Nasarawa police rescue 30 kidnapping victims

As many as 30 kidnap victims held hostage in Toto Local Government Area, Nasarawa State have been rescued following a joint operation by officers from the Police Command of the State in collaboration with the self-defense group Miyetti Allah in the region.

Command Police Public Relations Officer Ramhan Nansel made the revelation in a statement made available to Lafia reporters on Friday.

He said: “On 12th January 2023, reports were received that suspected abductors were sighted in Sardauna Forest Local Government Area of ​​Toto, Nasarawa State, where they held victims hostage.

"As a reaction to the unhealthy development, a joint operation was carried out by agents of the Command in collaboration with the Miyetti Allah Vigilante group of Toto LGA.

"The kidnappers were however dragged to their enclave in the Sardauna Forest, and upon sighting the agents, the criminals dispersed in disarray deep into the forest.

"As a result, thirty (30) kidnapped victims, including 20 males and 10 females, were rescued unharmed and taken to hospital for medical examination and will be reunited with their families after debriefing."

Nansel added that Police Commissioner Maiyaki Baba applauded the brave efforts of police officers and the Miyetti Allah Vigilante group for a job well done, and ordered the continuous combing of all bushes and forests across the 13 LGAs of the state.

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Nasarawa police rescue 30 kidnapping victims

As many as 30 kidnap victims held hostage in Toto Local Government Area, Nasarawa State have been rescued following a joint operation by officers from the Police Command of the State in collaboration with the self-defense group Miyetti Allah in the region.

Command Police Public Relations Officer Ramhan Nansel made the revelation in a statement made available to Lafia reporters on Friday.

He said: “On 12th January 2023, reports were received that suspected abductors were sighted in Sardauna Forest Local Government Area of ​​Toto, Nasarawa State, where they held victims hostage.

"As a reaction to the unhealthy development, a joint operation was carried out by agents of the Command in collaboration with the Miyetti Allah Vigilante group of Toto LGA.

"The kidnappers were however dragged to their enclave in the Sardauna Forest, and upon sighting the agents, the criminals dispersed in disarray deep into the forest.

"As a result, thirty (30) kidnapped victims, including 20 males and 10 females, were rescued unharmed and taken to hospital for medical examination and will be reunited with their families after debriefing."

Nansel added that Police Commissioner Maiyaki Baba applauded the brave efforts of police officers and the Miyetti Allah Vigilante group for a job well done, and ordered the continuous combing of all bushes and forests across the 13 LGAs of the state.

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