NANS to INEC Chairman: Make History by Ensuring the 2023 Elections are the Freest and Fairest in Nigeria

Clement Idoko – Abuja

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, to write his name in gold by organizing a credible, fair and acceptable general election in 2023 in the country.

NANS Senate Speaker, Comrade Attah Felix Nnalue, who led a huge crowd of students at a Unity Fountain Solidarity Rally at INEC Headquarters, Abuja, said on Friday the votes of more than 26 million students who are expected to participate in the 2023 elections must count.

As he addressed reporters at the Unity Fountain before heading to the INEC, Nnalue hailed the Commission's commitment to bequeathing a credible electoral system and process to Nigeria by introducing many innovations including the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS), an electronic device designed to read Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) and authenticate voters, and other milestones that INEC under Mahmood's leadership has registered.

He said, “Nigerian students around the world unanimously wish to inform the President that the 2023 elections are a defining and defining moment for Nigeria.

"For us, Nigerian students, this is all the more true as some of the former leaders of our great association are on the ballot in 2023, of which we are strongly behind.

“We would also like to use this media to remind the electoral body that on January 13, 2023, we wrote to the Commission asking to be part of the election monitoring team and observers, because as partners of progress and as true stakeholders with the real In the interest of the Nation, we feel compelled to contribute our quota to ensure credible elections, but to our displeasure, the CENI turned a blind eye to our request .

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“We also want to remind INEC that we have a million members around the world who are curiously interested in who will become their president in the upcoming elections and the importance of Nigerian students participating fully in the electoral process because we hold 27.8%, or approximately 26 million votes, the highest voter population in this year's general election.

"So for the student body not to be included in the process, we find that unsatisfactory and perceive that our organization wants to be sidelined and we're not going to take that as likely.

"We therefore call on the Chairman of INEC to make history by ensuring that the freest and fairest elections in Nigeria's democratic expedition are held in 2023," he said. he declared.

A former acting president of NANS, Comrade Prince Miaphen, in his remarks called on Nigerian youths and students not to sell their votes and mortgage their future for peanuts.

He urged young people to elect credible leaders based on their backgrounds and what those people could offer when elected. “We say no to vote buying; we say no to violence; we say no to all forms of electoral embezzlement”.

Miaphen said that NANS strongly supports all its former leaders who are running for office for various positions across the country, regardless of the political performance they seek to achieve their dreams.


Tags: INECNANSVoter registration. Elections 2023Yakubu Mahmood

NANS to INEC Chairman: Make History by Ensuring the 2023 Elections are the Freest and Fairest in Nigeria
Clement Idoko – Abuja

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, to write his name in gold by organizing a credible, fair and acceptable general election in 2023 in the country.

NANS Senate Speaker, Comrade Attah Felix Nnalue, who led a huge crowd of students at a Unity Fountain Solidarity Rally at INEC Headquarters, Abuja, said on Friday the votes of more than 26 million students who are expected to participate in the 2023 elections must count.

As he addressed reporters at the Unity Fountain before heading to the INEC, Nnalue hailed the Commission's commitment to bequeathing a credible electoral system and process to Nigeria by introducing many innovations including the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS), an electronic device designed to read Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) and authenticate voters, and other milestones that INEC under Mahmood's leadership has registered.

He said, “Nigerian students around the world unanimously wish to inform the President that the 2023 elections are a defining and defining moment for Nigeria.

"For us, Nigerian students, this is all the more true as some of the former leaders of our great association are on the ballot in 2023, of which we are strongly behind.

“We would also like to use this media to remind the electoral body that on January 13, 2023, we wrote to the Commission asking to be part of the election monitoring team and observers, because as partners of progress and as true stakeholders with the real In the interest of the Nation, we feel compelled to contribute our quota to ensure credible elections, but to our displeasure, the CENI turned a blind eye to our request .

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“We also want to remind INEC that we have a million members around the world who are curiously interested in who will become their president in the upcoming elections and the importance of Nigerian students participating fully in the electoral process because we hold 27.8%, or approximately 26 million votes, the highest voter population in this year's general election.

"So for the student body not to be included in the process, we find that unsatisfactory and perceive that our organization wants to be sidelined and we're not going to take that as likely.

"We therefore call on the Chairman of INEC to make history by ensuring that the freest and fairest elections in Nigeria's democratic expedition are held in 2023," he said. he declared.

A former acting president of NANS, Comrade Prince Miaphen, in his remarks called on Nigerian youths and students not to sell their votes and mortgage their future for peanuts.

He urged young people to elect credible leaders based on their backgrounds and what those people could offer when elected. “We say no to vote buying; we say no to violence; we say no to all forms of electoral embezzlement”.

Miaphen said that NANS strongly supports all its former leaders who are running for office for various positions across the country, regardless of the political performance they seek to achieve their dreams.


Tags: INECNANSVoter registration. Elections 2023Yakubu Mahmood

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