Resilience in the new normal: How to bounce back from setbacks

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Resilience is the ability to successfully adapt and recover from difficult experiences. It is the ability to endure adversity and grow despite challenges. Resilience doesn't mean there won't be setbacks, but it's the strength and the will to carry on despite the pain. Take COVID-19 as an example. Many people have shown resilience in finding ways to cope and get through a very difficult time.

Resilience is not a lack of stress, emotional disturbance or suffering. It is the strength to overcome the disturbances and sufferings that life throws at you.

Related: 5 Ways to Adapt to Change and Create a More Resilient Business Model

Why is resilience important?

Resilience is important because it is an essential life skill. Perhaps the best example of resilience was shown by the late Nelson Mandela, who said, "Don't judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell and got back up."

Without resilience, you are easily overwhelmed by challenges and what was meant to be a temporary setback paralyzes you. Our very survival in this new world depends on our ability to adapt and thrive in the face of trauma and hardship. Without resilience, we fall back on unhealthy traits like avoidance and helplessness. Resilience not only allows us to accept, adapt and move forward in difficult situations, but it is also the fundamental strength that allows us to bear the burden of life.

What it takes to change

When I was in eighth grade, one of my teachers called a student in front of the class to express how disappointed he was with the student for his academic performance, despite his obvious potential. The student was none other than me.

As I stood in front of the class, he explained to me why he was disappointed in me and how I showed up late to class when my house was only a few minutes away from school. It's not that I missed; my grades were mostly average. The reason for his disappointment was the lost potential and opportunity.

Related: 8 Ways Successful People Master Resilience

Although I found his gesture harsh, his assessment was fair. I spent my time doing other things, like playing sports and having fun with my friends. I was an excellent reader as long as it wasn't schoolwork. I was relaxing, my teacher knew it, and I knew it too.

Every time results came out, I was nervous and promised myself that “I would change” and put in some real effort. Deep down, I knew I was capable of much better than my grades suggested. I felt like I just needed to put in some real effort to be successful. I had to change something. But how?

At the end of my senior year, I became so uncomfortable with some of my antics and the kind of person I was becoming. I wanted to be a role model for my siblings; someone others might look up to. I realized it was something I had to do myself. What I wanted to do with my life was up to me. And that's when I started to change.

I was going to college, but I decided to do things differently this time. From that moment, I began directing my energy towards building skills and life habits that reflected the kind of person I wanted to become. I started spending my weekends familiarizing myself with the courses I was going to take not only in college but also in my free time. I started planning and working for my success.

There were times when I lost focus, but I got back on track. I knew I would be a few steps ahead of my colleagues by planning for my success, which gave me a positive feeling. I could see mine...

Resilience in the new normal: How to bounce back from setbacks

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Resilience is the ability to successfully adapt and recover from difficult experiences. It is the ability to endure adversity and grow despite challenges. Resilience doesn't mean there won't be setbacks, but it's the strength and the will to carry on despite the pain. Take COVID-19 as an example. Many people have shown resilience in finding ways to cope and get through a very difficult time.

Resilience is not a lack of stress, emotional disturbance or suffering. It is the strength to overcome the disturbances and sufferings that life throws at you.

Related: 5 Ways to Adapt to Change and Create a More Resilient Business Model

Why is resilience important?

Resilience is important because it is an essential life skill. Perhaps the best example of resilience was shown by the late Nelson Mandela, who said, "Don't judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell and got back up."

Without resilience, you are easily overwhelmed by challenges and what was meant to be a temporary setback paralyzes you. Our very survival in this new world depends on our ability to adapt and thrive in the face of trauma and hardship. Without resilience, we fall back on unhealthy traits like avoidance and helplessness. Resilience not only allows us to accept, adapt and move forward in difficult situations, but it is also the fundamental strength that allows us to bear the burden of life.

What it takes to change

When I was in eighth grade, one of my teachers called a student in front of the class to express how disappointed he was with the student for his academic performance, despite his obvious potential. The student was none other than me.

As I stood in front of the class, he explained to me why he was disappointed in me and how I showed up late to class when my house was only a few minutes away from school. It's not that I missed; my grades were mostly average. The reason for his disappointment was the lost potential and opportunity.

Related: 8 Ways Successful People Master Resilience

Although I found his gesture harsh, his assessment was fair. I spent my time doing other things, like playing sports and having fun with my friends. I was an excellent reader as long as it wasn't schoolwork. I was relaxing, my teacher knew it, and I knew it too.

Every time results came out, I was nervous and promised myself that “I would change” and put in some real effort. Deep down, I knew I was capable of much better than my grades suggested. I felt like I just needed to put in some real effort to be successful. I had to change something. But how?

At the end of my senior year, I became so uncomfortable with some of my antics and the kind of person I was becoming. I wanted to be a role model for my siblings; someone others might look up to. I realized it was something I had to do myself. What I wanted to do with my life was up to me. And that's when I started to change.

I was going to college, but I decided to do things differently this time. From that moment, I began directing my energy towards building skills and life habits that reflected the kind of person I wanted to become. I started spending my weekends familiarizing myself with the courses I was going to take not only in college but also in my free time. I started planning and working for my success.

There were times when I lost focus, but I got back on track. I knew I would be a few steps ahead of my colleagues by planning for my success, which gave me a positive feeling. I could see mine...

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