Ogun PDP vice-president resigns

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By Gbenga Oloniniran

September 1, 2022

A former Ogun State assembly legislator, Hon. Leye Odunjo, resigned from his position as Vice President of the State People's Democratic Party.

Odunjo, in a letter written to the party's National Chairman, Senator Iyorchia Ayu, on Thursday, through the State Chairman, Hon. Sikirulai Ogundele, said his resignation from the post and as a member of the party was his personal decision.

He appreciated Ogundele and other PDP members in the state for their love, support and cooperation, noting that he would miss them all.

The letter read in part: "I am humbly writing to inform Your Excellency of my decision to step down as Vice President of Ogun State and as a member of the party.

“I thank Almighty God for giving me the opportunity to serve diligently and loyally since its formation in 1998. I have served the party in various capacities from State Chairman (West) to twice, Acting State Vice President and Substantial State Vice President until my resignation.

"I was a member of the Ogun State Assembly for eight years, gubernatorial contender, House of Representative contender, and party senatorial candidate in the last general election, to say the least. to name just a few."

Odunjo cited "personal and divine" reasons for his resignation, stating, "My decision to resign my position and also quit the party is 'personal and divine'.

“I want to take this opportunity to especially thank the State Chairman and all the members of the State Working Committee for their support, cooperation and the love we shared together. nice to work with all of you. I will miss you all.

“I also extend my thanks to all the chairmen of local governments, executive members of the party, those who left the party before me and those who are still in the party, in my local government, Ado- Odo/Ota and Ogun State.

“It will be a brutal shock to many party members. All staff members of the party secretariat are also appreciated,” he added.

Ogun PDP vice-president resigns

Please share this story:

By Gbenga Oloniniran

September 1, 2022

A former Ogun State assembly legislator, Hon. Leye Odunjo, resigned from his position as Vice President of the State People's Democratic Party.

Odunjo, in a letter written to the party's National Chairman, Senator Iyorchia Ayu, on Thursday, through the State Chairman, Hon. Sikirulai Ogundele, said his resignation from the post and as a member of the party was his personal decision.

He appreciated Ogundele and other PDP members in the state for their love, support and cooperation, noting that he would miss them all.

The letter read in part: "I am humbly writing to inform Your Excellency of my decision to step down as Vice President of Ogun State and as a member of the party.

“I thank Almighty God for giving me the opportunity to serve diligently and loyally since its formation in 1998. I have served the party in various capacities from State Chairman (West) to twice, Acting State Vice President and Substantial State Vice President until my resignation.

"I was a member of the Ogun State Assembly for eight years, gubernatorial contender, House of Representative contender, and party senatorial candidate in the last general election, to say the least. to name just a few."

Odunjo cited "personal and divine" reasons for his resignation, stating, "My decision to resign my position and also quit the party is 'personal and divine'.

“I want to take this opportunity to especially thank the State Chairman and all the members of the State Working Committee for their support, cooperation and the love we shared together. nice to work with all of you. I will miss you all.

“I also extend my thanks to all the chairmen of local governments, executive members of the party, those who left the party before me and those who are still in the party, in my local government, Ado- Odo/Ota and Ogun State.

“It will be a brutal shock to many party members. All staff members of the party secretariat are also appreciated,” he added.

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