Stop Seeking Help from Senators and Members of Representatives to Influence Assignment, Redeployment, NASS Management Warns Staff

National Assembly authorities have warned all staff to refrain from seeking assistance from senators and members of the House of Representatives for posting and redeployment.

The first warning notice titled: "Staff Assignment/Redeployment" was issued via an internal circular dated July 1, 2022 signed by the Secretary for Human Resources and Staff Development, Mr. Abiodun Suraju Oladoyin.< /p>

"The leadership of the National Assembly has observed with great concern that staff members seek the assistance of legislators to influence their posting/redeployment to and from various directorates of their choosing.

“Therefore, staff are advised to strictly adhere to Civil Service Rules, PSR 030427, which state that “no officer shall seek the influence of VIPs or any other person to ensure the account of his claims in matters relating to discipline". or for the purpose of obtaining consideration for an appointment, transfer, promotion or assignment."

"Staff should note that failure to comply with this advice will now result in appropriate sanctions. Please be guided," the circular reads.


To ensure proper publicity and compliance, a copy of the internal circular was sent to the Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly; Clerk of the Senate; Clerk of the House of Representatives; All secretaries; Deputy Clerk of the Senate; Deputy Clerk of the House of Representatives; All directors and staff.

In accordance with the previous directive, another internal memorandum titled: "Reassignment/Redeployment of Staff Addressed to "All Staff of the House of Representatives" has been issued by the Director of Management Services, Mr. Woko Young , July 5, 2022.

"Please find below, an explicit circular dated Friday, July 1, 2022 on the above matters to your attention.

"All staff are required to strictly comply with the directive."

Stop Seeking Help from Senators and Members of Representatives to Influence Assignment, Redeployment, NASS Management Warns Staff

National Assembly authorities have warned all staff to refrain from seeking assistance from senators and members of the House of Representatives for posting and redeployment.

The first warning notice titled: "Staff Assignment/Redeployment" was issued via an internal circular dated July 1, 2022 signed by the Secretary for Human Resources and Staff Development, Mr. Abiodun Suraju Oladoyin.< /p>

"The leadership of the National Assembly has observed with great concern that staff members seek the assistance of legislators to influence their posting/redeployment to and from various directorates of their choosing.

“Therefore, staff are advised to strictly adhere to Civil Service Rules, PSR 030427, which state that “no officer shall seek the influence of VIPs or any other person to ensure the account of his claims in matters relating to discipline". or for the purpose of obtaining consideration for an appointment, transfer, promotion or assignment."

"Staff should note that failure to comply with this advice will now result in appropriate sanctions. Please be guided," the circular reads.


To ensure proper publicity and compliance, a copy of the internal circular was sent to the Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly; Clerk of the Senate; Clerk of the House of Representatives; All secretaries; Deputy Clerk of the Senate; Deputy Clerk of the House of Representatives; All directors and staff.

In accordance with the previous directive, another internal memorandum titled: "Reassignment/Redeployment of Staff Addressed to "All Staff of the House of Representatives" has been issued by the Director of Management Services, Mr. Woko Young , July 5, 2022.

"Please find below, an explicit circular dated Friday, July 1, 2022 on the above matters to your attention.

"All staff are required to strictly comply with the directive."

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