PDP Crisis: Why Iyorchia Ayu Can't Be Removed Now - Atiku Campaign

The campaign of People's Democratic Party presidential candidate for the 2023 general election, Atiku Abubakar, has given the reason why the chairman of the country's main opposition party, Iyorchia Ayu, cannot be removed from office. functions at the moment.

The PDP has been rocked for months by an internal crisis, with a camp loyal to Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike demanding the resignation of Mr Ayu to allow the appointment of a replacement from southern Nigeria. This camp sees this as one of the ways to address the imbalance in the party leadership.

But speaking through Charles Aniagwu, one of its spokespersons, the Atiku campaign said that instead of removing Mr Ayu, the PDP was exploring other options to resolve the crisis who shook the party.

Mr. Aniagwu said that as a listening group, the party looks into issues based on what is allowed by party laws.

Speaking on Arise TV on Saturday, Mr Aniagwu said sacking Mr Ayu would create a constitutional crisis for the party, which would lead to bigger problems than the party was currently facing.


According to him, the main issue being debated by stakeholders is the resignation of the national president which is now overtaken by events following the vote of confidence by the party's National Executive Committee (NEC).

"People may misinterpret it as bluffing some stakeholders, but this is far from the case as the party leadership has considered the issues against the provisions of the party constitution as amended in 2017,” Mr. Ayu said.

"When you look at this constitution, there are principal officers called the National Working Committee of the party headed by the National President and in the other of the hierarchy, the National Vice President who must also come from the same area with the National President is as follows.

"Third in line is the National Secretary and when you look at these positions the National President is from the North, the second in command is also from the North under the provision of the party constitution.

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"In article 45 of the party's constitution, in the event of the dismissal or resignation of the national president, the national vice-president takes over and acts in place of this national president until the party is in able to hold another election or hold an NEC meeting to be able to make a decision on how to reorganize the party hierarchy."

Mr. Aniagwu said that because the posts were elective, even if Mr. Ayu had to resign for power to return to the South, the provisions of the party constitution would also be offended.

"This can only happen if you can also take the decision to dismiss the national vice-president of the party on which the lot falls immediately under the provisions of the law.

"Even if the party is able to solve this puzzle by bringing both the national president and the deputy to the south, the third person in the hierarchy of the party's national working committee is the national secretary and that' is in the south specifically Senator Samuel Anyanwu of Imo State.

“Now, if you decide to bring these two positions south, have you also made arrangements to take the national secretary north?

"Because of these legal hurdles, the party considered that given the time we have, which is roughly six months before the general election, it could probably snowball into a form of crisis that could trigger a lot of discomfort within the party if we proceed to start making these changes, there are tendencies that the party could be dragged into a crisis that would be worse than the one we are seeing right now.

> ALSO READ: Once again, Wike takes on Ayu, says 'arrogant' PDP chairman

"This bigger crisis is what the ruling APC is waiting for, but the party leadership is smart enough and I'm glad Governor Nyesom Wike and other leaders appreciate the need for the party to move on in its together in the general election of 2023 elections."

The Atiku campaign spokesperson further stated that it was on this basis that the party decided to look at what was possible at the moment and that resulted in the resignation of Walid Jibrin and to the subsequent emergence of Senator Adolphus Wagbara as President Boar. ..

PDP Crisis: Why Iyorchia Ayu Can't Be Removed Now - Atiku Campaign

The campaign of People's Democratic Party presidential candidate for the 2023 general election, Atiku Abubakar, has given the reason why the chairman of the country's main opposition party, Iyorchia Ayu, cannot be removed from office. functions at the moment.

The PDP has been rocked for months by an internal crisis, with a camp loyal to Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike demanding the resignation of Mr Ayu to allow the appointment of a replacement from southern Nigeria. This camp sees this as one of the ways to address the imbalance in the party leadership.

But speaking through Charles Aniagwu, one of its spokespersons, the Atiku campaign said that instead of removing Mr Ayu, the PDP was exploring other options to resolve the crisis who shook the party.

Mr. Aniagwu said that as a listening group, the party looks into issues based on what is allowed by party laws.

Speaking on Arise TV on Saturday, Mr Aniagwu said sacking Mr Ayu would create a constitutional crisis for the party, which would lead to bigger problems than the party was currently facing.


According to him, the main issue being debated by stakeholders is the resignation of the national president which is now overtaken by events following the vote of confidence by the party's National Executive Committee (NEC).

"People may misinterpret it as bluffing some stakeholders, but this is far from the case as the party leadership has considered the issues against the provisions of the party constitution as amended in 2017,” Mr. Ayu said.

"When you look at this constitution, there are principal officers called the National Working Committee of the party headed by the National President and in the other of the hierarchy, the National Vice President who must also come from the same area with the National President is as follows.

"Third in line is the National Secretary and when you look at these positions the National President is from the North, the second in command is also from the North under the provision of the party constitution.

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"In article 45 of the party's constitution, in the event of the dismissal or resignation of the national president, the national vice-president takes over and acts in place of this national president until the party is in able to hold another election or hold an NEC meeting to be able to make a decision on how to reorganize the party hierarchy."

Mr. Aniagwu said that because the posts were elective, even if Mr. Ayu had to resign for power to return to the South, the provisions of the party constitution would also be offended.

"This can only happen if you can also take the decision to dismiss the national vice-president of the party on which the lot falls immediately under the provisions of the law.

"Even if the party is able to solve this puzzle by bringing both the national president and the deputy to the south, the third person in the hierarchy of the party's national working committee is the national secretary and that' is in the south specifically Senator Samuel Anyanwu of Imo State.

“Now, if you decide to bring these two positions south, have you also made arrangements to take the national secretary north?

"Because of these legal hurdles, the party considered that given the time we have, which is roughly six months before the general election, it could probably snowball into a form of crisis that could trigger a lot of discomfort within the party if we proceed to start making these changes, there are tendencies that the party could be dragged into a crisis that would be worse than the one we are seeing right now.

> ALSO READ: Once again, Wike takes on Ayu, says 'arrogant' PDP chairman

"This bigger crisis is what the ruling APC is waiting for, but the party leadership is smart enough and I'm glad Governor Nyesom Wike and other leaders appreciate the need for the party to move on in its together in the general election of 2023 elections."

The Atiku campaign spokesperson further stated that it was on this basis that the party decided to look at what was possible at the moment and that resulted in the resignation of Walid Jibrin and to the subsequent emergence of Senator Adolphus Wagbara as President Boar. ..

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