Paul Wesley, star of The Vampire Diaries, and his wife separate after 3 years of marriage

Paul Wesley & Ines de Ramon See the gallery New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Paul Wesley was spotted romantically kissing a mystery woman after a romantic dinner at Sant Ambroeus in SoHo, NY. The Vampire Diaries star who split from wife Torrey DeVitto in 2013 was seen sharing some sweet PDA with his date at a night out in NYC. Pictured: Paul Wesley BACKGRID USA JUNE 21, 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please pixelate the face before publication* New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Paul Wesley was spotted romantically kissing a mystery woman after a romantic dinner at Sant Ambroeus in SoHo, NY. The Vampire Diaries star who split from wife Torrey DeVitto in 2013 was seen sharing some sweet PDA with his date at a night out in NYC. Pictured: Paul Wesley BACKGRID USA JUNE 21, 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please pixelate the face before publication* New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Paul Wesley was spotted romantically kissing a mystery woman after a romantic dinner at Sant Ambroeus in SoHo, NY. The Vampire Diaries star who split from wife Torrey DeVitto in 2013 was seen sharing some sweet PDA with his date at a night out in NYC. Pictured: Paul Wesley BACKGRID USA JUNE 21, 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please pixelate the face before publication*

Paul Wesley is on his way to becoming single again. Are...

Paul Wesley, star of The Vampire Diaries, and his wife separate after 3 years of marriage
Paul Wesley & Ines de Ramon See the gallery New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Paul Wesley was spotted romantically kissing a mystery woman after a romantic dinner at Sant Ambroeus in SoHo, NY. The Vampire Diaries star who split from wife Torrey DeVitto in 2013 was seen sharing some sweet PDA with his date at a night out in NYC. Pictured: Paul Wesley BACKGRID USA JUNE 21, 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please pixelate the face before publication* New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Paul Wesley was spotted romantically kissing a mystery woman after a romantic dinner at Sant Ambroeus in SoHo, NY. The Vampire Diaries star who split from wife Torrey DeVitto in 2013 was seen sharing some sweet PDA with his date at a night out in NYC. Pictured: Paul Wesley BACKGRID USA JUNE 21, 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please pixelate the face before publication* New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Paul Wesley was spotted romantically kissing a mystery woman after a romantic dinner at Sant Ambroeus in SoHo, NY. The Vampire Diaries star who split from wife Torrey DeVitto in 2013 was seen sharing some sweet PDA with his date at a night out in NYC. Pictured: Paul Wesley BACKGRID USA JUNE 21, 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please pixelate the face before publication*

Paul Wesley is on his way to becoming single again. Are...

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