This 60-Second Trick Will Change Your Skin

What if We said You that he only takes 60 seconds has TO DO A perceptible improvement In your skin? A minute East, apparently, enough has reach A cleaner, brighter, And more hydrate complexion according to has pharmacist Lena of Pons. Of Pons, WHO recommended has her clients has purify For just 60 seconds, believes that Cut down on your every day cleaning routine can help your skin improve as GOOD as manufacturing You more aware of other self-care moments.

How do THE "one minute ruler" work?

First of all, Of Pons said You need has choose THE correct cleaner. “Surfactants can be Also strong [In exfoliant cleaners], SO look has to use softer those ", She keep on going: "Strong surfactants withdraw all THE dirt And fat they come through, And on THE surface of THE skin We to have THE hydrolipidic movie, which East A blend of water And fats product naturally by OUR skin has keep he hydrate, as GOOD as perform a lot other functions. When We to use soaps that are Also strong, You could withdraw THE dirt, but you go Also take far THE hydrolipidic movie which leaves THE skin exposed. This East When THE skin will feel dry And tight And, In a few case, cause flaking And redness. »

After choose A soft cleaner, you go realize something important - these cleaners take longer has withdraw make up, dirt, And dirt: So, THE efficiency of THE "one minute ruler." "When We to use cleaners appropriate For OUR face, We should give them time has In fact purify THE skin. However, You can not feel squeaky to do the housework because You won't give THE surfactants enough time has emulsify And wash far all THE dirt on THE skin. It is Why I always recommend that You spend A minute massage And emulsifying THE soap with THE water Before rinsing he disabled. Sometimes It is not A matter of trying new routines Or get Dear some products; It is enough has invest time In correctly to apply THE some products We Already have."

60 seconds of self care

Devote 60 seconds has ourselves And OUR skin care can Also help OUR mental And emotional well-being. "A lot of My the patients take advantage of THE 60 seconds of facial care cleaning has TO DO other self-care activities that require A similar Rising of time; mindfulness exercises Or Kegel exercises has to strenghten THE pelvic ground. In THE END, teaming up A beauty routine with other activities that generate well-being will increase adhesion has both activities… You can find THE minute of facial care cleaning initially odd, but take he as time with yourself; A moment of break And A time of reflection. »

Water, water, And more water

"For soap has work GOOD You must to use he with a lot And a lot of water too a lot East not possible! Think of A bubble bath: No matter how a lot water You add, THE soap will not stop foaming. It is Why I always recommend to apply THE cleanser with wet hands And A wet confront," said of Pons. "It is easy -to dispense THE soap In your hand And put he In THE shape of A bowl, SO recharge he with more water. Rub your hands together vigorously has create A mousse And apply all on your confront In circular movements. Keep massage THE product In For those 60 seconds, And don't do it be afraid has add more water has THE blend if necessary. Finally, rinse with a lot of (lukewarm) water And tap your confront dry with A to do the housework towel. »

What should We take In account When choose OUR cleaner?

"That he book What You need base on your skin type. If You are not clear about your needs, My advice East has opt For formulas that claim has be For sensitive skin: In THE END, they to have just enough has purify THE skin And appease he has THE even time," explain THE pharmacist.

This 60-Second Trick Will Change Your Skin

What if We said You that he only takes 60 seconds has TO DO A perceptible improvement In your skin? A minute East, apparently, enough has reach A cleaner, brighter, And more hydrate complexion according to has pharmacist Lena of Pons. Of Pons, WHO recommended has her clients has purify For just 60 seconds, believes that Cut down on your every day cleaning routine can help your skin improve as GOOD as manufacturing You more aware of other self-care moments.

How do THE "one minute ruler" work?

First of all, Of Pons said You need has choose THE correct cleaner. “Surfactants can be Also strong [In exfoliant cleaners], SO look has to use softer those ", She keep on going: "Strong surfactants withdraw all THE dirt And fat they come through, And on THE surface of THE skin We to have THE hydrolipidic movie, which East A blend of water And fats product naturally by OUR skin has keep he hydrate, as GOOD as perform a lot other functions. When We to use soaps that are Also strong, You could withdraw THE dirt, but you go Also take far THE hydrolipidic movie which leaves THE skin exposed. This East When THE skin will feel dry And tight And, In a few case, cause flaking And redness. »

After choose A soft cleaner, you go realize something important - these cleaners take longer has withdraw make up, dirt, And dirt: So, THE efficiency of THE "one minute ruler." "When We to use cleaners appropriate For OUR face, We should give them time has In fact purify THE skin. However, You can not feel squeaky to do the housework because You won't give THE surfactants enough time has emulsify And wash far all THE dirt on THE skin. It is Why I always recommend that You spend A minute massage And emulsifying THE soap with THE water Before rinsing he disabled. Sometimes It is not A matter of trying new routines Or get Dear some products; It is enough has invest time In correctly to apply THE some products We Already have."

60 seconds of self care

Devote 60 seconds has ourselves And OUR skin care can Also help OUR mental And emotional well-being. "A lot of My the patients take advantage of THE 60 seconds of facial care cleaning has TO DO other self-care activities that require A similar Rising of time; mindfulness exercises Or Kegel exercises has to strenghten THE pelvic ground. In THE END, teaming up A beauty routine with other activities that generate well-being will increase adhesion has both activities… You can find THE minute of facial care cleaning initially odd, but take he as time with yourself; A moment of break And A time of reflection. »

Water, water, And more water

"For soap has work GOOD You must to use he with a lot And a lot of water too a lot East not possible! Think of A bubble bath: No matter how a lot water You add, THE soap will not stop foaming. It is Why I always recommend to apply THE cleanser with wet hands And A wet confront," said of Pons. "It is easy -to dispense THE soap In your hand And put he In THE shape of A bowl, SO recharge he with more water. Rub your hands together vigorously has create A mousse And apply all on your confront In circular movements. Keep massage THE product In For those 60 seconds, And don't do it be afraid has add more water has THE blend if necessary. Finally, rinse with a lot of (lukewarm) water And tap your confront dry with A to do the housework towel. »

What should We take In account When choose OUR cleaner?

"That he book What You need base on your skin type. If You are not clear about your needs, My advice East has opt For formulas that claim has be For sensitive skin: In THE END, they to have just enough has purify THE skin And appease he has THE even time," explain THE pharmacist.

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