TikTok is growing as a source of information on users' news diets

November 15, 2023 2:57 p.m.

Tic Tac East growth as A primary source For users' news diets, according to has THE results of A new study.

A watch that 43% of Tic Tac users regularly get their news on THE application, compared with has just 22% In 2020.

THE results that Americans are twice as likely has say that they prefer has get their news disabled of digital devices as they were Since watching TV. A few 58% said that they favorite has get news Since digital devices, against 27% For TV. Far behind were radio, has 6%, And to print, has 5%. Most Also favorite has get news Since news websites And applications, follow up by research, social media And podcasts.

Among social media sites, Facebook always dominated For news consumption. According to has THE study, 30% of WE. adults regularly get their news Since THE platform, follow up by Youtube with 26%, Instagram with 16%, Tic Tac has 14% And has 12%.

THE results are base on A investigation of 8,842 adults, led Since Seven. 25 has October. 1.

While Tic Tac users are more and more using THE application has get news, THE Numbers to have fallen For other platforms. A smaller percentage of X/Twitter And Facebook users are turning has those apps For news content, according to has THE study.

In recent weeks, Tic Tac has defended It is efforts against anti-Semitism, in the middle of critical that anti-Jewish feelings has proliferated After Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October. 7. The senator Mark Rubio (R-FL) accused THE platform of be "A tool China uses has propagated Propaganda has Americans" And that "NOW It is be used has minimize Hamas terrorism." Tic Tac East possesses by THE Chinese business ByteDance.

In A Blog job earlier This month, Tic Tac said, "On THE last little days, there has has been unhealthy analysis of Tic Tac hashtag data around THE conflict, provoking a few commentators has falsely insinuate Tic Tac East push pro-Palestinian content on pro-Israeli content has WE. users. It is simply fake. »

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TikTok is growing as a source of information on users' news diets
November 15, 2023 2:57 p.m.

Tic Tac East growth as A primary source For users' news diets, according to has THE results of A new study.

A watch that 43% of Tic Tac users regularly get their news on THE application, compared with has just 22% In 2020.

THE results that Americans are twice as likely has say that they prefer has get their news disabled of digital devices as they were Since watching TV. A few 58% said that they favorite has get news Since digital devices, against 27% For TV. Far behind were radio, has 6%, And to print, has 5%. Most Also favorite has get news Since news websites And applications, follow up by research, social media And podcasts.

Among social media sites, Facebook always dominated For news consumption. According to has THE study, 30% of WE. adults regularly get their news Since THE platform, follow up by Youtube with 26%, Instagram with 16%, Tic Tac has 14% And has 12%.

THE results are base on A investigation of 8,842 adults, led Since Seven. 25 has October. 1.

While Tic Tac users are more and more using THE application has get news, THE Numbers to have fallen For other platforms. A smaller percentage of X/Twitter And Facebook users are turning has those apps For news content, according to has THE study.

In recent weeks, Tic Tac has defended It is efforts against anti-Semitism, in the middle of critical that anti-Jewish feelings has proliferated After Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October. 7. The senator Mark Rubio (R-FL) accused THE platform of be "A tool China uses has propagated Propaganda has Americans" And that "NOW It is be used has minimize Hamas terrorism." Tic Tac East possesses by THE Chinese business ByteDance.

In A Blog job earlier This month, Tic Tac said, "On THE last little days, there has has been unhealthy analysis of Tic Tac hashtag data around THE conflict, provoking a few commentators has falsely insinuate Tic Tac East push pro-Palestinian content on pro-Israeli content has WE. users. It is simply fake. »

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