Signal boss denounces EU’s latest “download moderation” surveillance ploy

THE Cat Control law East aiming has combat child exploitation material, but Meredith Whittaker said It is just THE last propose tactical has undermine encryption.

Signal boss denounces latest EU News

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THE president of Messaging application Signal has slammed A amended European union proposal that look for has to watch crypt discussions below "new brand image. »

THE EU Commission First of all propose THE Cat Control law In mid-2022, to attempt has push through rules that would be Effectively force Messaging apps has create A back door has from start to finish crypt messages.

THE EU Parliament Committee vote against mass screening crypt telecommunications In November last year, but A amended draft of THE law East NOW I look for...

Signal boss denounces EU’s latest “download moderation” surveillance ploy

THE Cat Control law East aiming has combat child exploitation material, but Meredith Whittaker said It is just THE last propose tactical has undermine encryption.

Signal boss denounces latest EU News

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Collect This article as NFT Join We on social networks

THE president of Messaging application Signal has slammed A amended European union proposal that look for has to watch crypt discussions below "new brand image. »

THE EU Commission First of all propose THE Cat Control law In mid-2022, to attempt has push through rules that would be Effectively force Messaging apps has create A back door has from start to finish crypt messages.

THE EU Parliament Committee vote against mass screening crypt telecommunications In November last year, but A amended draft of THE law East NOW I look for...

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