NBA denounces role of soldiers in Kano Emirate crisis

THE Kano bifurcate of THE Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has disparaged THE participation of Nigerian soldiers In THE crisis on THE repeal of THE Kano Emirate Advice Law 2019 And THE bag of emirs.

THE bifurcate president, Sagir Gezawa, In A statement, said as A body of the lawyers, THE association East deeply concerned about THE developments In THE matters.

"It is In THE constitutional duty of A State Assembly has legislate And once pass he remains THE prerogative of A Governor has consent has such Law.

"Once approved has by THE Governor, he has become A Law And It is Implementation East has be do by State device And of course forced by A competent court of law.

"It is further In THE skill of courts has interpret such Law has be In tandem with other existing laws Or THE Constitution.

Yahaya Bello vs. EFCC

"In TO DO SO, We urge OUR members has act responsibly In approaching courts with competent jurisdiction.

"A court order, once given East sacrosanct And must be obeyed. That East THE currency of This association, 'promote THE ruler of law.'

PRIME TIMES book based on facts journalism For Nigerians, by Nigerians — And OUR community of supporters, THE readers WHO make a donation, TO DO OUR work possible. Help We bring You And millions of others in depth, meticulously research news And information.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs expenses, And We take pride In Never placement OUR stories behind A prohibitive paywall.

Will You support OUR writing with A modest Don has help maintain OUR commitment has free, accessible any news?

"However, he must be note that THE court has It is own mechanism of application It is order, It is not In THE powers of THE Nigerian Army has deploy troops has impose A court order. This East A sad reminder of THE military dictatorship And must be condemned.

"Anybody find to want Or In disobedience of A court order (which East declaratory In nature) must First of all be proven has to have has been notified of THE existence of THE said court order by emission of Form 48 And Next Form 49 notify such person of THE consequences of her Or her Actions. This East In double with THE Sheriff And Civil Process Act And Laws of THE miscellaneous States For application court judgments.

"Engaging security device without THE officers of THE Deputy Cherif Department of THE relevant court that do THE order can appear has be self-help, which must Also be condemned.

Adoke AD

"As A association, SO, We call on all State actors, has be aware of their oaths of desk And For THE security the agencies, their scope of homework SO as not has TO DO mockery of OUR judicial system.

"They should as GOOD be aware of THE do that their Actions can infringe THE security And peace of Kano State And they duty be detained indebted In This life Or THE following," THE statement said.

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At Premium Times, We firmly believe In THE importance of high quality journalism. Recognize that not everyone can allow Dear news the subscriptions, We are dedicated has deliver meticulously research, verified facts news that remains freely accessible has everything.

If You turn has Prime Times For every day updates, in depth investigations In pressing national problems, Or entertaining tendency stories, We value your readership.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs ...

NBA denounces role of soldiers in Kano Emirate crisis

THE Kano bifurcate of THE Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has disparaged THE participation of Nigerian soldiers In THE crisis on THE repeal of THE Kano Emirate Advice Law 2019 And THE bag of emirs.

THE bifurcate president, Sagir Gezawa, In A statement, said as A body of the lawyers, THE association East deeply concerned about THE developments In THE matters.

"It is In THE constitutional duty of A State Assembly has legislate And once pass he remains THE prerogative of A Governor has consent has such Law.

"Once approved has by THE Governor, he has become A Law And It is Implementation East has be do by State device And of course forced by A competent court of law.

"It is further In THE skill of courts has interpret such Law has be In tandem with other existing laws Or THE Constitution.

Yahaya Bello vs. EFCC

"In TO DO SO, We urge OUR members has act responsibly In approaching courts with competent jurisdiction.

"A court order, once given East sacrosanct And must be obeyed. That East THE currency of This association, 'promote THE ruler of law.'

PRIME TIMES book based on facts journalism For Nigerians, by Nigerians — And OUR community of supporters, THE readers WHO make a donation, TO DO OUR work possible. Help We bring You And millions of others in depth, meticulously research news And information.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs expenses, And We take pride In Never placement OUR stories behind A prohibitive paywall.

Will You support OUR writing with A modest Don has help maintain OUR commitment has free, accessible any news?

"However, he must be note that THE court has It is own mechanism of application It is order, It is not In THE powers of THE Nigerian Army has deploy troops has impose A court order. This East A sad reminder of THE military dictatorship And must be condemned.

"Anybody find to want Or In disobedience of A court order (which East declaratory In nature) must First of all be proven has to have has been notified of THE existence of THE said court order by emission of Form 48 And Next Form 49 notify such person of THE consequences of her Or her Actions. This East In double with THE Sheriff And Civil Process Act And Laws of THE miscellaneous States For application court judgments.

"Engaging security device without THE officers of THE Deputy Cherif Department of THE relevant court that do THE order can appear has be self-help, which must Also be condemned.

Adoke AD

"As A association, SO, We call on all State actors, has be aware of their oaths of desk And For THE security the agencies, their scope of homework SO as not has TO DO mockery of OUR judicial system.

"They should as GOOD be aware of THE do that their Actions can infringe THE security And peace of Kano State And they duty be detained indebted In This life Or THE following," THE statement said.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility

At Premium Times, We firmly believe In THE importance of high quality journalism. Recognize that not everyone can allow Dear news the subscriptions, We are dedicated has deliver meticulously research, verified facts news that remains freely accessible has everything.

If You turn has Prime Times For every day updates, in depth investigations In pressing national problems, Or entertaining tendency stories, We value your readership.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs ...

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