Robin Wright seen in the first photos since filing for divorce from husband Clément Giraudet

See the gallery (FILE) Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet announce their separation after nearly 5 years of marriage. WESTWOOD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA - OCTOBER 21: Actor American Jason Momoa and wife/American actress Lisa Bonet arrive at the World Premiere Of Apple TV+'s 'See' held at Fox Village Theater on October 21, 2019 in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, United States.( File) Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet Announce Split After Nearly 5 Years of Marriage, Westwood, USA - January 12, 2022 Morgan Evans and Kelsea Ballerini 52nd Annual CMA Awards, Arrivals, Nashville, USA - November 14, 2018 Sylvester Stallone (l) and Jennifer Flavin arrive for the 88th Annual Academy Awards at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, California, United States, on February 28, 2016, The Oscars are presented for Outstanding Individual or Collective Efforts in 24 Cinematic Achievement Categories United States Hollywood Usa Academy Awards 2016 - February 2016

Robin Wright, 56, was seen on a casual outing for the first time since it was reported that she and her husband of four years, Clement Giraudet , separated themselves. The actress wore a gray hoodie, black leggings and sneakers as she walked in front of cameras in Los Angeles, California on September 24. She also had her hair pulled back and wore glasses with her look as her facial expression seemed somewhat somber.

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Robin WrightRobin Wright on his last outing. (SplashNews)

Robin Wright seen in the first photos since filing for divorce from husband Clément Giraudet
See the gallery (FILE) Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet announce their separation after nearly 5 years of marriage. WESTWOOD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA - OCTOBER 21: Actor American Jason Momoa and wife/American actress Lisa Bonet arrive at the World Premiere Of Apple TV+'s 'See' held at Fox Village Theater on October 21, 2019 in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, United States.( File) Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet Announce Split After Nearly 5 Years of Marriage, Westwood, USA - January 12, 2022 Morgan Evans and Kelsea Ballerini 52nd Annual CMA Awards, Arrivals, Nashville, USA - November 14, 2018 Sylvester Stallone (l) and Jennifer Flavin arrive for the 88th Annual Academy Awards at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, California, United States, on February 28, 2016, The Oscars are presented for Outstanding Individual or Collective Efforts in 24 Cinematic Achievement Categories United States Hollywood Usa Academy Awards 2016 - February 2016

Robin Wright, 56, was seen on a casual outing for the first time since it was reported that she and her husband of four years, Clement Giraudet , separated themselves. The actress wore a gray hoodie, black leggings and sneakers as she walked in front of cameras in Los Angeles, California on September 24. She also had her hair pulled back and wore glasses with her look as her facial expression seemed somewhat somber.

More celebrity news
Robin WrightRobin Wright on his last outing. (SplashNews)

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