Oyo: NAWOJ vice-president takes oath at electoral committee

THE Vice President of THE Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Mrs. Adeola Adekunle, has inaugurated A 3 members Guardian/Electoral Committee has to drive elections In THE Oyo State chapter of NAWOJ In THE following 30 days.

Adekunle appeals has THE Committee has ensure transparency, free, fair, And credible polls, exhorting them has work with diligence has reach This objective.

Addressing NAWOJ members has THE Dapo Aderogba Room, NUJ Press Center, Iyaganku, Ibadan, Comrade Adekunle underlines THE need For unit And harmony, encouraging them has to kiss A another And TO DO THE election A "Meeting" A, Or there should be "No Victor, No defeated. »

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She Also Express gratitude has THE Oyo State Advice of THE Nigeria union of Journalists (NUJ), directed by Comrade Ademole Babalola, For their support has NAWOJ on THE years.

THE Guardian/Electoral sperm Screening Committee directed by Omolara Ayoade (FRCN Chapel), insured all NAWOJIANS of justice In It is electoral process towards having A better And A all inclusive Oyo NAWOJ Or all members are A United family.

Nigerien TRIBUNE

Keywords: nawojNUJOyo

Oyo: NAWOJ vice-president takes oath at electoral committee

THE Vice President of THE Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Mrs. Adeola Adekunle, has inaugurated A 3 members Guardian/Electoral Committee has to drive elections In THE Oyo State chapter of NAWOJ In THE following 30 days.

Adekunle appeals has THE Committee has ensure transparency, free, fair, And credible polls, exhorting them has work with diligence has reach This objective.

Addressing NAWOJ members has THE Dapo Aderogba Room, NUJ Press Center, Iyaganku, Ibadan, Comrade Adekunle underlines THE need For unit And harmony, encouraging them has to kiss A another And TO DO THE election A "Meeting" A, Or there should be "No Victor, No defeated. »

Related Posts

Troops Stop famous kidnapper, suspected informants In Oyo, Abuja

TMC congratulate Dangote, Oyo Muslim community

Government Makinde approved immediate recruitment of consultants, doctors, nurses, others

ALSO READ: Edo guber: APC, PDP, CENI trade words on incoming CVR

She Also Express gratitude has THE Oyo State Advice of THE Nigeria union of Journalists (NUJ), directed by Comrade Ademole Babalola, For their support has NAWOJ on THE years.

THE Guardian/Electoral sperm Screening Committee directed by Omolara Ayoade (FRCN Chapel), insured all NAWOJIANS of justice In It is electoral process towards having A better And A all inclusive Oyo NAWOJ Or all members are A United family.

Nigerien TRIBUNE

Keywords: nawojNUJOyo

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