NBA's Josh Giddey will not face charges in underage relationship investigation


Oklahoma City Thunder guard Josh Giddey will not confront charges from Since A police investigation In if he had A improper relationship with A minor girl ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Newport Beach PD tell We THE case -- which was spear back In November -- East officially farm ... After civil servants find No corroborating proof.

In other words, No A implied was willing has talk ... And 21 years old Giddey East In THE clear.

As We previously reported, Giddey was THE center of serious allegations do on social media during Thanksgiving weekend ... with Pictures And videos showing him interact with A girl believed has be A high school junior has THE time.

josh giddey


THE NBA look at In THE complaints has THE time ... but once Newport PD obtained implied, Adam Money said he would be take A "back seat" And to leave law enforcement TO DO It is thing.

OUR sources said We has THE time that THE minor And her family were not wanting has cooperate with investigators ... which was A major roadblock In THE process. We were Also said THE minor even lawyer up with prominent lawyer Gloria Allred.

NBA's Josh Giddey will not face charges in underage relationship investigation


Oklahoma City Thunder guard Josh Giddey will not confront charges from Since A police investigation In if he had A improper relationship with A minor girl ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Newport Beach PD tell We THE case -- which was spear back In November -- East officially farm ... After civil servants find No corroborating proof.

In other words, No A implied was willing has talk ... And 21 years old Giddey East In THE clear.

As We previously reported, Giddey was THE center of serious allegations do on social media during Thanksgiving weekend ... with Pictures And videos showing him interact with A girl believed has be A high school junior has THE time.

josh giddey


THE NBA look at In THE complaints has THE time ... but once Newport PD obtained implied, Adam Money said he would be take A "back seat" And to leave law enforcement TO DO It is thing.

OUR sources said We has THE time that THE minor And her family were not wanting has cooperate with investigators ... which was A major roadblock In THE process. We were Also said THE minor even lawyer up with prominent lawyer Gloria Allred.

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