Princess Love: 5 things to know about Ray J's wife and the mother of his 2 children

See the gallery Ray J and Princess LoveRay J and Princess Love out and about, Los Angeles, USA - November 14, 2018 Ray J and Princess Love MTV Movie & TV Awards, Arrivals, Barker Hangar, Los Angeles, USA - June 15, 2019 Princess Love, Melody Norwood and Ray J Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, Arrivals, Galen Center, Los Angeles, USA - March 23, 2019 Princess Love is best known for being the wife of Ray J and appearing in "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood" They have been married since 2016. Ray J. just ended a planned divorce with her.

Ray J may have had a high-profile romance with Kim Kardashian, but he's proven his true love is the aptly named Princess Love Norwood. The R&B singer has been married to her since 2016 and they started a family together. But there was ultimately trouble in heaven for the couple, with reports that they were set to divorce after four years as a married couple. The off and on duo would eventually file for divorce no less than three times. Now, it looks like they are close to reconciling again, as Ray J filed for annulment of their divorce on March 1, 2023.

Princess Love: 5 things to know about Ray J's wife and the mother of his 2 children
See the gallery Ray J and Princess LoveRay J and Princess Love out and about, Los Angeles, USA - November 14, 2018 Ray J and Princess Love MTV Movie & TV Awards, Arrivals, Barker Hangar, Los Angeles, USA - June 15, 2019 Princess Love, Melody Norwood and Ray J Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, Arrivals, Galen Center, Los Angeles, USA - March 23, 2019 Princess Love is best known for being the wife of Ray J and appearing in "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood" They have been married since 2016. Ray J. just ended a planned divorce with her.

Ray J may have had a high-profile romance with Kim Kardashian, but he's proven his true love is the aptly named Princess Love Norwood. The R&B singer has been married to her since 2016 and they started a family together. But there was ultimately trouble in heaven for the couple, with reports that they were set to divorce after four years as a married couple. The off and on duo would eventually file for divorce no less than three times. Now, it looks like they are close to reconciling again, as Ray J filed for annulment of their divorce on March 1, 2023.

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