The terrible meeting with Professor Moyo Okediji

MOYO Okediji, THE Born in Nigeria United State-based Teacher of art history has THE University of Texas has Austin, can be disappointed And sad that her country, Nigeria, has sunk further In THE abyss Since he LEFT It is shores In 1992, but he can't claim has to have has been totally surprised by THE terrible encounter he had with a few unscrupulous security agents When he visited THE country recently. And that East because THE country was Already on It is descent In ignominy by THE time he LEFT For THE United States And that, maybe, was even THE motivation For her emigration. However, there East No doubt that THE country East NOW dangerously protester THE features of dysfunction more that Never Before. THE Based in the United States teacher tell her encounter with Men of THE Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) And THE Nigeria Police during which he claims he was stolen of her money And even threat with the death. He can Indeed be SO painful For Nigerians to come back House After such A long time has to have that kind of wicked experience. How can innocent citizens be having close to death experiences has THE hands of security agencies In their own country? THE teacher ostensibly accused staff of THE NIS has THE Sown border of Benign Republic of flight $500 Since her luggage!

THE world East A global village And Okediji history will to have has been read around THE world, giving Nigeria A bad picture. And This, event has A time When The politicians are globetrotter, while searching has attract a lot necessary stranger investments In THE country East most inauspicious And counter productive. For how can people while reading such stories come has Nigeria For visits, to leave alone invest their hard earned resources In A country Or visitors to have such horrible experience of THE country rot RIGHT Since It is borders? For A long time, there to have has been reports of security agents harassment And even murder innocent Nigerians to come back has THE country, especially those WHO come In with Valuable objects. And he East Really worrying And embarrassing that such unprofessional, And even criminal to drive are more common among THE security agents has THE Nigerian borders. On This score, Okediji has This has say: "All went GOOD In Ghana, Go, Benign Republic, until I take a step In Nigeria." Very sad!

Indeed, THE tale of anguish said by Okediji concerning her close to death experience In THE hands of staff of THE NIS And THE police East most regrettable. Such criminal to drive undermine THE efforts be do In official circles has polish THE coating picture of THE country. And worse always, he East A eloquent testimony has THE do that Nothing works In THE country Again as all constructions to have stopped has function In their considered manner, with everyone choose has TO DO never mind pleases them has all levels even as there East No direction has call those below has order. Would be Immigration officers to have violated THE dignity of A traveler And insisted on invoke non-existent rules if they had not known that THE victim was unlikely has to have any of them place has complain, seek Or get justice? In THE even vein, THE police officers In question would be not to have imposed their illicit will on Teacher Okediji if not For THE insurance that illegality can't be easily disputed In THE country. In sum, government civil servants tender has persist In mischief either because there East No Street For legitimate checks on them Or because those WHO are supposed has impose checks And sales simply look THE other path Since they are probably functioning hands In gloves with THE offenders.

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THE result East that THE country, For NOW, do not run In any of them functional sense as there East A omnipresence of illegality that departures Since And East activated And supported has THE The highest level of governance In THE country. THE collapse of governance constructions In THE country East In himself A reflection of collapse has THE The highest level And only A change has that level can help has restore order And institute renewed respect For rules And regulations. And he East No rocket science that A change For THE better has THE The highest level will impact THE Company positively. For example, THE citizenship recently witnessed A positive change In THE so far convoluted process of obtain international passports just because THE new Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, of which ministry supervises THE NIS, insisted on collage has THE rules there, ensure that all those below him has THE Immigration Department blocked has THE rules, with Nigerians benefit immensely Since her patriotic position. THE unfortunate thing East that other leaders In virtually all direction positions continue has advantage Since THE invasive illegality And are not inclined has keeping THE rules, exit Neither...

The terrible meeting with Professor Moyo Okediji

MOYO Okediji, THE Born in Nigeria United State-based Teacher of art history has THE University of Texas has Austin, can be disappointed And sad that her country, Nigeria, has sunk further In THE abyss Since he LEFT It is shores In 1992, but he can't claim has to have has been totally surprised by THE terrible encounter he had with a few unscrupulous security agents When he visited THE country recently. And that East because THE country was Already on It is descent In ignominy by THE time he LEFT For THE United States And that, maybe, was even THE motivation For her emigration. However, there East No doubt that THE country East NOW dangerously protester THE features of dysfunction more that Never Before. THE Based in the United States teacher tell her encounter with Men of THE Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) And THE Nigeria Police during which he claims he was stolen of her money And even threat with the death. He can Indeed be SO painful For Nigerians to come back House After such A long time has to have that kind of wicked experience. How can innocent citizens be having close to death experiences has THE hands of security agencies In their own country? THE teacher ostensibly accused staff of THE NIS has THE Sown border of Benign Republic of flight $500 Since her luggage!

THE world East A global village And Okediji history will to have has been read around THE world, giving Nigeria A bad picture. And This, event has A time When The politicians are globetrotter, while searching has attract a lot necessary stranger investments In THE country East most inauspicious And counter productive. For how can people while reading such stories come has Nigeria For visits, to leave alone invest their hard earned resources In A country Or visitors to have such horrible experience of THE country rot RIGHT Since It is borders? For A long time, there to have has been reports of security agents harassment And even murder innocent Nigerians to come back has THE country, especially those WHO come In with Valuable objects. And he East Really worrying And embarrassing that such unprofessional, And even criminal to drive are more common among THE security agents has THE Nigerian borders. On This score, Okediji has This has say: "All went GOOD In Ghana, Go, Benign Republic, until I take a step In Nigeria." Very sad!

Indeed, THE tale of anguish said by Okediji concerning her close to death experience In THE hands of staff of THE NIS And THE police East most regrettable. Such criminal to drive undermine THE efforts be do In official circles has polish THE coating picture of THE country. And worse always, he East A eloquent testimony has THE do that Nothing works In THE country Again as all constructions to have stopped has function In their considered manner, with everyone choose has TO DO never mind pleases them has all levels even as there East No direction has call those below has order. Would be Immigration officers to have violated THE dignity of A traveler And insisted on invoke non-existent rules if they had not known that THE victim was unlikely has to have any of them place has complain, seek Or get justice? In THE even vein, THE police officers In question would be not to have imposed their illicit will on Teacher Okediji if not For THE insurance that illegality can't be easily disputed In THE country. In sum, government civil servants tender has persist In mischief either because there East No Street For legitimate checks on them Or because those WHO are supposed has impose checks And sales simply look THE other path Since they are probably functioning hands In gloves with THE offenders.

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THE result East that THE country, For NOW, do not run In any of them functional sense as there East A omnipresence of illegality that departures Since And East activated And supported has THE The highest level of governance In THE country. THE collapse of governance constructions In THE country East In himself A reflection of collapse has THE The highest level And only A change has that level can help has restore order And institute renewed respect For rules And regulations. And he East No rocket science that A change For THE better has THE The highest level will impact THE Company positively. For example, THE citizenship recently witnessed A positive change In THE so far convoluted process of obtain international passports just because THE new Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, of which ministry supervises THE NIS, insisted on collage has THE rules there, ensure that all those below him has THE Immigration Department blocked has THE rules, with Nigerians benefit immensely Since her patriotic position. THE unfortunate thing East that other leaders In virtually all direction positions continue has advantage Since THE invasive illegality And are not inclined has keeping THE rules, exit Neither...

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