'The Masked Singer': Hawk set to surprise judges and answer his 'call' to be open about mental health

October 25, 2023 6:05 p.m.

DISCLOSURE ALERT! Do not read This if You don't do it to want has know THE identify of THE Falcon, THE last competitor has be sent House ofThe Mask Singeron Fox.

THE Falcon East Already impatient has back has THE Mask Singer scene.

THE actor And the musicians time on THE Fox series was A little of short time, as he was started Since competition After just two solo performances And A smack down against Tiki. Eventually, her journey came has A END on Wednesday despite vibrant THE audience with her interpretation of "Each Little Thing She Do East Magic" For Harry Potter night And putting her all In her verse of Lady Gaga “Monster.”

"I had A great experience," THE Falcon said Deadline. "I was A little sad When I obtained vote disabled, because I am very competitive. But once I once I to leave that go, I was as 'I had SO a lot amusing.' I am happy has TO DO he Again. I to want them has bring Me back. »

Below, THE Falcon (a.k.a. Tyler Laid Since MTV Teenager Wolf) talks with Deadline about socket THE Mask Singer scene, opening up about her mental health, And manager has strain THE judges.

DEADLINE: Had THE Mask Singer has been on your radar? How did You become THE Falcon This season?

TYLER POSI: They reached out, but he certainly was something that was on My radar. I just Never Really thought that he was going has arrive. I am Really happy that he did, because It is A plot of What I as has TO DO, which East perform And giving something My all. I kind of forget that I am has that level of Status Or I would be be able has be A competitor on This to show. I was very honored. I know THE pass competitors are people I idolize. SO THE do that I could share that scene was Really humiliation And Really soft. I felt very flattered And excited And I am as, 'I am your man. I am go give This My absolute all And TO DO all THE producers SO happy that you have selected me.'

DEADLINE: THE judges did say You look at as You were having more amusing that anybody other on scene. What is this THE key has rental coward And putting All out there For your performance?

POSI: I research has earn. Honestly, I research has impress everyone. I research THE Fans has feel implied. I research them has feel as they were A part of My act. And I research THE judges has to have amusing. My entire thing on never mind project I am TO DO East that I to want everyone on together — everywhere that I am has, if It is on scene Or on A movie together — I just to want everyone has be having fun...it's just My mindset When I go...

'The Masked Singer': Hawk set to surprise judges and answer his 'call' to be open about mental health
October 25, 2023 6:05 p.m.

DISCLOSURE ALERT! Do not read This if You don't do it to want has know THE identify of THE Falcon, THE last competitor has be sent House ofThe Mask Singeron Fox.

THE Falcon East Already impatient has back has THE Mask Singer scene.

THE actor And the musicians time on THE Fox series was A little of short time, as he was started Since competition After just two solo performances And A smack down against Tiki. Eventually, her journey came has A END on Wednesday despite vibrant THE audience with her interpretation of "Each Little Thing She Do East Magic" For Harry Potter night And putting her all In her verse of Lady Gaga “Monster.”

"I had A great experience," THE Falcon said Deadline. "I was A little sad When I obtained vote disabled, because I am very competitive. But once I once I to leave that go, I was as 'I had SO a lot amusing.' I am happy has TO DO he Again. I to want them has bring Me back. »

Below, THE Falcon (a.k.a. Tyler Laid Since MTV Teenager Wolf) talks with Deadline about socket THE Mask Singer scene, opening up about her mental health, And manager has strain THE judges.

DEADLINE: Had THE Mask Singer has been on your radar? How did You become THE Falcon This season?

TYLER POSI: They reached out, but he certainly was something that was on My radar. I just Never Really thought that he was going has arrive. I am Really happy that he did, because It is A plot of What I as has TO DO, which East perform And giving something My all. I kind of forget that I am has that level of Status Or I would be be able has be A competitor on This to show. I was very honored. I know THE pass competitors are people I idolize. SO THE do that I could share that scene was Really humiliation And Really soft. I felt very flattered And excited And I am as, 'I am your man. I am go give This My absolute all And TO DO all THE producers SO happy that you have selected me.'

DEADLINE: THE judges did say You look at as You were having more amusing that anybody other on scene. What is this THE key has rental coward And putting All out there For your performance?

POSI: I research has earn. Honestly, I research has impress everyone. I research THE Fans has feel implied. I research them has feel as they were A part of My act. And I research THE judges has to have amusing. My entire thing on never mind project I am TO DO East that I to want everyone on together — everywhere that I am has, if It is on scene Or on A movie together — I just to want everyone has be having fun...it's just My mindset When I go...

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