Maude unveils an exhibition at the Museum of Sex in Miami

Maud East exploring 100 years of history has THE new Museum of Sex.

THE Museum of Sex open It is second location In Miami on Friday. THE flagship open In New York City In 2002.

Maud founder Eva Goicochea And creative director And actress Dakota Johnson to have organized A exposure called "Modern Sex: 100 Years of Design And Decency," which open has THE museum This pass weekend. THE collection, which understand more that 500 artifacts, explore restrictions around sexual well-being dating back has THE 1920s. The exposure East organized by decade.

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"It is A little of A dusk area has think of how far We have come And Again not has all," Goicochea said. "He East complete circle. In THE 1920s, they had has coded A plot of their language."

From Maud's creation, Goicochea has Also confronted restrictions.

"We can't display devices. If We to try they to have has be with This silly language," She said. "Were always SO limit, obviously, In different manners In new technology And new media, but even thing. »

Although Goicochea And Johnson had has been to reflect on on This concept For some time, he was not always going has be A exposure.

"Dakota And I had initially talked about This as A [coffee painting] book," Goicochea said. "We basically put together This big document saying We research has explore What This has look at as on THE pass 100 years."

Goicochea And Johnson brought THE proposal has THE Museum of Sex about two years There is And began functioning on THE project Since there. However, THE team note THE coffee painting concept could come has realization A day, as GOOD.

While walk through THE exposure, which was co-sponsored by Maud, Durex And KY, guests will explore media, advertisement And products of each decade — think books, iterations of devices, ancient Playboy magazines And more.

"Something arrived When You see physical objects that represent What arrived historically, » Johnson said. "I hope that people to walk far considering What their notice about their own sexual well-being East And that of others, how It is evolved In THE world Or how It is not evolved, And how It is always represented THE even manners as he has has been In THE last 100 years."

A key artifact In THE exposure East THE 1976 "THE Hit Report," A book by journalist Here Hit that explore results around Women's sexuality Since thousands of investigation respondents. In tandem with THE exposure, A documentary title "THE Disappearance of Here Hit" was recently released. (Johnson East A executive producer And THE narrator of THE movie.)

"THE documentary East about Here Hit And how She was basically completely erased out of history And totally silent When She was presenting quantifiable data about female sexuality And female Orgasm," Johnson said. "It is kind of amazing that these two things coincided has exist simultaneously. »

Goicochea And Johnson Also selected has emphasize gender iniquity through THE category And decades In THE exhibition.

"NOW, 100 years later, You can display erectile dysfunction pills, but You can't display A vibrator used by A women. It is pretty exasperating," Goicochea said. "My hope East that When people see This And SO When he do become A coffee painting book, people will realize how a lot We to have has TO DO And he East up has We worship...

Maude unveils an exhibition at the Museum of Sex in Miami

Maud East exploring 100 years of history has THE new Museum of Sex.

THE Museum of Sex open It is second location In Miami on Friday. THE flagship open In New York City In 2002.

Maud founder Eva Goicochea And creative director And actress Dakota Johnson to have organized A exposure called "Modern Sex: 100 Years of Design And Decency," which open has THE museum This pass weekend. THE collection, which understand more that 500 artifacts, explore restrictions around sexual well-being dating back has THE 1920s. The exposure East organized by decade.

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"It is A little of A dusk area has think of how far We have come And Again not has all," Goicochea said. "He East complete circle. In THE 1920s, they had has coded A plot of their language."

From Maud's creation, Goicochea has Also confronted restrictions.

"We can't display devices. If We to try they to have has be with This silly language," She said. "Were always SO limit, obviously, In different manners In new technology And new media, but even thing. »

Although Goicochea And Johnson had has been to reflect on on This concept For some time, he was not always going has be A exposure.

"Dakota And I had initially talked about This as A [coffee painting] book," Goicochea said. "We basically put together This big document saying We research has explore What This has look at as on THE pass 100 years."

Goicochea And Johnson brought THE proposal has THE Museum of Sex about two years There is And began functioning on THE project Since there. However, THE team note THE coffee painting concept could come has realization A day, as GOOD.

While walk through THE exposure, which was co-sponsored by Maud, Durex And KY, guests will explore media, advertisement And products of each decade — think books, iterations of devices, ancient Playboy magazines And more.

"Something arrived When You see physical objects that represent What arrived historically, » Johnson said. "I hope that people to walk far considering What their notice about their own sexual well-being East And that of others, how It is evolved In THE world Or how It is not evolved, And how It is always represented THE even manners as he has has been In THE last 100 years."

A key artifact In THE exposure East THE 1976 "THE Hit Report," A book by journalist Here Hit that explore results around Women's sexuality Since thousands of investigation respondents. In tandem with THE exposure, A documentary title "THE Disappearance of Here Hit" was recently released. (Johnson East A executive producer And THE narrator of THE movie.)

"THE documentary East about Here Hit And how She was basically completely erased out of history And totally silent When She was presenting quantifiable data about female sexuality And female Orgasm," Johnson said. "It is kind of amazing that these two things coincided has exist simultaneously. »

Goicochea And Johnson Also selected has emphasize gender iniquity through THE category And decades In THE exhibition.

"NOW, 100 years later, You can display erectile dysfunction pills, but You can't display A vibrator used by A women. It is pretty exasperating," Goicochea said. "My hope East that When people see This And SO When he do become A coffee painting book, people will realize how a lot We to have has TO DO And he East up has We worship...

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