The perimeter of the judicial leash, By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu

National Judicial Council National Judicial Tip

For, A can ask: if THE job East SO poorly paid as they would be to have We believe, Why would be A healthy And very put parent choose has garden hose their child In A dead end position guaranteed has scourge their lives on THE course of A mandate that could last a few 35 years. There can only be two possible the reasons. A East that THE parent wishes THE child I will. This East most unlikely. THE other East that THE desk of THE judge has become SO corrupt that THE published in the Gazette remuneration Really account For nothing.

He East widely said that Nigerian judges are overworked And roughly underpaid. Senior lawyers to have describe THE terms of service of judges In THE country as "A disgrace". SO poor Indeed East their remuneration that In October 2023, THE Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) at the door THE Federal Government ask that THE salaries of judges In THE country be increase by has less 300 by hundred. But a few lawyers think This even Also weak.

Judicial salaries, he East said, to have depreciated has Nothing Since they were last revised In 2008. From SO, allegations of judicial Corruption appear has to have escalation almost In reverse proportion has THE loss In value of judicial pay, leading has suggestions of correlation, if not causality, between THE State of judicial remuneration on THE A hand And judicial Corruption on THE other. Gani Fawehinmi, A Senior Lawyer of Nigeria (SAN), WHO deceased In 2009, In do related This has judicial mortality, deploring THE do that a lot Nigerian judges "die In desk below circumstances that are related has THE barbaric terms In which they work. »

Each president Since Good luck Jonathan has promised has address This situation without In do TO DO Nothing about he. In her First of all three month In desk, THE current holder, Bolas Ahmed Tinubu, has – as her recent predecessors – say again THE promised.

Will not has wait any of them longer on The politicians of which promises are notoriously inconstant, THE judges appear has to have decided has seaside resort has self-help. On 4 Can 2022, Osatohanmwen Obaseki-Osaghae, A judge of THE National Industrial Court of Nigeria, issued A judgement declaring that "Since 2008 East embarrassing Also weak And unrealistic, given THE current socioeconomic And other realities existing In Nigeria And THE current global comparative salaries And allowances paid has Judicial Officers of THE even Or similar frame." She order THE government has institute A new remuneration structure that would be guarantee minimum salaries varying Since N84 million by year For judges of Customary Courts of Call, Khadis of Sharia Courts of Call And of THE miscellaneous High Courts In THE country has has less N120 million by year For THE Chief Justice of Nigeria.


In reach This judgement, THE judge reasoned that "THE slow-down In THE economy And devaluation of THE Naira has completely eroded It is purchase power Since 2008.” She claims that In THE 14 years old period between THE last goodbye of judges salaries In 2008 ...

The perimeter of the judicial leash, By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu
National Judicial Council National Judicial Tip

For, A can ask: if THE job East SO poorly paid as they would be to have We believe, Why would be A healthy And very put parent choose has garden hose their child In A dead end position guaranteed has scourge their lives on THE course of A mandate that could last a few 35 years. There can only be two possible the reasons. A East that THE parent wishes THE child I will. This East most unlikely. THE other East that THE desk of THE judge has become SO corrupt that THE published in the Gazette remuneration Really account For nothing.

He East widely said that Nigerian judges are overworked And roughly underpaid. Senior lawyers to have describe THE terms of service of judges In THE country as "A disgrace". SO poor Indeed East their remuneration that In October 2023, THE Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) at the door THE Federal Government ask that THE salaries of judges In THE country be increase by has less 300 by hundred. But a few lawyers think This even Also weak.

Judicial salaries, he East said, to have depreciated has Nothing Since they were last revised In 2008. From SO, allegations of judicial Corruption appear has to have escalation almost In reverse proportion has THE loss In value of judicial pay, leading has suggestions of correlation, if not causality, between THE State of judicial remuneration on THE A hand And judicial Corruption on THE other. Gani Fawehinmi, A Senior Lawyer of Nigeria (SAN), WHO deceased In 2009, In do related This has judicial mortality, deploring THE do that a lot Nigerian judges "die In desk below circumstances that are related has THE barbaric terms In which they work. »

Each president Since Good luck Jonathan has promised has address This situation without In do TO DO Nothing about he. In her First of all three month In desk, THE current holder, Bolas Ahmed Tinubu, has – as her recent predecessors – say again THE promised.

Will not has wait any of them longer on The politicians of which promises are notoriously inconstant, THE judges appear has to have decided has seaside resort has self-help. On 4 Can 2022, Osatohanmwen Obaseki-Osaghae, A judge of THE National Industrial Court of Nigeria, issued A judgement declaring that "Since 2008 East embarrassing Also weak And unrealistic, given THE current socioeconomic And other realities existing In Nigeria And THE current global comparative salaries And allowances paid has Judicial Officers of THE even Or similar frame." She order THE government has institute A new remuneration structure that would be guarantee minimum salaries varying Since N84 million by year For judges of Customary Courts of Call, Khadis of Sharia Courts of Call And of THE miscellaneous High Courts In THE country has has less N120 million by year For THE Chief Justice of Nigeria.


In reach This judgement, THE judge reasoned that "THE slow-down In THE economy And devaluation of THE Naira has completely eroded It is purchase power Since 2008.” She claims that In THE 14 years old period between THE last goodbye of judges salaries In 2008 ...

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