Profiles: Julie DeLucca-Collins

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What was your dream career as a kid?

I wanted to be a teacher, an actress, a business owner, and if all that didn't work out, nun.

Describe the moment you decided to become an entrepreneur.

The moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur is deeply etched in my memory. It happened when I was barely 12 when I became aware of a pressing need among my mother's colleagues. As I frequently visited his office on my way home, I saw an opportunity to offer to help with their errands and earn some extra cash for myself. This first experience ignited a spark in me.

The second defining moment happened during the COVID lockdown, about a week after I was fired from my leadership position in New York. Recognizing the challenges that lie ahead for many people, I realized that my background in business, leadership and strategic thinking could be instrumental in helping others overcome their new obstacles and achieve their dreams. That's when I wholeheartedly embraced entrepreneurship as a full-time business.

These pivotal moments in my life shaped my entrepreneurial journey, and from that moment on, I was determined to use my skills, knowledge and experiences to positively impact the lives of others.


What drives your work?

What motivates my work stems from the early teachings I received about leadership and the importance of service. I have a real passion for sharing my skills and supporting others in any way possible. Throughout my life I have been blessed with many opportunities and privileged to learn from amazing mentors and teachers. Their advice allowed me to acquire valuable knowledge and to succeed by cultivating the right habits and the state of mind. My ultimate goal is to inspire others and make them realize that they too can achieve great things. The driving force behind my work is the belief that there could be a woman out there who needs someone to believe in her, allowing her to develop her self-confidence and have a profound impact on the world. /p>

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on in your business?

I love everything I do in my business. However, the one thing I have been focused on for the past few months is helping my clients with their podcasts and building their authority and making a positive impact. I also like interviewing nice people for my radio show.

What does entrepreneurship mean to you?

Entrepreneurship, for me, means the embodiment of freedom and creativity. It gives individuals the ability to identify the needs of others and come up with innovative solutions while making positive changes in their own circumstances. Every entrepreneur, in their own way, contributes to the betterment of someone else's life. Personally, as an entrepreneur, I relish the ability to harness my passions and align them with my purpose. It brings me immense joy to have the freedom to chart my own path and use my resources not only to serve others, but also to give back to my community. In doing so, I strive to set an inspiring example for my nieces and nephews, showing them that with determination and a focused mindset, they too can achieve anything they want.


Profiles: Julie DeLucca-Collins

Instagram // LinkedIn // Facebook // Pinterest // TikTok

What was your dream career as a kid?

I wanted to be a teacher, an actress, a business owner, and if all that didn't work out, nun.

Describe the moment you decided to become an entrepreneur.

The moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur is deeply etched in my memory. It happened when I was barely 12 when I became aware of a pressing need among my mother's colleagues. As I frequently visited his office on my way home, I saw an opportunity to offer to help with their errands and earn some extra cash for myself. This first experience ignited a spark in me.

The second defining moment happened during the COVID lockdown, about a week after I was fired from my leadership position in New York. Recognizing the challenges that lie ahead for many people, I realized that my background in business, leadership and strategic thinking could be instrumental in helping others overcome their new obstacles and achieve their dreams. That's when I wholeheartedly embraced entrepreneurship as a full-time business.

These pivotal moments in my life shaped my entrepreneurial journey, and from that moment on, I was determined to use my skills, knowledge and experiences to positively impact the lives of others.


What drives your work?

What motivates my work stems from the early teachings I received about leadership and the importance of service. I have a real passion for sharing my skills and supporting others in any way possible. Throughout my life I have been blessed with many opportunities and privileged to learn from amazing mentors and teachers. Their advice allowed me to acquire valuable knowledge and to succeed by cultivating the right habits and the state of mind. My ultimate goal is to inspire others and make them realize that they too can achieve great things. The driving force behind my work is the belief that there could be a woman out there who needs someone to believe in her, allowing her to develop her self-confidence and have a profound impact on the world. /p>

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on in your business?

I love everything I do in my business. However, the one thing I have been focused on for the past few months is helping my clients with their podcasts and building their authority and making a positive impact. I also like interviewing nice people for my radio show.

What does entrepreneurship mean to you?

Entrepreneurship, for me, means the embodiment of freedom and creativity. It gives individuals the ability to identify the needs of others and come up with innovative solutions while making positive changes in their own circumstances. Every entrepreneur, in their own way, contributes to the betterment of someone else's life. Personally, as an entrepreneur, I relish the ability to harness my passions and align them with my purpose. It brings me immense joy to have the freedom to chart my own path and use my resources not only to serve others, but also to give back to my community. In doing so, I strive to set an inspiring example for my nieces and nephews, showing them that with determination and a focused mindset, they too can achieve anything they want.


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