“Never again will ethnicity, religion or class determine who will rule Kogi”

All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate For THE November 11 governorship election In Kogi State, Ahmed Ousman Ododo, In This interview with RALPH OMOLOLU AGBANA, spoke on factors likely has determine THE odds of THE decision to party against THE opposition In THE election, among other problems.

What informed your suction has succeed your chief, Governor Yahaya Bello?Service has humanity East THE number A motivation. I was brought up by My Grandmother WHO taught Me service has humanity. I Also served Kogi State below THE direction of My chief, mentor And chief, Alhaji Yahaya Good morning, WHO further watch Me, In practical terms, how has serve humanity using THE platform of government. Service East My galvanization motivation. Secondly, THE amazing opportunity has succeed A enigmatic chief as GYB (Governor Yahaya Bello) East Also A conduct postman. He East undoubtedly THE best governor has to have governed OUR Dear State. He will be A honor has be THE A has continue And consolidate on her beautiful legacies.

Do You think You to have garnered enough experience has governs A complex State as Kogi?Kogi is not it difficult has governs. We were do has believe SO In THE pass until GYB came has demystify that. OUR people to want peace And development, they to want GOOD schools And GOOD hospitals; they to want jobs And empowerment; they to want stable power And water; they to want rural development And food security. When You TO DO these And others For them, they will believe In You And support You. Despite THE media attacks on THE governor, THE people WHO to have benefited Since her rural development, urban renewal, And Infrastructure through all THE sectors keep vote For her to party And showing him support. SO, all I need has TO DO East has build on What he has do And develop he. I was with him When THE Magic development was going on, And I to understand how has take he Before. I can say We are ready.

Your opponents think of You as A puppet hand picked by THE governor. How would be You react has such concept? It's East enough ridiculous And I generally don't do it see a few of these things. I TO DO not harmonize My spirit has problems as that. GYB East not just OUR chief, he has Also taught We how has TO DO GOOD. We duty him And THE people of Kogi State THE responsibility has TO DO GOOD. THE majority, if not all, of THE people that sucked For THE governorship ticket of OUR to party, were eminently qualified has lead THE State. All of We are United has TO DO THE State better After winner on November 11.

THE fundamental problems In THE campaigns in front of THE election include THE performance of Governor Good morning, power rotation, public Infrastructure, THE civil service And workers' wages, security And THE generally well-being of Kogi people. Base on needs assessment, What are You bringing has THE table?Kogites are interested In awareness if I can continue with THE heirlooms of GYB. He has begin landmark projects by building well equipped schools And hospitals through THE State. He has built beautiful roads In rural And urban areas. He has begin A robust Health Insurance Scheme that has do Health Insurance cheaper And more accessible. We to have A frame In place. What We need has TO DO East has build on them. We to have put In OUR manifest how We to want has take THE State Before. We are emboldened by THE plans We to have And THE earnings of THE pass little years. Security East Also very key, And Kogites are Already used has A governor WHO see security as THE number A priority. I can ensure them that I to have learned Since THE best And that I will keep THE State secure. As A State, OUR future East insured.

There are widespread allegations that your diet as State Listener general For local advice supervised A time spoils by 'percentage salaries', resulting In civil the servants disenchantment with THE State government, especially has THE levels of advice workers And primary school teachers. How TO DO You think THE salary imbalances can be address if elected governor? Like THE Listener General For Local Advice, he East My responsibility has ensure that THE advice conform with THE Audit Law. This has do local advice more transparent And more indebted has THE people. This I to have dump has THE best of My abilities.On THE inability of local advice has pay complete salaries, he begin A long time There is. But has A big extent, THE Staff Verification Exercise has deleted A number of involuntary beneficiaries Since THE local government payroll. I am aware that What East be paid NOW East A improvement on What they inherited. With time And with new financial engineering And breeding THE income of local advice, I to have No doubt that they will TO DO better.

He East projected that THE future election In Kogi State will be subject has ethnic campaigns And that voters through major ethnic groups will Ultimately vote For their own on election day. What are your thoughts?I won'...

