Meta's Chief AI Scientist Says AI Won't Threaten Humans

Yann LeCun A chief AI scientist has Meta said labeling THE existential risk of AI East "premature" And It is "absurd" that AI could kill disabled humanity.

The Chief AI Scientist of Meta says AI won't threaten humans News Join We on social networks

THE chief artificial intelligence (AI) scientist has Meta has speak out, would have saying that worries on THE existential risks of THE technology are always "premature," according to has A Financial Times interview.

On October. 19 THE FT quotes Yann LeCun as saying THE premature regulation of AI technology will to strenghten dominance of Big Technology companies And leave No bedroom For competition.

"Regulator research And development In AI East incredibly counter productive," he said. LeCun believes regulators are using THE appearance of AI security For What he called “regulatory capture. »

From THE AI boom Really took disabled After THE release of OpenAI chatbot CatGPT-4 In November 2022, miscellaneous thought leaders In THE industry to have come out proclaiming threats has humanity has THE hands of AI.

Dr. Geoffroy Hinton, known as THE "godfather of AI”, LEFT her position In machine learning has Google SO that he could "talk about THE dangers of AI.

Director of THE Center For AI Security, Dan Hendrycks tweeted back In Can that mitigate THE risk of extinction Since AI should become A global priority on by with "other societal scale risks such as pandemics And nuclear war. »


Meta's Chief AI Scientist Says AI Won't Threaten Humans

Yann LeCun A chief AI scientist has Meta said labeling THE existential risk of AI East "premature" And It is "absurd" that AI could kill disabled humanity.

The Chief AI Scientist of Meta says AI won't threaten humans News Join We on social networks

THE chief artificial intelligence (AI) scientist has Meta has speak out, would have saying that worries on THE existential risks of THE technology are always "premature," according to has A Financial Times interview.

On October. 19 THE FT quotes Yann LeCun as saying THE premature regulation of AI technology will to strenghten dominance of Big Technology companies And leave No bedroom For competition.

"Regulator research And development In AI East incredibly counter productive," he said. LeCun believes regulators are using THE appearance of AI security For What he called “regulatory capture. »

From THE AI boom Really took disabled After THE release of OpenAI chatbot CatGPT-4 In November 2022, miscellaneous thought leaders In THE industry to have come out proclaiming threats has humanity has THE hands of AI.

Dr. Geoffroy Hinton, known as THE "godfather of AI”, LEFT her position In machine learning has Google SO that he could "talk about THE dangers of AI.

Director of THE Center For AI Security, Dan Hendrycks tweeted back In Can that mitigate THE risk of extinction Since AI should become A global priority on by with "other societal scale risks such as pandemics And nuclear war. »


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