These 4 mindsets will help you achieve leadership while working with a disability

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

There's no question: More of us are working with a disability or limiting condition for longer than ever before. It means we need to change our perspective on our own productivity and be prepared to see ourselves leading with limitation. People with disabilities should be prepared to reach for the brass ring as they are more of the leadership team.

In the era of “big quits,” employers are more willing than ever to hire diverse candidates with exceptional needs and limitations. The reason? Many people with disabilities have already proven that they can exceed expectations in their personal lives and at work.

But are you ready to take the next step and leverage your strengths gained through adversity to aim for a leadership role? Here are four mindsets you need to take the leap of faith and expand your vision beyond the invisible barriers that hold you back.

Related: How Physical Disability Helped Me Become a VC-Backed Tech Founder

1. Be creative

There's no better opportunity to show off your creativity than journeying through progressive visual impairment, multiple sclerosis or autism spectrum disorder. Whatever your limit, finding creative solutions is the key to every closed door, every blocked opportunity, and every unaccommodating place.

Many people with disabilities get up much earlier than workers without limitations; for someone with multiple sclerosis, getting dressed can take more than twice the time most people would need. A legally blind manager must listen to emails read through voice recognition technology, while most people visually scan the most important messages and easily dismiss the rest.

Since you have found creative solutions to overcome obstacles in your personal journey, you can take that creativity to the next level. If you plan to compete for a leadership position, use your creative side to discover new ways and embrace innovation. Your adaptability and willingness to explore new technologies will propel you to a new level of efficiency. You can be a beacon to others who want more from their careers. You are a hurricane of inspiration; you have learned to face change with confidence rather than fear.

Related: How to Be More Creative in Your Business

2. Bring your point of view

Now that you've proven that your limits don't define you, it's time to capitalize on the level of mindfulness you've acquired along your journey. Your natural state of mind is an awareness of the stress of staff members during their day. There will be decisions on how the work will be done. Accessibility and layout are already part of your wheelhouse. You will step into a leadership position with an advantage. Look around your workplace and see what needs redefining. Can small changes make a big difference in how team members work together?

Living with a disability may have taught you how to leverage your strengths and weaknesses for maximum performance. You can spot hidden potential and get the most productivity out of others because you've overcome obstacles in your own life. You have learned to complement the traits of your team members, learning to demand more of yourself while stepping back to let others shine when the time is right. It is the essence of leading with empathy, guiding people towards accepting each other's gifts and working with each other's shortcomings. You'll be the first to admit that we're all a mix of the two. Other executives will want to study your leadership style as you take the next step.

3. Speak for yourself

Part of living with a limiting condition is learning to defend yourself and discovering the strength of your vulnerability. You will excel at negotiating and motivating people because you can relate and empathize with those...

These 4 mindsets will help you achieve leadership while working with a disability

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

There's no question: More of us are working with a disability or limiting condition for longer than ever before. It means we need to change our perspective on our own productivity and be prepared to see ourselves leading with limitation. People with disabilities should be prepared to reach for the brass ring as they are more of the leadership team.

In the era of “big quits,” employers are more willing than ever to hire diverse candidates with exceptional needs and limitations. The reason? Many people with disabilities have already proven that they can exceed expectations in their personal lives and at work.

But are you ready to take the next step and leverage your strengths gained through adversity to aim for a leadership role? Here are four mindsets you need to take the leap of faith and expand your vision beyond the invisible barriers that hold you back.

Related: How Physical Disability Helped Me Become a VC-Backed Tech Founder

1. Be creative

There's no better opportunity to show off your creativity than journeying through progressive visual impairment, multiple sclerosis or autism spectrum disorder. Whatever your limit, finding creative solutions is the key to every closed door, every blocked opportunity, and every unaccommodating place.

Many people with disabilities get up much earlier than workers without limitations; for someone with multiple sclerosis, getting dressed can take more than twice the time most people would need. A legally blind manager must listen to emails read through voice recognition technology, while most people visually scan the most important messages and easily dismiss the rest.

Since you have found creative solutions to overcome obstacles in your personal journey, you can take that creativity to the next level. If you plan to compete for a leadership position, use your creative side to discover new ways and embrace innovation. Your adaptability and willingness to explore new technologies will propel you to a new level of efficiency. You can be a beacon to others who want more from their careers. You are a hurricane of inspiration; you have learned to face change with confidence rather than fear.

Related: How to Be More Creative in Your Business

2. Bring your point of view

Now that you've proven that your limits don't define you, it's time to capitalize on the level of mindfulness you've acquired along your journey. Your natural state of mind is an awareness of the stress of staff members during their day. There will be decisions on how the work will be done. Accessibility and layout are already part of your wheelhouse. You will step into a leadership position with an advantage. Look around your workplace and see what needs redefining. Can small changes make a big difference in how team members work together?

Living with a disability may have taught you how to leverage your strengths and weaknesses for maximum performance. You can spot hidden potential and get the most productivity out of others because you've overcome obstacles in your own life. You have learned to complement the traits of your team members, learning to demand more of yourself while stepping back to let others shine when the time is right. It is the essence of leading with empathy, guiding people towards accepting each other's gifts and working with each other's shortcomings. You'll be the first to admit that we're all a mix of the two. Other executives will want to study your leadership style as you take the next step.

3. Speak for yourself

Part of living with a limiting condition is learning to defend yourself and discovering the strength of your vulnerability. You will excel at negotiating and motivating people because you can relate and empathize with those...

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