Praise Kelechi's Fantastic Cardboard Cosplay


Congratulate Kelechi.

Where are you located?


Website | Facebook

What kind of things do you do?

Cardboard arts, props and cosplay.

How did you start creating things?

YouTube player

It all started when I was 11, I always loved playing with things and trying to figure out how they worked and see if I could replicate it. As a child with SCD, socializing wasn't one of my strengths and I'm always on the inside. Which left me plenty of time to tinker.

We had a lot of cardboard boxes lying around and sometimes I tried to make a toy helmet out of them. With enough practice and lots of help from online communities, I keep getting better.

What have you done that you're really proud of?

Praise Kelechi's Fantastic Cardboard Cosplay


Congratulate Kelechi.

Where are you located?


Website | Facebook

What kind of things do you do?

Cardboard arts, props and cosplay.

How did you start creating things?

YouTube player

It all started when I was 11, I always loved playing with things and trying to figure out how they worked and see if I could replicate it. As a child with SCD, socializing wasn't one of my strengths and I'm always on the inside. Which left me plenty of time to tinker.

We had a lot of cardboard boxes lying around and sometimes I tried to make a toy helmet out of them. With enough practice and lots of help from online communities, I keep getting better.

What have you done that you're really proud of?

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