Morrison's ex-partner committed suicide, coroner says

8 hours ago

By: Clara Bullock & PA Media, BBC News, West of England

BBC James MorrisonBBC

Singer James Morrison's former partner committed suicide after suffering mental health problems, an inquest heard.

Gill Catchpole, 45, was found dead by Mr Morrison at her home in Whitminster, Gloucestershire, on January 5.

Police and paramedics were called and she was pronounced dead at 9:37 GMT.

">Regional coroner Roland Wooderson recorded a conclusion of suicide at Gloucestershire Coroner's Court on Thursday.

Detective Sergeant David Kania, who investigated the sudden death, ruled out any involvement of a third party. involvement, the investigation has been informed.

He added: “There was no sign of disturbance or third party involvement.”

If you have been affected by the issues raised in this report, help and support is available via the BBC Action Line.

< p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe"> In a written statement, GP Dr Emma Basker said Ms Catchpole suffered from "recurring mental health problems", including anxiety and PTSD, and that she had received medication, counseling and psychological therapy.

Toxicology tests revealed an alcohol level of 190 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. The legal limit for alcohol consumption is 80 mg per 100 ml of blood.

The investigation revealed that the toxicologist was unable to determine “whether or not, or to what extent” Alcohol consumption had had an impact on Ms. Catchpole's state of mind at the time of her death.

Delivering his conclusion to the inquest, Mr Wooderson said: "It is quite clear unfortunately at the relevant time Gill was in a difficult mental situation."

"Having considered the evidence available to me, it unfortunately appears to me that the appropriate conclusion on the balance of probabilities, I will record a finding of suicide,” he said.

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Morrison's ex-partner committed suicide, coroner says

8 hours ago

By: Clara Bullock & PA Media, BBC News, West of England

BBC James MorrisonBBC

Singer James Morrison's former partner committed suicide after suffering mental health problems, an inquest heard.

Gill Catchpole, 45, was found dead by Mr Morrison at her home in Whitminster, Gloucestershire, on January 5.

Police and paramedics were called and she was pronounced dead at 9:37 GMT.

">Regional coroner Roland Wooderson recorded a conclusion of suicide at Gloucestershire Coroner's Court on Thursday.

Detective Sergeant David Kania, who investigated the sudden death, ruled out any involvement of a third party. involvement, the investigation has been informed.

He added: “There was no sign of disturbance or third party involvement.”

If you have been affected by the issues raised in this report, help and support is available via the BBC Action Line.

< p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe"> In a written statement, GP Dr Emma Basker said Ms Catchpole suffered from "recurring mental health problems", including anxiety and PTSD, and that she had received medication, counseling and psychological therapy.

Toxicology tests revealed an alcohol level of 190 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. The legal limit for alcohol consumption is 80 mg per 100 ml of blood.

The investigation revealed that the toxicologist was unable to determine “whether or not, or to what extent” Alcohol consumption had had an impact on Ms. Catchpole's state of mind at the time of her death.

Delivering his conclusion to the inquest, Mr Wooderson said: "It is quite clear unfortunately at the relevant time Gill was in a difficult mental situation."

"Having considered the evidence available to me, it unfortunately appears to me that the appropriate conclusion on the balance of probabilities, I will record a finding of suicide,” he said.

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