“Nigerian leaders lack political will to fight insecurity”

Ancient Director of THE Institute For Peace And Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan (UI), Prof. Olawale Albert, in This interview with ROTIMI AGBOLUAJE, said as long as THE love of President Bolas Tinubu lack THE policy will has tackle insecurity head on, And to prioritize State police among other interventions, incessant attacks as THE Plateau Christmas day before episode would be stay routine. How will You assess President Bolas Tinubu In handling security problems In THE last little month?President Bolas Tinubu East Again has come out with her security management policy. He East Again has TO DO any of them serious statement on how he East going has secure This country beyond THE campaign promises of manufacturing Nigeria safer And secure, but We are Again has to have A clear policy. What I mean by clear policy East A joint of how he understand THE security problems of THE country And how he for has to use THE awareness has develop strategies that are exploitable And to focus on her understanding of THE problem.

This East because part of THE key security challenges In This country East that OUR leaders to have Never demonstrated any of them GOOD understanding of security problems. Let's go take Plateau State For A example, THE problems In THE State to have has been event Since THE 1990s, but You find each government saying these are unknown the criminals And shepherds. Recently, they said they are policy opponents. When You find A policy direction that East not able has TO DO What East called management, SO that policy direction can't solve your problems. Management East When real problems arrive, THE chief will come out In A very clear term has explain What has arrived, identify these people responsible And marshal out What will be do has address THE challenge. To leave Me to use THE September 11 attack as A example. In A little hours it happened, THE President of America came up has say al Qaeda was responsible And Or they could likely be find. He mentioned those host these The Terrorists And exhorted THE countries has surrender them on time. THE American president declared that THE campaign against those WHO were responsible For September 11 would be be global. He underlines that there was No session on THE fence. You are either For We Or against We. SO, he declared A global war against terrorism. NOW, these people went has Plateau State And they kill as a lot as they research has kill. They went has Kaduna State, kill as a lot as they research has kill as GOOD as other places has satisfy ravaged. But Nigeria East Again has come out with A clear statement on which East responsible For This issue And What they are look For. Are they look For to land? East he A religious conflict? East he A ethnic conflict? Are THE attackers Since out? When Buhari was In government, he went has Benue State And said THE The Terrorists were their neighbors. SO, he came out Again And said they were foreigners Since Libya. Buhari LEFT desk unable has say We WHO were attacking Nigerians. Unfortunately, Tinubu has begin her own on that of Buhari path. SO, What We to have discovered In This nation East that, Since THE time of Good luck Jonathan, each president We to have product East THE chief mourner of THE nation. You only hear them saying they to have declared Seven days of grief; THE president And her ministers would be go there has visit victims And SO a few colorless characters would be say they are make a donation N100 million And all those. We to have not has been able has know What East fake with We from a security point of view. This East because we are responsible For THE issue. If You are responsible For A issue, You I won't point fingers has anybody has to accuse him Or her of be responsible. SO, lack of policy will has identify THE enemy of This nation East THE number A issue. While there East No will has identify those WHO are responsible, You TO DO THE work of security management very difficult For THE unfortunate people WHO are manager he. You know those responsible but You always send soldiers there. THE soldiers themselves know that You are not ready has identify THE enemy. They, Also, are afraid has say these are THE enemies. As A scientist, I to want has say lack of policy will departures First of all And first of all, with OUR reluctance And inability has frame THE issue. WHO East THE enemy? WHO are these people murder Nigerians In their hundreds ? How a lot arrests to have You Never do? How a lot of these people to have You Never for follow-up ? Gumi went has THE forest In THE North West, he encounter these people, detained meetings with them And he came back. Funny enough, THE government East always affirming that they don't do it know WHO these people are. A of THE The Terrorists came out has get A chiefdom title. He brought her friends, they dance And did all they research has TO DO And went back. But three Or four days later, You saw a few characters saying they were look For them. WHO are You look For? SO, We will continue This path SO long as ...

