Sincere leadership and reformed judiciary will herald a new Nigeria, says Fagbohun

Ancient Vice Chancellor of Lagos State University (LASU), Teacher. Olanrewaju Fagbohun, SAN, has said that sincere direction And A reform of THE judicial East A critical mechanism For A effective federal system that would be birth A Nigeria that East functioning For everything.

Fagbohun declared This while deliver THE opening speech address has THE 21 Annual Public Conference And Lunch of Obafemi Awolowo University Muslim Graduates Association (UNIFEMGA), Lagos Chapter, with THE theme: " Exploit Opportunities For A New Nigeria'

THE event chaired by THE Manager Director, of Lotus Bank, Alhaja Kafilat Araoye, was well attended And Featured price presentation has two old students of THE great institution, Justice Habib Adewale Abiru And Yusuf Olaolu Ally (SAN) For their outstanding contributions And copy direction In their respective fields.

In her conference, Fagbohun disparaged THE deeply defective system For THE appointment of the judges, excessive addiction on technicality And legalism, And allegations of Corruption, among other problems that to have characterized Nigeria judicial system.

"When THE judicial system East effective (that's to say. able of produce desired results without waste resources) And effective (that's to say. produce A result that East research), he will be authoritative In arbitration And earn THE respect of THE Company. When he East Otherwise, THE consequences manifest In incidents of invasive betrayals such as earlier mentioned And deterioration constitutional tensions as are be experimented In THE country today.

"In recent times, A series of judgments And decisions to have increase THE dieback attacks on Nigeria judicial. Before THE recent the attacks, THE sector has has been in trouble with delays In THE determination of case, inadequate funding, allegations of Corruption, excessive addiction on technicality And legalism, And A deeply defective system For THE appointment of judges.

"A of THE most eloquent declarations about THE current State of Nigeria judicial was do by A outgoing Justice of THE Supreme Court, Justice Moussa Datajo Mohammed, has her farewell session. »

He note that A couple of years There is, appointment has THE bench was strictly on deserved, her awareness of THE law, integrity, honor, And hard work distinguish those WHO were high.

"As a lot as possible, THE most qualified Men And women were appointed. That can No longer be said about A appointment has THE bench. He East asserted that THE process of appointment has judicial positions East deliberately led has give undue advantage has THE children, spouses And mistress of portion And retired judges And managers of judicial offices.

" THE judicial I am to go out Since East far Since THE A I voluntarily joined And desired has serve And be identified with. THE institution has become something else."

Fagbohun, A ancient Vice Chancellor of Lagos State University (LASU), underlines that THE reform of Nigeria judicial East A matter of emergency.

"In THE confront of THE above narration of systematic judicial failure, need We ask any of them further away, Why Nigeria federalism East beginner ? As A matter of emergency, Nigeria needs has reform It is judicial. We must revision THE system For appoint Judges, improve responsibility through monitoring; ensure independence; appropriately Resource THE system including provide sufficient incentives For judicial officers, And to prioritize improvement to access has justice. »

Speaking further away, Fagbohun do not share THE see that Nigeria issue has challenged A solution. He note that THE country needs only sincere direction, Or people In authority to prioritize collective interest above personal interest.

In the meantime, THE winners I could not hide their excitement seeing their friends And colleagues back In their university days WHO came Since In And out THE country has rejoice with them.

In her Short Remarks, Justice Abiru said he was grateful has All powerful Allah And overwhelmed by What people are saying about him.

He added that THE stain he has has been given as A supreme court justice East A intimidating A, while while searching That of Allah advice And help.

He exhorted her friends, colleagues And Nigerians has remember him In pray For Allah has guide And to assist him.

"THE stain I to have has been given as A Justice of THE Supreme Court East A intimidating stain. He East said that When You are not content with THE judgement of A high court, You go has THE call court. When You are not content with that of THE call court, You move has THE Supreme Court.

But if You are not satisfied with THE judgement of THE Supreme Court, You turn has Allah. SO, It is A intimidating stain For We has THE Supreme Court. I just pray that THE All powerful Allah will to agree Me success In THE new role.

"I always refer back has What Sheikh Gumi said In 1977 When he was appointed as Amirul Hajj. He said pray For Me. When I came back And succeed In THE assignment, SO You should congratulate...

