Arise, Saints: The Church is Fast Becoming Like the World, By Ayo Akerele

THE days in front In THE world are not going has be better. Persecution will continue tirelessly. Wars And rumors of war will increase In intensity. God East going has continue THE tremor of THE world. All of these are preludes has THE birth of THE man child, THE rapture of THE saints And THE second future of Christ. SO, This East THE best And final hour For THE church has wake up up And to do the housework up OUR House of lie, occultism, ego driven ministries…

In THE wake up of A recent And widely released infidelity related allegations against A leading charismatic pastor In America, Doctor Michael Brown began has host A series of talk watch has to raise awareness THE church on THE need has increase up And unite has struggle OUR common enemies, Satan And THE flesh. With sadness In My heart And maximum grief on This sad development In THE body of Christ, I was lucky has listen has A confusing conversation between A gentleman In THE Asian community, WHO called In A of Doctor Brown live talk watch. This man had has been historically hurt And disappointed with THE "church" And with “charismatic leaders", because, according to has him, "all of them are fake, pretentious, And corrupt." Therefore, he had stopped to assist any of them local church, preferring has pray has her God, together with her children, has their family devotions.

Quite perplexed by This the man blast, Doctor Brown was gracious enough has tidy up things For THE church In her answer. "Oh No, You are missing THE indicate, not all pastors are fake", explain Doctor Brown has This gentleman. Further on, Doctor Brown tell very succinctly has This man, THE plethora of faithful church leaders In America WHO he personally knew has be very credible, liable, pious, And Christic. HAS say that THE perception of This gentleman doesn't sadden My heart East has be dishonest with myself. But here East THE node of This sad development. A lot of THE perception of THE credibility of THE church, THE charismatic And THE Pentecostals, In THE hearts And spirits of THE secular world, East Nothing has to write House about.

This East not unconnected with THE fall standards of integrity In THE church, which East obviously, A rigid accomplishment of Jesus' prophetic picture of THE last days, "because iniquity duty abound, THE love of a lot duty wax cold." (Matthew 24h12). I am A transgenerational thinker. A of THE dominant questions on My spirit, And on which most of My passion East built East This, "What East THE effect of What I am TO DO on THE following generation." I have always run THE patterns of My heart more all accompanying Actions through THE lentils of their generational impacts. Will My books be relevant has And In THE following generation? Will My posts Or lessons be preserved with casting iron credibility For And In THE following generation? Will THE path I run My marriage And WHO My children turn out has be positively shape THE course of Christian history Or Shame THE path of THE younger generation?


Unfortunately, We to have A generation completed with Pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Evangelist, And Apostle “Hezekiah,” Men with zero understanding, respect, And honor For THE spiritual fate of THE following generation, as long as their accounts continue has swell, church branches continue has propagated, influence keep on going has to grow, And properties continue has increase. If compromise East THE price For expansion, SO to leave he be! WHO is concerned about THE following generation.

He East all about legacy. He East all about THE Kingdom of God. He East all about THE body of Christ. This was What Hezekiah fair up with. Oh to leave Me not go In THE history of King Hezekiah, A man of which loyalty And loyalty God personally vouched for For. When he stood has THE lined...

Arise, Saints: The Church is Fast Becoming Like the World, By Ayo Akerele

THE days in front In THE world are not going has be better. Persecution will continue tirelessly. Wars And rumors of war will increase In intensity. God East going has continue THE tremor of THE world. All of these are preludes has THE birth of THE man child, THE rapture of THE saints And THE second future of Christ. SO, This East THE best And final hour For THE church has wake up up And to do the housework up OUR House of lie, occultism, ego driven ministries…

In THE wake up of A recent And widely released infidelity related allegations against A leading charismatic pastor In America, Doctor Michael Brown began has host A series of talk watch has to raise awareness THE church on THE need has increase up And unite has struggle OUR common enemies, Satan And THE flesh. With sadness In My heart And maximum grief on This sad development In THE body of Christ, I was lucky has listen has A confusing conversation between A gentleman In THE Asian community, WHO called In A of Doctor Brown live talk watch. This man had has been historically hurt And disappointed with THE "church" And with “charismatic leaders", because, according to has him, "all of them are fake, pretentious, And corrupt." Therefore, he had stopped to assist any of them local church, preferring has pray has her God, together with her children, has their family devotions.

Quite perplexed by This the man blast, Doctor Brown was gracious enough has tidy up things For THE church In her answer. "Oh No, You are missing THE indicate, not all pastors are fake", explain Doctor Brown has This gentleman. Further on, Doctor Brown tell very succinctly has This man, THE plethora of faithful church leaders In America WHO he personally knew has be very credible, liable, pious, And Christic. HAS say that THE perception of This gentleman doesn't sadden My heart East has be dishonest with myself. But here East THE node of This sad development. A lot of THE perception of THE credibility of THE church, THE charismatic And THE Pentecostals, In THE hearts And spirits of THE secular world, East Nothing has to write House about.

This East not unconnected with THE fall standards of integrity In THE church, which East obviously, A rigid accomplishment of Jesus' prophetic picture of THE last days, "because iniquity duty abound, THE love of a lot duty wax cold." (Matthew 24h12). I am A transgenerational thinker. A of THE dominant questions on My spirit, And on which most of My passion East built East This, "What East THE effect of What I am TO DO on THE following generation." I have always run THE patterns of My heart more all accompanying Actions through THE lentils of their generational impacts. Will My books be relevant has And In THE following generation? Will My posts Or lessons be preserved with casting iron credibility For And In THE following generation? Will THE path I run My marriage And WHO My children turn out has be positively shape THE course of Christian history Or Shame THE path of THE younger generation?


Unfortunately, We to have A generation completed with Pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Evangelist, And Apostle “Hezekiah,” Men with zero understanding, respect, And honor For THE spiritual fate of THE following generation, as long as their accounts continue has swell, church branches continue has propagated, influence keep on going has to grow, And properties continue has increase. If compromise East THE price For expansion, SO to leave he be! WHO is concerned about THE following generation.

He East all about legacy. He East all about THE Kingdom of God. He East all about THE body of Christ. This was What Hezekiah fair up with. Oh to leave Me not go In THE history of King Hezekiah, A man of which loyalty And loyalty God personally vouched for For. When he stood has THE lined...

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