Quora launches Poe, a way to talk to AI chatbots like ChatGPT

Signaling its interest in text-generating AI systems like ChatGPT, Quora this week launched a platform called Poe that lets people ask questions, get answers instantaneous and to have a two-way dialogue with the AI ​​chatbots.

Short for "Platform for Open Exploration", Poe - which is invite-only and currently only available on iOS - is "designed to be a place where people can easily interact with a number of different AI agents “, a Quora spokesperson told TechCrunch via text message.

“We've learned a lot about building consumer internet products over the past 12 years of building and operating Quora. -speech."We believe that much of what we have learned can be applied to this new area where people are interfacing with large language models."

Poe is therefore not an attempt to create a ChatGPT-like AI model from scratch. ChatGPT - which has an aptitude for answering questions on topics ranging from poetry to coding - has come under controversy for its ability to sometimes give answers that sound convincing but aren't factually true. Earlier this month, Q&A coding site Stack Overflow temporarily banned users from sharing ChatGPT-generated content, saying the AI ​​was making it too easy for users to generate answers and flooding the site with questionable answers. .

Quora might have found itself in hot water if, for example, it had trained a chatbot on its platform's extensive collection of crowdsourced questions and answers. Users may have challenged the use of their content in this way, especially since some AI systems have been shown to regurgitate parts of the data they were trained on (e.g. code ). Some parties have protested generative art systems like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2 and code generation systems like GitHub's Copilot, which they see as stealing and profiteering from their work.

Namely, Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI are being sued in a class action lawsuit that accuses them of violating copyright law by allowing Copilot to regurgitate sections of licensed code without providing any credit. And on art community portal ArtStation, which earlier this year began allowing AI-generated art on its platform, members began protesting widely by placing "No AI Art" images in their wallets.

Quora launches Poe, a way to talk to AI chatbots like ChatGPT

Signaling its interest in text-generating AI systems like ChatGPT, Quora this week launched a platform called Poe that lets people ask questions, get answers instantaneous and to have a two-way dialogue with the AI ​​chatbots.

Short for "Platform for Open Exploration", Poe - which is invite-only and currently only available on iOS - is "designed to be a place where people can easily interact with a number of different AI agents “, a Quora spokesperson told TechCrunch via text message.

“We've learned a lot about building consumer internet products over the past 12 years of building and operating Quora. -speech."We believe that much of what we have learned can be applied to this new area where people are interfacing with large language models."

Poe is therefore not an attempt to create a ChatGPT-like AI model from scratch. ChatGPT - which has an aptitude for answering questions on topics ranging from poetry to coding - has come under controversy for its ability to sometimes give answers that sound convincing but aren't factually true. Earlier this month, Q&A coding site Stack Overflow temporarily banned users from sharing ChatGPT-generated content, saying the AI ​​was making it too easy for users to generate answers and flooding the site with questionable answers. .

Quora might have found itself in hot water if, for example, it had trained a chatbot on its platform's extensive collection of crowdsourced questions and answers. Users may have challenged the use of their content in this way, especially since some AI systems have been shown to regurgitate parts of the data they were trained on (e.g. code ). Some parties have protested generative art systems like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2 and code generation systems like GitHub's Copilot, which they see as stealing and profiteering from their work.

Namely, Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI are being sued in a class action lawsuit that accuses them of violating copyright law by allowing Copilot to regurgitate sections of licensed code without providing any credit. And on art community portal ArtStation, which earlier this year began allowing AI-generated art on its platform, members began protesting widely by placing "No AI Art" images in their wallets.

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