“Never again will ethnicity, religion or class determine who will rule Kogi”

All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate For THE November 11 governorship election In Kogi State, Ahmed Ousman Ododo, In This interview with RALPH OMOLOLU AGBANA, spoke on factors likely has determine THE odds of THE decision to party against THE opposition In THE election, among other problems.

What informed your suction has succeed your chief, Governor Yahaya Bello?Service has humanity East THE number A motivation. I was brought up by My Grandmother WHO taught Me service has humanity. I Also served Kogi State below THE direction of My chief, mentor And chief, Alhaji Yahaya Good morning, WHO further watch Me, In practical terms, how has serve humanity using THE platform of government. Service East My galvanization motivation. Secondly, THE amazing opportunity has succeed A enigmatic chief as GYB (Governor Yahaya Bello) East Also A conduct postman. He East undoubtedly THE best governor has to have governed OUR Dear State. He will be A honor has be THE A has continue And consolidate on her beautiful legacies.

Do You think You to have garnered enough experience has governs A complex State as Kogi?Kogi is not it difficult has governs. We were do has believe SO In THE pass until GYB came has demystify that. OUR people to want peace And development, they to want GOOD schools And GOOD hospitals; they to want jobs And empowerment; they to want stable power And water; they to want rural development And food security. When You TO DO these And others For them, they will believe In You And support You. Despite THE media attacks on THE governor, THE people WHO to have benefited Since her rural development, urban renewal, And Infrastructure through all THE sectors keep vote For her to party And showing him support. SO, all I need has TO DO East has build on What he has do And develop he. I was with him When THE Magic development was going on, And I to understand how has take he Before. I can say We are ready.

Your opponents think of You as A puppet hand picked by THE governor. How would be You react has such concept? It's East enough ridiculous And I generally don't do it see a few of these things. I TO DO not harmonize My spirit has problems as that. GYB East not just OUR chief, he has Also taught We how has TO DO GOOD. We duty him And THE people of Kogi State THE responsibility has TO DO GOOD. THE majority, if not all, of THE people that sucked For THE governorship ticket of OUR to party, were eminently qualified has lead THE State. All of We are United has TO DO THE State better After winner on November 11.

THE fundamental problems In THE campaigns in front of THE election include THE performance of Governor Good morning, power rotation, public Infrastructure, THE civil service And workers' wages, security And THE generally well-being of Kogi people. Base on needs assessment, What are You bringing has THE table?Kogites are interested In awareness if I can continue with THE heirlooms of GYB. He has begin landmark projects by building well equipped schools And hospitals through THE State. He has built beautiful roads In rural And urban areas. He has begin A robust Health Insurance Scheme that has do Health Insurance cheaper And more accessible. We to have A frame In place. What We need has TO DO East has build on them. We to have put In OUR manifest how We to want has take THE State Before. We are emboldened by THE plans We to have And THE earnings of THE pass little years. Security East Also very key, And Kogites are Already used has A governor WHO see security as THE number A priority. I can ensure them that I to have learned Since THE best And that I will keep THE State secure. As A State, OUR future East insured.

There are widespread allegations that your diet as State Listener general For local advice supervised A time spoils by 'percentage salaries', resulting In civil the servants disenchantment with THE State government, especially has THE levels of advice workers And primary school teachers. How TO DO You think THE salary imbalances can be address if elected governor? Like THE Listener General For Local Advice, he East My responsibility has ensure that THE advice conform with THE Audit Law. This has do local advice more transparent And more indebted has THE people. This I to have dump has THE best of My abilities.On THE inability of local advice has pay complete salaries, he begin A long time There is. But has A big extent, THE Staff Verification Exercise has deleted A number of involuntary beneficiaries Since THE local government payroll. I am aware that What East be paid NOW East A improvement on What they inherited. With time And with new financial engineering And breeding THE income of local advice, I to have No doubt that they will TO DO better.

He East projected that THE future election In Kogi State will be subject has ethnic campaigns And that voters through major ethnic groups will Ultimately vote For their own on election day. What are your thoughts?I won'...

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