Sincere leadership and reformed judiciary will herald a new Nigeria, says Fagbohun

Ancient Vice Chancellor of Lagos State University (LASU), Teacher. Olanrewaju Fagbohun, SAN, has said that sincere direction And A reform of THE judicial East A critical mechanism For A effective federal system that would be birth A Nigeria that East functioning For everything.

Fagbohun declared This while deliver THE opening speech address has THE 21 Annual Public Conference And Lunch of Obafemi Awolowo University Muslim Graduates Association (UNIFEMGA), Lagos Chapter, with THE theme: " Exploit Opportunities For A New Nigeria'

THE event chaired by THE Manager Director, of Lotus Bank, Alhaja Kafilat Araoye, was well attended And Featured price presentation has two old students of THE great institution, Justice Habib Adewale Abiru And Yusuf Olaolu Ally (SAN) For their outstanding contributions And copy direction In their respective fields.

In her conference, Fagbohun disparaged THE deeply defective system For THE appointment of the judges, excessive addiction on technicality And legalism, And allegations of Corruption, among other problems that to have characterized Nigeria judicial system.

"When THE judicial system East effective (that's to say. able of produce desired results without waste resources) And effective (that's to say. produce A result that East research), he will be authoritative In arbitration And earn THE respect of THE Company. When he East Otherwise, THE consequences manifest In incidents of invasive betrayals such as earlier mentioned And deterioration constitutional tensions as are be experimented In THE country today.

"In recent times, A series of judgments And decisions to have increase THE dieback attacks on Nigeria judicial. Before THE recent the attacks, THE sector has has been in trouble with delays In THE determination of case, inadequate funding, allegations of Corruption, excessive addiction on technicality And legalism, And A deeply defective system For THE appointment of judges.

"A of THE most eloquent declarations about THE current State of Nigeria judicial was do by A outgoing Justice of THE Supreme Court, Justice Moussa Datajo Mohammed, has her farewell session. »

He note that A couple of years There is, appointment has THE bench was strictly on deserved, her awareness of THE law, integrity, honor, And hard work distinguish those WHO were high.

"As a lot as possible, THE most qualified Men And women were appointed. That can No longer be said about A appointment has THE bench. He East asserted that THE process of appointment has judicial positions East deliberately led has give undue advantage has THE children, spouses And mistress of portion And retired judges And managers of judicial offices.

" THE judicial I am to go out Since East far Since THE A I voluntarily joined And desired has serve And be identified with. THE institution has become something else."

Fagbohun, A ancient Vice Chancellor of Lagos State University (LASU), underlines that THE reform of Nigeria judicial East A matter of emergency.

"In THE confront of THE above narration of systematic judicial failure, need We ask any of them further away, Why Nigeria federalism East beginner ? As A matter of emergency, Nigeria needs has reform It is judicial. We must revision THE system For appoint Judges, improve responsibility through monitoring; ensure independence; appropriately Resource THE system including provide sufficient incentives For judicial officers, And to prioritize improvement to access has justice. »

Speaking further away, Fagbohun do not share THE see that Nigeria issue has challenged A solution. He note that THE country needs only sincere direction, Or people In authority to prioritize collective interest above personal interest.

In the meantime, THE winners I could not hide their excitement seeing their friends And colleagues back In their university days WHO came Since In And out THE country has rejoice with them.

In her Short Remarks, Justice Abiru said he was grateful has All powerful Allah And overwhelmed by What people are saying about him.

He added that THE stain he has has been given as A supreme court justice East A intimidating A, while while searching That of Allah advice And help.

He exhorted her friends, colleagues And Nigerians has remember him In pray For Allah has guide And to assist him.

"THE stain I to have has been given as A Justice of THE Supreme Court East A intimidating stain. He East said that When You are not content with THE judgement of A high court, You go has THE call court. When You are not content with that of THE call court, You move has THE Supreme Court.

But if You are not satisfied with THE judgement of THE Supreme Court, You turn has Allah. SO, It is A intimidating stain For We has THE Supreme Court. I just pray that THE All powerful Allah will to agree Me success In THE new role.

"I always refer back has What Sheikh Gumi said In 1977 When he was appointed as Amirul Hajj. He said pray For Me. When I came back And succeed In THE assignment, SO You should congratulate...

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