Overcoming a Recession (1), By Yemi Adetayo

…what have you learned in the past that you can start as a business or service to weather the storms? A few years ago I discovered the printing process. He has always been useful this season. This is among other practical skills I learned growing up.

Nigeria is going through a difficult time. The continued rise of foreign currencies like the dollar against the naira has made life unbearable, while the exploitative attitude of Nigerian traders and middlemen has even worsened. They arbitrarily raised the prices of their goods and services in order to exploit the economic situation. The absence of a functional price control committee made it possible not to control this anomaly.

What can be done to overcome these difficult times? Most Nigerians would have loved to "Jappa" (run away) to any possible part of Europe. Unfortunately very few people have the means to realize their dream of leaving the country.

How do we overcome difficult times? A former minister of God discovered that his bills were more than his income. This really worried him because he found out that he had started borrowing and repayment was becoming a problem. He had to look within to find what he could do to increase his income. He remembered that he was very good at washing clothes in his youth. He called a family meeting and told his people that he was going to start a laundry business and they had to keep the shame aside so they wouldn't really be ashamed. They resolved to tell their friends and neighbors about it. It seemed ridiculous at first that an entire Reverend Minister would wash clothes as a means of living. He didn't care what people thought of his move. He decided to do well what he had committed himself to. He started and in no time was able to pay his bills and have good savings. Thank God he wasn't ashamed, thank God he put his hands to work.

My friends, you need to do the same, dig into yourself and answer the following questions: First, what do you like to do?

Second, what have you learned in the past that you can start as a business or service to weather the storms? A few years ago I discovered the printing process. He has always been useful this season. This is among other practical skills I learned growing up.

What problems do you help people solve? Do people come to you for advice? If they do, you can think of advice or consultation. There are many things to learn but at least you can begin to learn what to do in the uncovered area.

Another important question: do you have a certificate? Because you can easily take advantage of your certificate to get a job and continue your business in the evenings or on weekends. What's the pride of sleeping all week because of low attendance? A friend has gotten a teaching job and is retiring to her store after resting for a while. In this way, she was able to really help the husband financially.

My friends, the simple key that we have looked at is to look within. Nigeria is going through difficult times, my simple prayer for you is that your family does not suffer unnecessary pain. The first simple solution is to "look within" and explore your inner gold. I'm sure you will find donations, knowledge base, connections that can be used to build the necessary wealth. To avoid pain, explore your gold mines. You will succeed!

Overcoming a Recession (1), By Yemi Adetayo

…what have you learned in the past that you can start as a business or service to weather the storms? A few years ago I discovered the printing process. He has always been useful this season. This is among other practical skills I learned growing up.

Nigeria is going through a difficult time. The continued rise of foreign currencies like the dollar against the naira has made life unbearable, while the exploitative attitude of Nigerian traders and middlemen has even worsened. They arbitrarily raised the prices of their goods and services in order to exploit the economic situation. The absence of a functional price control committee made it possible not to control this anomaly.

What can be done to overcome these difficult times? Most Nigerians would have loved to "Jappa" (run away) to any possible part of Europe. Unfortunately very few people have the means to realize their dream of leaving the country.

How do we overcome difficult times? A former minister of God discovered that his bills were more than his income. This really worried him because he found out that he had started borrowing and repayment was becoming a problem. He had to look within to find what he could do to increase his income. He remembered that he was very good at washing clothes in his youth. He called a family meeting and told his people that he was going to start a laundry business and they had to keep the shame aside so they wouldn't really be ashamed. They resolved to tell their friends and neighbors about it. It seemed ridiculous at first that an entire Reverend Minister would wash clothes as a means of living. He didn't care what people thought of his move. He decided to do well what he had committed himself to. He started and in no time was able to pay his bills and have good savings. Thank God he wasn't ashamed, thank God he put his hands to work.

My friends, you need to do the same, dig into yourself and answer the following questions: First, what do you like to do?

Second, what have you learned in the past that you can start as a business or service to weather the storms? A few years ago I discovered the printing process. He has always been useful this season. This is among other practical skills I learned growing up.

What problems do you help people solve? Do people come to you for advice? If they do, you can think of advice or consultation. There are many things to learn but at least you can begin to learn what to do in the uncovered area.

Another important question: do you have a certificate? Because you can easily take advantage of your certificate to get a job and continue your business in the evenings or on weekends. What's the pride of sleeping all week because of low attendance? A friend has gotten a teaching job and is retiring to her store after resting for a while. In this way, she was able to really help the husband financially.

My friends, the simple key that we have looked at is to look within. Nigeria is going through difficult times, my simple prayer for you is that your family does not suffer unnecessary pain. The first simple solution is to "look within" and explore your inner gold. I'm sure you will find donations, knowledge base, connections that can be used to build the necessary wealth. To avoid pain, explore your gold mines. You will succeed!

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