“Nigerian leaders lack political will to fight insecurity”

Ancient Director of THE Institute For Peace And Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan (UI), Prof. Olawale Albert, in This interview with ROTIMI AGBOLUAJE, said as long as THE love of President Bolas Tinubu lack THE policy will has tackle insecurity head on, And to prioritize State police among other interventions, incessant attacks as THE Plateau Christmas day before episode would be stay routine. How will You assess President Bolas Tinubu In handling security problems In THE last little month?President Bolas Tinubu East Again has come out with her security management policy. He East Again has TO DO any of them serious statement on how he East going has secure This country beyond THE campaign promises of manufacturing Nigeria safer And secure, but We are Again has to have A clear policy. What I mean by clear policy East A joint of how he understand THE security problems of THE country And how he for has to use THE awareness has develop strategies that are exploitable And to focus on her understanding of THE problem.

This East because part of THE key security challenges In This country East that OUR leaders to have Never demonstrated any of them GOOD understanding of security problems. Let's go take Plateau State For A example, THE problems In THE State to have has been event Since THE 1990s, but You find each government saying these are unknown the criminals And shepherds. Recently, they said they are policy opponents. When You find A policy direction that East not able has TO DO What East called management, SO that policy direction can't solve your problems. Management East When real problems arrive, THE chief will come out In A very clear term has explain What has arrived, identify these people responsible And marshal out What will be do has address THE challenge. To leave Me to use THE September 11 attack as A example. In A little hours it happened, THE President of America came up has say al Qaeda was responsible And Or they could likely be find. He mentioned those host these The Terrorists And exhorted THE countries has surrender them on time. THE American president declared that THE campaign against those WHO were responsible For September 11 would be be global. He underlines that there was No session on THE fence. You are either For We Or against We. SO, he declared A global war against terrorism. NOW, these people went has Plateau State And they kill as a lot as they research has kill. They went has Kaduna State, kill as a lot as they research has kill as GOOD as other places has satisfy ravaged. But Nigeria East Again has come out with A clear statement on which East responsible For This issue And What they are look For. Are they look For to land? East he A religious conflict? East he A ethnic conflict? Are THE attackers Since out? When Buhari was In government, he went has Benue State And said THE The Terrorists were their neighbors. SO, he came out Again And said they were foreigners Since Libya. Buhari LEFT desk unable has say We WHO were attacking Nigerians. Unfortunately, Tinubu has begin her own on that of Buhari path. SO, What We to have discovered In This nation East that, Since THE time of Good luck Jonathan, each president We to have product East THE chief mourner of THE nation. You only hear them saying they to have declared Seven days of grief; THE president And her ministers would be go there has visit victims And SO a few colorless characters would be say they are make a donation N100 million And all those. We to have not has been able has know What East fake with We from a security point of view. This East because we are responsible For THE issue. If You are responsible For A issue, You I won't point fingers has anybody has to accuse him Or her of be responsible. SO, lack of policy will has identify THE enemy of This nation East THE number A issue. While there East No will has identify those WHO are responsible, You TO DO THE work of security management very difficult For THE unfortunate people WHO are manager he. You know those responsible but You always send soldiers there. THE soldiers themselves know that You are not ready has identify THE enemy. They, Also, are afraid has say these are THE enemies. As A scientist, I to want has say lack of policy will departures First of all And first of all, with OUR reluctance And inability has frame THE issue. WHO East THE enemy? WHO are these people murder Nigerians In their hundreds ? How a lot arrests to have You Never do? How a lot of these people to have You Never for follow-up ? Gumi went has THE forest In THE North West, he encounter these people, detained meetings with them And he came back. Funny enough, THE government East always affirming that they don't do it know WHO these people are. A of THE The Terrorists came out has get A chiefdom title. He brought her friends, they dance And did all they research has TO DO And went back. But three Or four days later, You saw a few characters saying they were look For them. WHO are You look For? SO, We will continue This path SO long as ...

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