Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, great friends, brilliant collaborators, talk about where it all began as 'Mean Streets' plays at the Tribeca festival

June 15, 2024 3:47 p.m.
Robert De Niro in 'Mean Streets'

Robert Of Niro feels he is has been extremely "lucky has wind up with Marty » For all these years, And Martin Scorsese income THE compliment as THE actor And director sat down After A screening of Mean The streets, THE 1973 movie that brand their First of all collaboration, And Scorsese to burst. They went on has TO DO nine more features together.

THE two grown up up together In Manhattan Lower East Side, A Italian enclave people with weak level mafioso. Of Niro's “Johnny Boy" Civello In Mean The streets, A reckless but charming not much time player deeply In debt has ready the Sharks, was base on people they both knew, THE duo said A Questions and answers with rapper Nas After THE packed up screening has THE Tag Theater. THE climatic final scene, A car hunting, filming And accident, was inspired by A trauma Scorsese said he barely escaped – get out of A car only A little minutes Before he broken.

THE movie, which star A amazing Harvey Keitel as Charlie Cappa, A in conflict young bandit WHO try has look out For her impetuous friend, was part of Of Niro Swindle, A tribute has THE Oscar winner actor And co-founder of THE Tribeca Party.

Of Niro And Scorsese encounter has age 16 And were not close growth up but knew of each other. HAS a few indicate Of Niro heard vaguely that “Marty was has NYU. Years later they encounter has THE House of Brian Of Palma, WHO thought they would have be sympathetic. They doesn't recognize each other has First of all, obtained has talk, And they Really were.

SO came Mean The streets, SO Taxi Driver (1976), New York, New York (1977), Rage Bull (1980), THE King Of Comedy (1983), Goodfellas (1990), Cape Fear (1991), Casino (1995), THE Irish (2019) And Killers Of THE Flower Moon (2023).

"There were different levels of trust," Scorsese said. "On A artistic level there East trust. HAS A certain indicate, he would have say, 'I to have This idea'. And  I said, 'Don't do it say Me, just TO DO he.' And invariably Identifier as that."

"And SO We just had OUR own path of talk has each other, I guess. Often We were just talk about staff thing, And THE ANNOUNCEMENT would be come on And say, 'Hey, We have obtained has to pull. SO We felt comfortable In that way. »

Scorsese Also said he learned A plot Since Of Niro, including how has act — as In A little Taxi Driver part. THE director plays A rude passenger In Travis Bickle Taxi, filling In For A actor which would had A accident.

"HAS THE beginning of THE scene, I say him has put her flag down [how Taxis used has signal they had A rate]. And he said, 'Do Me put THE flag down."  He East not go has put THE flag down ...

Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, great friends, brilliant collaborators, talk about where it all began as 'Mean Streets' plays at the Tribeca festival
June 15, 2024 3:47 p.m.
Robert De Niro in 'Mean Streets'

Robert Of Niro feels he is has been extremely "lucky has wind up with Marty » For all these years, And Martin Scorsese income THE compliment as THE actor And director sat down After A screening of Mean The streets, THE 1973 movie that brand their First of all collaboration, And Scorsese to burst. They went on has TO DO nine more features together.

THE two grown up up together In Manhattan Lower East Side, A Italian enclave people with weak level mafioso. Of Niro's “Johnny Boy" Civello In Mean The streets, A reckless but charming not much time player deeply In debt has ready the Sharks, was base on people they both knew, THE duo said A Questions and answers with rapper Nas After THE packed up screening has THE Tag Theater. THE climatic final scene, A car hunting, filming And accident, was inspired by A trauma Scorsese said he barely escaped – get out of A car only A little minutes Before he broken.

THE movie, which star A amazing Harvey Keitel as Charlie Cappa, A in conflict young bandit WHO try has look out For her impetuous friend, was part of Of Niro Swindle, A tribute has THE Oscar winner actor And co-founder of THE Tribeca Party.

Of Niro And Scorsese encounter has age 16 And were not close growth up but knew of each other. HAS a few indicate Of Niro heard vaguely that “Marty was has NYU. Years later they encounter has THE House of Brian Of Palma, WHO thought they would have be sympathetic. They doesn't recognize each other has First of all, obtained has talk, And they Really were.

SO came Mean The streets, SO Taxi Driver (1976), New York, New York (1977), Rage Bull (1980), THE King Of Comedy (1983), Goodfellas (1990), Cape Fear (1991), Casino (1995), THE Irish (2019) And Killers Of THE Flower Moon (2023).

"There were different levels of trust," Scorsese said. "On A artistic level there East trust. HAS A certain indicate, he would have say, 'I to have This idea'. And  I said, 'Don't do it say Me, just TO DO he.' And invariably Identifier as that."

"And SO We just had OUR own path of talk has each other, I guess. Often We were just talk about staff thing, And THE ANNOUNCEMENT would be come on And say, 'Hey, We have obtained has to pull. SO We felt comfortable In that way. »

Scorsese Also said he learned A plot Since Of Niro, including how has act — as In A little Taxi Driver part. THE director plays A rude passenger In Travis Bickle Taxi, filling In For A actor which would had A accident.

"HAS THE beginning of THE scene, I say him has put her flag down [how Taxis used has signal they had A rate]. And he said, 'Do Me put THE flag down."  He East not go has put THE flag down ...

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