Representatives question NEPC executive director on N44 billion COVID-19 fund

THE Home of Representatives on Friday interrogates THE management team of THE Nigerian Export Promotion Advice (NEPC), Mrs. No Yes Ayéni on THE use of N44 billion assigned For THE COVID-19 intervention funds In 2020.

President, Home Committee on Public Accounts, representative Bamidelé Salam WHO chaired on THE resumed investigator hearing allegation to disturb on THE diversion of COVID-19 intervention funds by Ministries, Departments And Agencies (MDA), Express fall concern on THE inability of NEPC management has give account of It is stewardship on THE use of THE public funds.

While grateful that THE NEPC Executive Secretary, mrs Ayéni was newly appointed, THE the legislators frowned has THE continued reference has Bank of Industry (BOI) by THE Deputy Director of Finance When request about THE use of THE funds.

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THE Committee Also resolved has invite THE management of Bank of Industry with A see has ensure complete responsibility of THE N44 billion approved For THE COVID-19 intervention funds has miscellaneous Establishments.

In her answer, NEPC Executive Secretary, mrs Ayéni WHO was appointed on October 16, 2023 confirmed that THE details of COVID-19 intervention funds was content In THE to put back note given has her on assumption of office.

THE desk of THE Listener General of THE Federation (oAuGF) had during THE meticulous examination of THE Advice interrogates THE "spent And disbursements No COVID-19 relief related value N22 047 616 328.

"Description of Discovery Section 80(4) of THE Constitution of THE Federal Republic of Nigerian 1999 as (amended) States 'No money duty be took of Since THE Consolidated Income Funds Or any of them other public funds of THE Federation, except In THE manner prescribed by THE National Assembly’.

"Also paragraph 415 of THE Financial Regulations (FR) States "THE Federal Government requires all officers responsible For spent has exercise due economy. Money must not be spent simply because he has has been vote For," THE Audit request required In part.

While express fall concern on THE incoherent presentations do by a few of THE high civil servants WHO accompanied THE NEPC Executive Secretary, representative Salam alleged that a few of THE technocrats "deliberately to want has frustrate THE Parliament. »

While noting that total sum of N60 billion was assigned has NEPC Since COVID-19 palliative intervention funds, he maintained that: "It is either You are roughly incompetent Or You deliberately to want has frustrate THE works of THE Parliament. »

According to has him, he observed that: "Actually What We are together has TO DO For any of them Agency that denied Or neglect has answer, We to have do A commitment that We are going has ruler against them And all problems below investigation. Should go in front And TO DO even with THE Export Promotion Advice. »

In her answer, Mrs. Ayéni WHO request two weeks extension has enable THE Advice has get relevant documents Since BOI, said: "Honorable President Sir, My apologies, However I just resumed A little month There is but It is not A excuse, I will as has plead with THE honorable Home has please give We A extension.

"From What I gathered, most of THE documents are with BOI, It is not A excuse, please We plead For A extension has work with THIS And get THE necessary documents. »

Dissatisfied with her answer, Hon. Shaba Ibrahim interrogates THE reasoning behind THE Advice The direction inability has account For THE funds that was approved For that.

He said: "with THE magnitude of THE Rising assigned has your agency, You are trying has say THE Committee that THE transactions that took place with This huge Rising of money are with BOI, that You can't explain how THE money was used without contact BOI? And Since OUR save, he was assigned has your agency. »

In her intervention, representative Salam said: "We are going has to agree them A extension but certainly not two weeks. And that We Also invite THE THIS has come along with them.

"Because It is apparent that if they are request a few of THE questions, they can be referent has THE CE.

"SO, I to want has suggest, if THE Committee agrees that We to agree them A week extension And Also to write THE BoI has cause appearance on THE even day that We are going has give them. He East A week, Friday following week, 26 January, 2024,” he ruled.

