Poet Jorie Graham calls on Hollywood to resist censorship and distribute 'The Apprentice'

June 15, 2024 3:36 p.m.
Jorie Graham

Pulitzer Winner poet Jorie Graham, called A of THE most famous poets of THE American after the war generation, has job A answer Today has A New York Times by Michelle Goldberg that ran Friday.

THE Times history deplored that THE rights has THE Apprentice, A powerful movie with Jeremiah Strong And Sebastian Stan that chronicles THE Roy Cohn/Donald Asset relationship, has not has been selected up Again For WE. distribution In theaters Or streaming, And Thus, can not be seen.

THE movie was well received last month When he created has Canes.

"Unfortunately, You can not get A chance has (see he) at any time Soon, has less In THE United States," Goldberg wrote. « Distributors to have bought THE rights has THE Apprentice In Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan And a lot other countries. But THE filmmakers to have Again has secure A agreement has release he here, either In theaters Or on streaming services. »

Fear of THE policy consequences of distribute THE movie seem has be holding back any of them agreement, as a few experts note In THE Times piece. Asset has Also threat dispute.

Today, A dismayed Jorie Graham sentenced THE lack of support For THE movie And For artistic vision In general In these times, call he "creepy, In fact" In A X post.

"Beyond THE article, THE extraordinary Jeremiah Strong concerning Hollywood fear-& It is apparent refusal has distribute "THE Apprentice"- which Otherwise has global distribution," Graham job. "East THE censorship of artistic expression Already start - like if A pre-internalization of THE autocratic world threatening We? East Hollywood giving up without even SO a lot as A struggle, as a lot of Silicon Valley has is it done?

"Art East by definition resistance - like a lot as he East party & initiation. Listen has This wise man & her wise choice of words: "I would be say that Hollywood needs has be recalled of that of Shakespeare words – that as storytellers OUR job East has socket THE mirror up has nature… And has to show THE very age And body of THE time It is form And pressure.

"If We become afraid has socket THE mirror up has nature And afraid has to show THE form And pressure of THE age And body of OUR time, SO he East THE beginning of THE END of movie as A worthy of interest piece of culture And We to have fully between A age of Decadence In OUR culture, which history watch We has be THE last scene Before collapse. »

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Poet Jorie Graham calls on Hollywood to resist censorship and distribute 'The Apprentice'
June 15, 2024 3:36 p.m.
Jorie Graham

Pulitzer Winner poet Jorie Graham, called A of THE most famous poets of THE American after the war generation, has job A answer Today has A New York Times by Michelle Goldberg that ran Friday.

THE Times history deplored that THE rights has THE Apprentice, A powerful movie with Jeremiah Strong And Sebastian Stan that chronicles THE Roy Cohn/Donald Asset relationship, has not has been selected up Again For WE. distribution In theaters Or streaming, And Thus, can not be seen.

THE movie was well received last month When he created has Canes.

"Unfortunately, You can not get A chance has (see he) at any time Soon, has less In THE United States," Goldberg wrote. « Distributors to have bought THE rights has THE Apprentice In Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan And a lot other countries. But THE filmmakers to have Again has secure A agreement has release he here, either In theaters Or on streaming services. »

Fear of THE policy consequences of distribute THE movie seem has be holding back any of them agreement, as a few experts note In THE Times piece. Asset has Also threat dispute.

Today, A dismayed Jorie Graham sentenced THE lack of support For THE movie And For artistic vision In general In these times, call he "creepy, In fact" In A X post.

"Beyond THE article, THE extraordinary Jeremiah Strong concerning Hollywood fear-& It is apparent refusal has distribute "THE Apprentice"- which Otherwise has global distribution," Graham job. "East THE censorship of artistic expression Already start - like if A pre-internalization of THE autocratic world threatening We? East Hollywood giving up without even SO a lot as A struggle, as a lot of Silicon Valley has is it done?

"Art East by definition resistance - like a lot as he East party & initiation. Listen has This wise man & her wise choice of words: "I would be say that Hollywood needs has be recalled of that of Shakespeare words – that as storytellers OUR job East has socket THE mirror up has nature… And has to show THE very age And body of THE time It is form And pressure.

"If We become afraid has socket THE mirror up has nature And afraid has to show THE form And pressure of THE age And body of OUR time, SO he East THE beginning of THE END of movie as A worthy of interest piece of culture And We to have fully between A age of Decadence In OUR culture, which history watch We has be THE last scene Before collapse. »

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