Only Jennifer Lopez could bundle up like this

In THE world of Jennifer Lopez, all East A opportunity For A bold fashion statement - same When You are simply trying has stay hot. Earlier This week In New York City, THE star brave THE cold In A look It is very “Jenny Since THE Block": Lopez shaken A giant plush fake fur coat with A white tee, bouffant jeans, And her signature Timberland boots - one She she is has been resistant Since She was A adolescence growth up In THE Bronx. I am captivated by her approach has grouping up, to know because most New The Yorkers stack on A big, black inflator coat And call he A day. But not J.Lo! She finished disabled THE look with movie worthy of a star nuances And giant hoops.

It is not THE First of all time Lopez has do This together her winter uniform. Post-accommodation SATURDAY Night Live last weekend, THE star emerged resistant A white fake fur coat with metallic boots. And She was spotted In A heavy fake fur jacket with jeans And Stamps last year, Also. It is enough impressive how a lot shaggy outerwear She possesses ; THE pieces must to have their very own closet.

Only Jennifer Lopez could come together like this

Photo: Getty Images

If You think about he, A statement coat East THE Perfect clip has to carry on A cold, crisp day. You can layer virtually Nothing below he, And you go always be turning A total look. However, There is something distinctly cool about THE path J.Lo drawn he disabled. In these looks, She could to walk RIGHT on THE together of The scammers 2 And be totally ready has movie.

Only Jennifer Lopez could bundle up like this

In THE world of Jennifer Lopez, all East A opportunity For A bold fashion statement - same When You are simply trying has stay hot. Earlier This week In New York City, THE star brave THE cold In A look It is very “Jenny Since THE Block": Lopez shaken A giant plush fake fur coat with A white tee, bouffant jeans, And her signature Timberland boots - one She she is has been resistant Since She was A adolescence growth up In THE Bronx. I am captivated by her approach has grouping up, to know because most New The Yorkers stack on A big, black inflator coat And call he A day. But not J.Lo! She finished disabled THE look with movie worthy of a star nuances And giant hoops.

It is not THE First of all time Lopez has do This together her winter uniform. Post-accommodation SATURDAY Night Live last weekend, THE star emerged resistant A white fake fur coat with metallic boots. And She was spotted In A heavy fake fur jacket with jeans And Stamps last year, Also. It is enough impressive how a lot shaggy outerwear She possesses ; THE pieces must to have their very own closet.

Only Jennifer Lopez could come together like this

Photo: Getty Images

If You think about he, A statement coat East THE Perfect clip has to carry on A cold, crisp day. You can layer virtually Nothing below he, And you go always be turning A total look. However, There is something distinctly cool about THE path J.Lo drawn he disabled. In these looks, She could to walk RIGHT on THE together of The scammers 2 And be totally ready has movie.

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