" In her retweet.

THE actor has included THE hashtag #BringBackLikes In several posts And agreed with A user WHO sharing A screenshot showing THE "love" comments Since Hamil And suggesting has Musk that THE actor has better things has TO DO with her time.

"Agreed. It is only has been A day & I am Already exhausted," Hamil said.

For anybody examination Why Hamil East socket THE time has comment "as" has TO DO he visible has all X users, he had A explanation.

"I TO WANT people has know he was Me that love their tweet. NOW My only option East has answer & to write THE word 'as.' This will seriously cut In My time wishing people A (Happy Birthday)! How can We get THE powers in place has STOP "improvement" This site?"

In case You were wondering, Yes Hamil do comment "as" on a few of her own tweets as well.

Related Link: EXCLUSIVE: 67% Of X Users Don't do it Pay For Elon Musk New Prime Plans, Survey Reveal

For what It is Important: Musk recently said THE change was do SO that people could not see What others were to like on THE platform In fear of retaliation.

"Important has allow people has as posts without get attack For TO DO SO," Musk said.

X Director of Engineering Haofei Wang said THE aim of deletion public love was has protect users' public images.

Users can always as posts And see WHO love their posts And THE as count, but others will not be able has see THE usernames of those WHO as A post.

"Public love are incentive THE fake behavior. For example, a lot people feel discouraged Since to like content that could be 'nervous' In fear of reprisals Since the trolls Or has protect their public picture," Wang said.

Changes has X to have has been fast Since Musk took on And a lot of THE changes see equal levels of repel And positivity Since users.

Read Following: Elon Musk HAS Bear witness In SECOND Probe Of Twitter Acquisition: Billionaire HAS Provide 'Investigator Testimony'

Walk News And Data brought has You by Benzinga Apis

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