Keywords: COVID-19 fundHouse of RepresentativesNEPCNonye Ayéni


Representatives question NEPC executive director on N44 billion COVID-19 fund

THE Home of Representatives on Friday interrogates THE management team of THE Nigerian Export Promotion Advice (NEPC), Mrs. No Yes Ayéni on THE use of N44 billion assigned For THE COVID-19 intervention funds In 2020.

President, Home Committee on Public Accounts, representative Bamidelé Salam WHO chaired on THE resumed investigator hearing allegation to disturb on THE diversion of COVID-19 intervention funds by Ministries, Departments And Agencies (MDA), Express fall concern on THE inability of NEPC management has give account of It is stewardship on THE use of THE public funds.

While grateful that THE NEPC Executive Secretary, mrs Ayéni was newly appointed, THE the legislators frowned has THE continued reference has Bank of Industry (BOI) by THE Deputy Director of Finance When request about THE use of THE funds.

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THE Committee Also resolved has invite THE management of Bank of Industry with A see has ensure complete responsibility of THE N44 billion approved For THE COVID-19 intervention funds has miscellaneous Establishments.

In her answer, NEPC Executive Secretary, mrs Ayéni WHO was appointed on October 16, 2023 confirmed that THE details of COVID-19 intervention funds was content In THE to put back note given has her on assumption of office.

THE desk of THE Listener General of THE Federation (oAuGF) had during THE meticulous examination of THE Advice interrogates THE "spent And disbursements No COVID-19 relief related value N22 047 616 328.

"Description of Discovery Section 80(4) of THE Constitution of THE Federal Republic of Nigerian 1999 as (amended) States 'No money duty be took of Since THE Consolidated Income Funds Or any of them other public funds of THE Federation, except In THE manner prescribed by THE National Assembly’.

"Also paragraph 415 of THE Financial Regulations (FR) States "THE Federal Government requires all officers responsible For spent has exercise due economy. Money must not be spent simply because he has has been vote For," THE Audit request required In part.

While express fall concern on THE incoherent presentations do by a few of THE high civil servants WHO accompanied THE NEPC Executive Secretary, representative Salam alleged that a few of THE technocrats "deliberately to want has frustrate THE Parliament. »

While noting that total sum of N60 billion was assigned has NEPC Since COVID-19 palliative intervention funds, he maintained that: "It is either You are roughly incompetent Or You deliberately to want has frustrate THE works of THE Parliament. »

According to has him, he observed that: "Actually What We are together has TO DO For any of them Agency that denied Or neglect has answer, We to have do A commitment that We are going has ruler against them And all problems below investigation. Should go in front And TO DO even with THE Export Promotion Advice. »

In her answer, Mrs. Ayéni WHO request two weeks extension has enable THE Advice has get relevant documents Since BOI, said: "Honorable President Sir, My apologies, However I just resumed A little month There is but It is not A excuse, I will as has plead with THE honorable Home has please give We A extension.

"From What I gathered, most of THE documents are with BOI, It is not A excuse, please We plead For A extension has work with THIS And get THE necessary documents. »

Dissatisfied with her answer, Hon. Shaba Ibrahim interrogates THE reasoning behind THE Advice The direction inability has account For THE funds that was approved For that.

He said: "with THE magnitude of THE Rising assigned has your agency, You are trying has say THE Committee that THE transactions that took place with This huge Rising of money are with BOI, that You can't explain how THE money was used without contact BOI? And Since OUR save, he was assigned has your agency. »

In her intervention, representative Salam said: "We are going has to agree them A extension but certainly not two weeks. And that We Also invite THE THIS has come along with them.

"Because It is apparent that if they are request a few of THE questions, they can be referent has THE CE.

"SO, I to want has suggest, if THE Committee agrees that We to agree them A week extension And Also to write THE BoI has cause appearance on THE even day that We are going has give them. He East A week, Friday following week, 26 January, 2024,” he ruled.

Keywords: COVID-19 fundHouse of RepresentativesNEPCNonye Ayéni


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